- Create random army form available units
- Run fight simulations between two armies
- clone project
- cd <project_root> && run ´$ composer install´
- cd <project_root>/public && run ´php -S localhost:8000´
- open browser and go to ´http://localhost:8000´
All tests run command ´$ composer unit´
Filter tests run command ´$ composer uf ´
run command ´$ composer stan´
- optimize fight simulation
- standardize method and class names
- write missing tests
- add feature and integration tests ( refactor test structure )
- add config loader
- create weapons, armor, units, battlefields ... from config
- add DIC
- add templating engine and refactor
- add hooks for battle modifiers
- add getenv
- add infrastructure for presisting battle results in database||filesistem
- refactor and create package