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update to Toaq Delta
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lynn authored Dec 20, 2022
2 parents 1042810 + 5f96fac commit 09af5e6
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 96 deletions.
256 changes: 160 additions & 96 deletions index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html">
<meta name="description" content="Sa chủo kïu chỏq kảı hóa pó Tỏaqzu">
<meta name="description" content="Sá chuo ꝡë chôq hóa nä kaı há báq no lö toaqzu">
<meta name="language" content="Toaq">
<meta name="author" content="Lỉq">
<meta name="author" content="Lına">
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

* { box-sizing: border-box; }
body { max-width: 40em; margin: auto; font-size: 18px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; text-align: center; background: #f8f8f8; color: #222222; padding: 10px; }
Expand All @@ -25,27 +25,23 @@
.soa samp { font-family: inherit; font-weight: bold; color: #197A92; }
const t1 = '\u0304';
const t2 = '\u0301';
const t3 = '\u0308';
const t4 = '\u0309';
const t5 = '\u0302';
const t6 = '\u0300';
const t7 = '\u0303';
const tones = [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7];
const d2 = '\u0301';
const d3 = '\u0308';
const d4 = '\u0302';
const underdot = '\u0323';

const toneKeys = new Map([
['-', t1], ['1', t1],
['/', t2], ['2', t2],
['"', t3], ['3', t3],
['?', t4], ['4', t4],
['^', t5], ['5', t5],
['\\',t6], ['6', t6],
['~', t7], ['7', t7],
['/', d2], ['2', d2],
['"', d3], ['3', d3],
['^', d4], ['4', d4],

const compose = new Map([
['ı9', 'i'],
['i', 'ı'],
['v', 'ꝡ'],
['V', 'Ꝡ'],

['ı0', 'i'],
['<<', '«'],
['<:', '‹'],
['>>', '»'],
Expand All @@ -54,72 +50,139 @@
[']]', '⟧'],

const syllableForm = '(b|c|ch|d|f|g|h|j|k|l|m|n|nh|p|r|s|sh|t|z|)([aàáâãāäảeèéêẽēëẻıìíîĩīïỉioòóôõōöỏuùúûũūüủyỳýŷỹȳÿỷ]+)(q?)';
const reSyllables = RegExp(syllableForm, 'giu');
const reWordAtEnd = RegExp('(' + syllableForm + ')+[rpxntkflbzmdgv8]?$', 'iu');
const reParticle = /^(ba|baq|beı|bı|co|cu|cy|da|fı|ga|go|hı|hoı|hu|ja|je|ju|juaq|ka|ke|keo|kı|kıo|ku|ky|mao|moq|na|nha|nheo|nhu|pa|ra|re|rı|ro|roı|ru|sa|sıa|teo|tıo|tıu|to|tou|tu|tushı|tuq)$/iu;
const reInterjection = /^(ıfu|aja|ahı|ume|ufu|ua|obe|upa|buzy?|oaı|ubaı|enı|aıba|obe|nho|zı|jadı|kıkı|kıjı|oro|jaga|ına|a)$/iu;
const reNoun = /^(aq|bou|cheq|fuy|ha|ho|hoa|hoq|jı|kou|kuy|maq|muy|mıy?|nhao|ray|rou|suq|ta|ze)$/iu;
const wordTones = new Map([

// personal pronouns
["jı", d2],
["suq", d2],
["suna", d2],
["nhao", d2],
["nhana", d2],
["umo", d2],
["ıme", d2],
["suho", d2],
["ama", d2],

// anaphoric pronouns
["ho", d2],
["hoq", d2],
["maq", d2],
["ta", d2],
["aq", d2],
["cheq", d2],

// other pronouns
["hoa", d2],
["ha", d2],
["mı", d2],

// illocutions
["moq", d2],

// focus prefixes
["ku", d2],
["beı", d2],
["to", d2],
["mao", d2],
["juaq", d2],

// quantifiers
["sa", d2],
["tu", d2],
["tuq", d2],
["sıa", d2],
["nı", d2],
["baq", d2],
["hı", d2],
["hu", d2],
["ke", d2],
["ja", d2],

// conjunctions
["roı", d2],
["ru", d2],
["ra", d2],
["ro", d2],
["rı", d2],
["keo", d2],

