English | Chinese Simplified
Vite uses esbuild for package management
Use Typescript (https://www.typescriptlang.org/) for type declaration and checking
File-based vite-plugin-pages vue-router route management and vite-plugin-vue-layouts Layout management
Use unplugin-auto-import and unplugin-vue-components for automated management
Use [ axios ] (https://www.axios-http.cn/docs/intro) to make a network request
Use [ Pinia ] (https://pinia.vuejs.org) for status management
Use SCSS (https://www.sass.hk/guide/) for style extension
Added the VueUse Composition API tool to simplify development
Add vue-i18n for internationalization and translation
Vitesse requires Node version >=14.18 Vue3 only supports browsers that natively support ES2015
|—— docs/ //Documentation for the project
|—— public/ //public static resources
|—— src/
|—— APIS/ //Various encapsulated API interfaces
|—— assets/ //common style and static assets
|—— components/ //Components in various packages
|—— language/ //all kinds of language files
|—— layouts/ //Customized template
|—— modules/ //Imported modules
|—— pages/ //A file that automatically generates routes
|—— stores/ //pinia
|—— App.vue
|—— auto-imports.d.ts
|—— components.d.ts
|—— main.ts //Entry file
|—— .env.development//environment variable
|—— .env.production //environment variable
|—— .gitignore //Git configuration file
|—— .npmrc //npm configuration file
|—— build-test.sh //build-test
|—— index.html
|—— package.json
|—— pnpm-lock.yaml
|—— README.en.md
|—— README.md
|—— serve.js //build-test to package the test server script
|—— tsconfig.json //typeScript
|—— tsconfig.node.json
|—— vite.config.ts //vite
Just execute the following command to see it in http://localhost:3333
pnpm dev
To build the app, you only need to execute the following command
pnpm build
Then you'll see the 'dist' folder for publishing generated.
To build a test, run the following command:
pnpm build-test
Then you'll see the 'dist' folder for publishing generated. and execute an execution that simulates a static file server