We are deploying Open5gs as a native Linux daemon service application.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:open5gs/latest
sudo apt update
sudo apt install open5gs
Note : We are deploying Open5gs and Ueransim on seperate VM's say server1 and server2 respectively.
Upadte the Amf config file loacted at /etc/open5gs/amf.yaml by replacing given ip of ngap address to local eth0 ip. And then restart amf service.
sudo systemctl restart open5gs-amfd
Upadte the Upf config file loacted at /etc/open5gs/upf.yaml by replacing given ip of gtpu address to local eth0 ip. And then restart upf service.
sudo systemctl restart open5gs-upfd
In order to bridge between the 5G Core UPF and Internet, we need enable IP forwarding and add a NAT rule to the IP Tables. Following are the NAT port forwarding we have to do. Without this port forwarding the connectivity from 5G Core to internet would not work.
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo systemctl stop ufw
sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT
Now we need to access our open5gs dashboard.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
git clone https://github.com/open5gs/open5gs.git
# run webui with npm
cd webui
npm ci --no-optional && npm run build
npm run dev --host
# the web interface will start on
# run this command if you are on remote serverand want to access dashboard locally
ssh -L localhost:3000:localhost:3000 ubuntu@ip
Login credentials : username - admin password - 1423
Add new subscriber from dashboard : IMSI: 901700000000001, Subscriber Key: 465B5CE8B199B49FAA5F0A2EE238A6BC, USIM Type: OPc, Operator Key: E8ED289DEBA952E4283B54E88E6183CA
On server2.
# install cmake and other packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install iproute2
sudo snap install cmake --classic
sudo apt install gcc
sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install libsctp-dev
# clone ueransim
git clone https://github.com/aligungr/UERANSIM
We have to do some changes to the gNB config files located in UERANSIM/config/open5gs-gnb.yaml. Update the "linkIp", "ngapIp", "gtpIp" field with local ip (server 2 ip) and "amfConfigs: address" field with amf ip ( server1 ip).
# start gnb with open5gc-gnb.yaml config file
sudo ./build/nr-gnb -c config/open5gs-gnb.yaml
We have to do some changes to the UE config files located in UERANSIM/config/open5gs-ue.yaml. Update the "gnbSearchList" with the IP address of the server2.
# start gnb with open5gc-ue.yaml config file
sudo ./build/nr-ue -c config/open5gs-ue.yaml