Theo is a small and elegant HTML-like template language for Ruby on Rails, featuring natural partials and computed attributes.
Please note that this software is still experimental - use at your own risk.
Thanks to Hotwire, it's now possible to build sophisticated server-rendered user interfaces in Ruby on Rails. However, ERB, Rails' most popular template language, has unintuitive partial syntax, especially for those used to working with Vue.js or React components.
With Theo, you can render a partial using HTML-like syntax:
<_button size="large" label%="label" />
For rendering partials, you can also use PascalCase:
<Button size="large" label%="label" />
bundle add theo-rails
If you are using TailwindCSS version 3, add .theo
extension to the content
key in your tailwind.config.js
: ./app/views/**/*.{erb,haml,html,slim,theo}
Create a new view named 'hello.html.theo(note the
.theo` suffix), with the following content:
<span style%="'background-color: ' + 'yellow'">Hello from Theo!</span>
Visit the URL corresponding to this view and you should see a highlighed text.
Computing attribute value in ERB feels awkward because angle brackets <>
clash with the surrounding HTML tag.
In Theo, an attribute with computed value can be expressed using %=
. For example:
<a href%="root_path">Home</a>
is equivalent to:
<a href="<%= root_path %>">Home</a>
Computed attributes work with partials as well as standard HTML tags.
If value of a dynamic attribute is the same as its name, you can omit the value.
For example:
<img src%>
is equivalent to:
<img src%="src">
which in turn is equivalent to:
<img src="<%= src %>">
Since reserved ruby keywords such as class
can't be used as variable names but still can be passed as locals to a partial, they are converted to the following:
<div class="<%= binding.local_variable_get('class') %>">Text</div>
You can specify both static and dynamic version of class
and style
attribute on a tag, and they will be merged.
For example:
<div class% class="big" style% style="color: red">Text</div>
is equivalent to:
<div class="<%= binding.local_variable_get('class').to_s + ' big' %>" style="<%= style.to_s + '; color: red' %>">Text</div>
This is especially useful when you want to apply a class
and style
attribute to a partial root and merge the dynamic local with default value. For example, if you have the following partial:
<%# locals: (class: nil) -%>
<button class% class="big">Button</button>
that is used as follows:
<_button class="blue" />
it will render:
<button class="big blue">Button</button>
Rendering a partial in ERB requires context-switching between HTML markup and Ruby code, and the render
verb makes it difficult to imagine a page as a component structure.
In Theo, you render a partial by writing a tag with '_' prefix, followed by kebab-cased partial name, for example:
<_special-button size="large" />
is equivalent to:
<%= render 'special_button', size: 'large' %>
Alternatively, you can also use PascalCase, for example:
<SpecialButton size="large" />
The benefit is that this form is recognized as valid HTML by most parsers.
Naturally, partials can also include content, e.g.:
<_button size="large">
Rendered partials can be implemented in ERB, Theo or any other template language.
You can render a collection of partials as follows:
<_widget collection="widgets" />
which is equivalent to:
<%= render partial: 'widget', collection: widgets %>
You can also customize the local variable name via the as
attribute, e.g.:
<_widget collection="widgets" as="item" />
If an attribute has no value, you can omit it, for example:
<_button disabled />
is equivalent to:
<_button disabled="" />
To render a partial from another folder, use the 'path' attribute, e.g.:
<_widget path="widgets" />
is equivalent to:
<%= render 'widgets/widget' %>
Partials can yield a value, such as a builder object that can be used by child partials. For example:
<_widget-builder yields="widget">
<_widget-element widget%="widget" />
is equivalent to:
<%= render 'widget_builder' do |widget| %>
<%= render 'widget_element', widget: %>
<% end %>
Instead of using yields
attribute, a parent partial can indirectly pass a variable to its children using the provide
and inject
helpers. The example above can be modified as follows:
<_widget-element />
<% provide(widget:) do %>
<%= yield %>
<% end %>
<% widget = inject(:widget) %>
This technique is used by form partials. Use it sparingly, as implicit variables can reduce code readability.
You can freely mix ERB and Theo syntax, e.g.:
<% if total_amount > 100 %>
<_free-shipping amount%="total_amount" />
<% end %>
You can build a <form>
element in ERB using ActionView form helpers. Theo provides corresponding partials. For example:
<_form-with model%="widget" data-turbo-confirm="Are you sure?">
<_label name="name" />
<_text-field name="name" />
<_label name="size" />
<_select name="size" options%="['Big', 'Small']" />
<_submit value="Create" />
is equivalent to:
<%= form_with model: widget, data: { turbo_confirm: 'Are you sure?' } do |form| %>
<%= form.label :name %>
<%= form.text_field :name %>
<%= form.label :size %>
<%= :size, ['Big', 'Small'] %>
<%= form.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>
Theo is compatible with ViewComponent framework.
Here's a component using Theo template syntax:
class ButtonComponent < ViewComponent::Base
theo_template <<-THEO
<span class%="@size"><%= content %></span>
def initialize(size:)
@size = size
If a components exists, and you use PascalCase syntax, Theo automatically renders it instead of a partial. Therefore:
<Button size="large" />
is equivalent to:
<%= render( "large")) %>
Components can yield a value:
<Button size="large" yields="component">
<% component.with_header do %>Icon<% end %>
You can also render a component collection as follows:
<Widget collection="widgets" />
which is equivalent to:
<%= render WidgetComponent.with_collection(widgets) %>