// vocatives
["hoı", d2],

// complementizers
["ꝡe", d3],
["ju", d3],
["la", d3],

// cleft constructions
["na", d3],
["bı", d3],
["go", d3],

// parentheticals
["kıo", d3],

const reWordAtEnd = /\p{L}+1?$/iu;
const reConvertKey = /^([ ,.;:?!>»"']|Enter)$/iu;
const keyChar = key => key === 'Enter' ? '\n' : key;

// Add a tone to a vowel, syllable, or word.
// adorn('u', t3) === 'ü' (normalized)
// adorn('fıeq', t4) === 'fỉeq' (normalized)
// adorn('Ruqshua', t5) === 'Rûqshua' (normalized)
function adorn(vowel, tone) {
if (tone === '') return vowel;
return vowel
// adorn('fıeq', t2) === 'fíeq' (normalized)
// adorn('Ruqshua', t4) === 'Rûqshua' (normalized)
function adorn(text, tone) {
text = text
.normalize("NFKD").replace(/[\u0300-\u030f]/g, '')
.replace(/[aeıiouy]/iu, v => (v.replace('ı', 'i') + tone))
.replace(/[aeıiou]/iu, v => v.replace('ı', 'i') + tone);
return normalizeToaq(text);

// Add automatic diacritics to an input word. Also handle Vietoaq tones.
// convert('Ruqshua') === 'Rủqshūa'
// convert('Rûqshua') === 'Rûqshūa'
// convert('jı') === 'jí'
// convert('jıt') === 'jî'
function convert(word) {
const add_t1 = false;
const add_t4 = document.getElementById('add-t4').checked;

// Turn "choadeod" into "choadeoqt"...
const qvieChar = word[word.length - 1];
const qvie = 'lbzmdgv'.indexOf(qvieChar.toLowerCase());
let addedQ = qvieChar == qvieChar.toUpperCase() ? 'Q' : 'q';
if (qvie >= 0) word = word.replace(/.$/, addedQ + 'rpxntkf'[qvie]);

// Then turn that into "chôadeoq".
const vie = 'rpxntkf'.indexOf(word[word.length - 1].toLowerCase());
if (vie >= 0) {
const bare = word.replace(/.$/, '');
word = vie === 3 && !add_t4 ? bare+'8' : adorn(bare, tones[vie])
// Add an underdot to the last position in a word, and remove all others
// (assuming the user will continue typing without calling this fn again)
// adornUnderdot('bọhạbuq') === 'bohabụq' (normalized)
function adornUnderdot(text) {
text = text.normalize("NFKD").replace(/\u0323/g, '');
// is there seriously no better way to do this?
let match, lastMatch;
let re = /(?:[aeıiou]\p{Mn}*)+/giu;
while(match = re.exec(text)) {
lastMatch = match;
// add 1 to skip past the first vowel, that's where we insert the diacritic
let i = lastMatch.index + 1;
text = text.slice(0, i) + underdot + text.slice(i);
return normalizeToaq(text);

// A trailing 8 means "no tone / dictionary form".
const neutralTone = /8$/.test(word);
word = word.replace(/8$/, '');

word = word.normalize();
if (reParticle.test(word)) return word;
if (reInterjection.test(word)) return word;
const isNoun = reNoun.test(word);
var i = 0;
return word.replace(reSyllables, (_, c, v, q) => {
const isFirst = i++ === 0;
const tone = isFirst ? (isNoun ? t2 : (add_t4 ? t4 : '')) : (add_t1 ? t1 : '');
const alreadyHasTone = !/^[aeıiouy]+$/iu.test(v);
const vowel = isFirst && neutralTone || alreadyHasTone ? v : adorn(v, tone);
return c + vowel + q;
// Unicode NFC normalization will normalize ị̂ as ị+◌̂, which looks bad; switch those cases out for î+◌̣
// Also, swap `i` for `ı`
function normalizeToaq(text) {
return text
(_, v, ds) => (v.normalize("NFD")[0] + ds).normalize() + underdot
.replace('i', 'ı');

// Add automatic diacritics to an input word.
function convert(word) {
// trailing 1: force no tone marker
if(/1$/.test(word)) {
return adorn(word.slice(0, -1), '');
// otherwise: insert default tone if we have one
let wordTone = wordTones.get(word.toLowerCase());
if(wordTone) word = adorn(word, wordTone);
return word;

