A stopwatch and countdown clock module for node.js
npm install timer-stopwatch
The Gist new Stopwatch([countDownMS], [options])
Basic timers
var Stopwatch = require('timer-stopwatch');
var timer = new Stopwatch(60000); // A new countdown timer with 60 seconds
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // A new count up stopwatch. Starts at 0.
###Event Methods
// Fires every 50ms by default. Change setting the 'refreshRateMS' options
timer.onTime(function(time) {
console.log(time.ms); // number of milliseconds past (or remaining);
// Fires when the timer is done
console.log('Timer is complete');
// Fires when the timer is almost complete - default is 10 seconds remaining. Change with 'almostDoneMS' option
timer.onAlmostDone(function() {
console.log('Timer is almost complete');
//These methods are chainable
###Timer Methods
timer.startstop(); // Toggles the running state
timer.reset(countDownMS); // optional countDownMS to reset countdown to that many milliseconds
timer.lap(); //gets the time from when the last lap was called
timer.ms; // Number of milliseconds on the clock
var options = {
refreshRateMS: 10, // How often the clock should be updated
almostDoneMS: 10000, // When counting down - this event will fire with this many milliseconds remaining on the clock
var timer = new Stopwatch(60000, options);
var timer = new Stopwatch(options);
- The 'forcestop' event is being depreciated in favour of 'stop'.
- Use the onTime, onAlmostDone, onDone and onStop methods in favour of .on('eventname').
Unit and Integration tests (requires dev dependencies)
npm test
MIT License