This is a very simple MVC model PHP application. You will able to run it via Docker as well. This Framework supports Web URLS, Linux CLI application, Crons easily.
- PHP 8
- Apache / Nginx
- Mysql / Postgresql / Oracle
To use this framework
- import
files into database - change database information in this file
- make this folder
- change
permition to 777 - run
composer install
- using apache "http://YOUR_SERVER/"
- using php Built-in web server "php -S" OR "bash"
If you like to use Docker container docker run -d --name=oneframework -p 80:80 majidphp/oneframework
OR use docker composer docker-compose up -d
Commands: put your php script then run via cli
Config: all defined variables
Controllers: Web(http) app class files
Crons: put your cron files and modify Crons/index.php $crons array
Libs: user library files (Each one must be a folder)
Models: classes work with database
Private: put your env files or everythings you don't want show in web (protected by .htaccess file)
Public: put your public files that you want to share over website. (like static files)
System: Core system files
Views: put your template files (Oneframework uses Smarty as a template engine)