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (_) => {
const kai = document.getElementById('kai');
const t4 = document.getElementById('add-t4');
kai.value = localStorage.getItem('kai');
t4.checked = localStorage.getItem('t4') === 'true';
let ch, tone;
kai.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const size = ( ?? "").length;
Expand All @@ -130,23 +193,29 @@

for (const key of [ ?? ""]) {
const previous = buf[buf.length - 1] || "";
if (key === 'i') {
// Type dotless ı's.
buf = buf + 'ı';
const previousWasLetter = /\p{L}/iu.test(previous);

// Attach underdot.
if (key === '-' && previousWasLetter) {
buf = buf.replace(reWordAtEnd, adornUnderdot);

// Compose characters.
} else if (ch = compose.get(key)) {
buf = buf + ch;
} else if (ch = compose.get(previous + key)) {
// Compose characters.
buf = buf.replace(/.$/, ch);

// Attach tones.
} else if ((tone = toneKeys.get(key))
// Digits only act as tone converters right after a letter:
&& !(/[0-9]/.test(key) && !/[a-zaàáâãāäeèéêēëıìíîĩīïoòóôõōöuùúûũūüyýŷȳÿ]/i.test(previous))
// Write a normal question mark after illocutions or non-letters:
&& !(/[?]/.test(key) && /(\b(moq|da|nha|ba|ka)|[^a-zaàáâãāäeèéêēëıìíîĩīïoòóôõōöuùúûũūüyýŷȳÿ])$/i.test(kai.value))
&& !(/[0-9]/.test(key) && !previousWasLetter)
) {
// Manually add a tone to the last word.
buf = buf.replace(reWordAtEnd, word => adorn(word, tone));
} else if (reConvertKey.test(key)) {
// Automatically add tones to (and Vietoaq-parse) the last word.
// Automatically add tones to the last word.
buf = buf.replace(reWordAtEnd, convert) + keyChar(key);

} else {
buf += key;
Expand All @@ -160,25 +229,20 @@
<div class="soa">
<!--<input hidden type="checkbox" id="add-t1">
<label hidden for="add-t1">ā</label>-->
<input type="checkbox" checked id="add-t4" onchange="localStorage.setItem('t4', this.checked.toString())">
<label for="add-t4">Mark falling tone (ả)</label>
<details><summary id="help-summary">Help</summary>
<p>This is a tool for writing <a href="">Toaq</a> on an everyday keyboard.</p>
<p>Words you type are automatically adorned with tone markers:</p>
<p class="ex"><kbd>Chietua ji suq nha.</kbd> <br>&rarr; <samp>Chỉetua jí súq nha.</samp></p>
<p>(The default is <samp></samp> for verbs, <samp>ó</samp> for pronouns, and neutral for particles.)</p>
<p>To type tones, press <kbd>2345678</kbd> or <kbd>/"?^\~</kbd> or <kbd>pxntkf</kbd> at the end of a word:</p>
<p class="ex"><kbd>Chuo2 ni bi, miu sa poq choqgi^ maq da.</kbd> <br>&rarr; <samp>Chúo nỉ bı, mỉu sa pỏq chôqgı máq da.</samp></p>
<p>Type <kbd>i9 &lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; &lt;: &gt;: [[ ]]</kbd> to write <samp>i « » ‹ › ⟦ ⟧</samp>.</p>
<summary id="help-summary">Help</summary>
<p>This is a tool for writing <a href="">Toaq</a> on an everyday keyboard.</p>
<p>Words you type are automatically adorned with tone markers:</p>
<p class="ex"><kbd>Va suq na chietua ji hoa nha.</kbd> <br>&rarr; <samp>Ꝡa súq nä chıetua jí hóa nha.</samp></p>
<p>(The default is <samp>o</samp> for verbs, <samp>ó</samp> for pronouns, and each particle's default tone.)</p>
<p>To type tones, press <kbd>1234</kbd> or <kbd>/"^</kbd> at the end of a word, and press <kbd>-</kbd> to insert an underdot:</p>
<p class="ex"><kbd>Ni chuo ki-shuai, na miu sa poq va3 choqgi maq jaq4 da.</kbd> <br>&rarr; <samp>Ní chuo kı̣shuaı, nä mıu sá poq ꝡä choqgı máq jâq da.</samp></p>
<p>Type <kbd>v i0 &lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; &lt;: &gt;: [[ ]]</kbd> to write <samp>ꝡ i « » ‹ › ⟦ ⟧</samp>.</p>
<textarea id="kai" rows="20" autofocus placeholder="Kảı súq shou"></textarea>
<textarea id="kai" rows="20" autofocus placeholder="Kaı súq doa"></textarea>

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