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Fin, Try, and IO applicative behaviours + minor fixes

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@louthy louthy released this 16 Sep 11:12
· 244 commits to main since this release

A question was asked about why Fin doesn't collect errors like Validation when using applicative Apply, seeing as Error (the alternative value for Fin) is a monoid. This seems reasonable and has now been added for the following types:

  • Fin<A>
  • FinT<M, A>
  • Try<A>
  • TryT<M, A>
  • IO<A>
  • Eff<A>
  • Eff<RT, A>

I extended this for Try, IO, and Eff because their alternative value is also Error, so it makes sense in applicative scenarios.

The IO monad has also had its Apply internals updated to work with the new underlying IOAsync, IOSync, ... types. It now uses regular Task.WhenAll instead of forking to achieve concurrent execution. To achieve genuine parallel execution you can still call Fork on the operands.

IO has also had its Zip functions updated to use Apply instead of forking for the same reasons. That means forking of an IO operation is a choice by the programmer rather than something that is imposed in certain functions.

Because Eff<RT, A> and Eff<A> are both based on the IO monad they're also updated to this new behaviour.

Domain Type traits

Minor fixes to the Domain-Type interfaces:

In Locus<SELF, SCALAR, DISTANCE>, I have reordered the SCALAR and DISTANCE types and renamed SCALAR to SCALAR_DISTANCE; that means the new type is: Locus<SELF, DISTANCE, DISTANCE_SCALAR> -- so it's obvious that it's a scalar value for the distance rather than SELF. Also, removed Origin and now rely on the AdditiveIdentity from IAdditiveIdentity.

Credit card validation sample

Added a new Credit Card Validation sample, this is the example built in my Higher Kinds in C# series with all of the data-types converted to use the Domain Type traits.