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Repository files navigation




This plugin for solid-start will create a route manifest which provides type-safe routes based on the file-routing. This gives you auto-completion and errors. As solid-start itself this plugin is also router agnostic. So it'll work with any router which is able to include solid-start's Fileroutes component.


npm i --save-dev solid-start-typesafe-routes-plugin
yarn add -D solid-start-typesafe-routes-plugin
pnpm add -D solid-start-typesafe-routes-plugin


Add the plugin to your app.config.ts

interface PluginProps {
  routeDir: string; //default: 'src/routes' - path to the file routes root
  outDir: string; // default: './src/RouteManifest' - path where the output files are written to
import solidStartTypesafeRouterPlugin from 'solid-start-typesafe-routes-plugin';
  vite: {
    plugins: [solidStartTypesafeRouterPlugin()],

The plugin will create an index.js and index.d.tsthe in src/RouteManifest.

Layouts will be ignored.

Updates automatically on

  1. pnpm build
  2. pnpm dev on startup of the dev server and when a file is created/moved/deleted in the src/routes directory

Assuming this routes

  │   index.tsx
  │   about.tsx
  │    [slug].tsx
  │   │
  │   └───[first]
  │          │
  │          └─[second]
  │                [third].tsx
  │                add.tsx

You can get the routes like

import { routes } from '~/RouteManifest';

routes().index; // => '/'
routes().about.index; // => '/about'

routes().posts.slug('hello-world').index; // => '/posts/hello-world'

routes().multiple.first('a').second('b').third('c').index; // => '/multiple/a/b/c'
routes().multiple.first('a').second('b').third('c').add.index; // => '/multiple/a/b/c/add'

routes().auth.userId('xyz').index; // => '/auth/xyz'

// Pass searchparams to routes
routes({ q: 'apples' }).index; // => '/?q=apples'

So use it like

<a href={routes().posts.slug('hello-world').index}> ... </a>

<Link href={routes().posts.slug('hello-world').index} isActive={routes().posts.slug('hello-world').index === location.pathname}>...</Link>

// -----------------------------------------

import { useNavigate } from '@solidjs/router';

const navigate = useNavigate();

// -----------------------------------------

export const login = action(async () => {
  'use server'
  return redirect(routes().index, { revalidate:getUser.key });
}, "loginAction")