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A workflow tool for weather-model verification, leveraging uwtools to drive MET and METplus.


  1. Download, install, and activate Miniforge, the conda-forge project's implementation of Miniconda. This step can be skipped if you already have a conda installation you want to use. Linux aarch64 and x86_64 systems are currently supported. The example shown below is for a Linux aarch64 system, so if your system is Intel/AMD, download the x86_64 installer.
bash -bfp conda
. conda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate
  1. Create and activate a conda virtual environment providing the latest wxvx. Add the flags -c conda-forge --override-channels to the conda create command if you are using a non-conda-forge conda installation.
conda create -y -n wxvx -c ufs-community -c maddenp wxvx
conda activate wxvx
wxvx --version

The activated virtual environment includes the metkit package, which provides MET and select METplus executables and data files. See the metkit docs for more information.


The content of the YAML configuration file supplied via -c / --config is described in the table below.

│ Key                │ Description                                  │
│ baseline:          │ Description of the baseline dataset          │
│   name:            │   Dataset descriptive name                   │
│   plot:            │   Plot baseline forecast?                    │
│   url:             │   Template for baseline GRIB file URLs       │
│ cycles:            │ Cycles to verify                             │
│   start:           │   First cycle as ISO8601 timestamp           │
│   step:            │   Interval between cycles as hh[:mm[:ss]]    │
│   stop:            │   Last cycle as ISO8601 timestamp            │
│ forecast:          │ Description of the forecast dataset          │
│   name:            │   Dataset descriptive name                   │
│   path:            │   Filesystem path to Zarr/netCDF dataset     │
│   projection:      │   Projection name and attributes (see below) │
│ leadtimes:         │ Leadtimes to verify                          │
│   start:           │   First leadtime as hh[:mm[:ss]]             │
│   step:            │   Interval between leadtimes as hh[:mm[:ss]] │
│   stop:            │   Last leadtime as hh[:mm[:ss]]              │
│ meta:              │ Optional free-form data section              │
│ paths:             │ Paths                                        │
│   grids:           │   Where to store netCDF/GRIB grids           │
│   run:             │   Where to store run data                    │
│ variables:         │ Mapping describing variables to verify       │
│   VAR:             │   Forecast-dataset variable name             │
│     level_type:    │     Generic level type                       │
│     levels:        │     Sequence of level values                 │
│     name:          │     Canonical variable name                  │

Use the -s / --show CLI switch to show a pro-forma config with realistic values for reference.

  • The baseline URL template may include {yyyymmdd} (forecast date) and {hh} (forecast hour) Jinja2 expressions, which will be replaced with appropriate values at run time.
  • The last cycle/leadtime is included in verification. That is, the ranges are inclusive of their upper bounds.
  • The meta: block may contain, for example, values tagged with YAML anchors referenced elsewhere via aliases (see the Aliases section here), or values referenced elsewhere in Jinja2 expressions to be rendered by uwtools (see examples in here).
  • The variables: block is an arbitrarily long mapping from forecast-dataset variable names to generic descriptions of the named variables. Generic-description attributes (names and level types) follow ECMWF conventions: See the Parameter Database for names, and this list or the output of grib_ls run on a GRIB file containing the variable in question, for level types.
  • Currently supported level types are: atmosphere, heightAboveGround, isobaricInhPa, surface.
  • A levels: value should only be specified if a level type supports it. Currently, these are: heightAboveGround, isobaricInhPa.
  • CF Metadata are added to the copies made of forecast variables that are provided to MET, which requires them. See this database for CF standard names and units.
  • The forecast.projection value should be a mapping with at least a proj key identifying the ID of the projection, and potentially additional projection attributes depending on the proj value:
    • When proj is latlon, specify no additional attributes.
    • When proj is lcc, specify attributes a, b, lat_0, lat_1, lat_2, and lon_0.


$ wxvx --help
usage: wxvx -c FILE [-t [TASK]] [-d] [-h] [-k] [-n N] [-s] [-v]


Required arguments:
  -c FILE, --config FILE
      Configuration file
  -t [TASK], --task [TASK]
      Execute task (no argument => list available tasks)

Optional arguments:
  -d, --debug
      Log all messages
  -h, --help
      Show help and exit
  -k, --check
      Check config and exit
  -n N, --threads N
  -s, --show
      Show a pro-forma config and exit
  -v, --version
      Show version and exit


Consider a config.yaml

  name: HRRR
  plot: true
  start: "2025-03-01T00:00:00"
  step: "01:00:00"
  stop: "2025-03-01T23:00:00"
  name: ML
  path: /path/to/forecast.zarr
    proj: latlon
  start: "03:00:00"
  step: "03:00:00"
  stop: "09:00:00"
  levels: &levels [800, 1000]
  workdir: /path/to/workdir
  grids: "{{ meta.workdir }}/grids"
  run: "{{ meta.workdir }}/run"
    level_type: isobaricInhPa
    levels: *levels
    name: gh
    level_type: atmosphere
    name: refc
    level_type: heightAboveGround
    levels: [2]
    name: 2t

This config directs wxvx to find forecast data, in Zarr format and on a regular lat/lon grid, under /path/to/forecast.zarr. The forecast will be called ML in MET .stat files and in plots. It will be verified against HRRR analysis, which can be found in GRIB files in an AWS bucket at URLs given as the baseline.template value, where yyyymmdd, hh, and ff will be filled in by wxvx. 24 hourly cycles starting at 2025-03-01 00Z, each with forecast leadtimes 3, 6, and 9, will be verified. Variable grids extracted from forecast and baseline datasets will be written to /path/to/workdir/grids, and run output will be created in /path/to/workdir/run: The Jinja2 expressions inside {{ }} markers will be processed by uwtools and may use any features it supports. Three variables -- geopotential height, composite reflectivity, and 2-meter temperature, will be verified. The keys under variables map the names of the variables as they appear in the forecast dataset to a canonical description of the variable using ECMWF variable names and level-type descriptions (see the notes in the Configuration section for links). Note that some variables do not support a "level" concept. So, the full verification task-graph will comprise: cycles x leadtimes x variables x levels.

Invoking wxvx -c config.yaml -t grids would stage the forecast and baseline grids on disk, only; -t stats would produce statistics via MET tools, but also stage grids if they are not already available; and -t plots would plot statistics, but also produce statistics (and stage grids) if they are not already available.


  1. In the base environment of a Miniforge installation, install the condev package. Add the flags -c conda-forge --override-channels to the conda create command if using a non-conda-forge conda installation.
conda install -y -c maddenp condev
  1. In the root directory of a wxvx git clone:
make devshell

This will create and activate a conda virtual environment named DEV-wxvx, where all build, run, and test requirement packages are available, and the code under src/wxvx/ is live-linked into the environment, such that code changes are immediately live and testable. Several make targets are available: make format formats Python code and JSON documents, and make test runs all code-quality checks (equivalent to make lint && make typecheck && make unittest, targets which can also be run independently). A common development idiom is to periodically run make format && make test.

When you are finished, type exit to return to your previous shell. The DEV-wxvx environment will still exist, and a future make devshell command will more-or-less instantly activate it again.

Extract Grid Projection from GRIB

conda install -y pygrib
python -c "import pygrib; print('a.grib2').message(1).projparams)"


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