1. Heirarchical Clustering
It is a bottom to top approach.
Find the euclidian distance between two points. Club closest point in one cluster.
Then find the euclidian distance between two cluster / distance between one cluster and one point. We will again club the shortest distance in one cluster.
Method to calculate euclidian distance
Single Linkage - shortest distance between 2 points in clusters.
Average Linkage - largest distance between 2 points in clusters.
Complete Linkage - Average of distance between all points in clusters.
Centroid Linkage - Find centroids of each clusters and find the distance between their centroids.
If the data has both binary and numerical data. First convert the binary categorical data to 0 & 1 and standardize the numerical data. And perform heirarchical clustering on it.
2. K-Means Clustering
Mostly used for practical uses. Will be used in industry frequently.
Assume K = 3 (# of clusters)
Find centroid for each partition
Find distance between all data points to all cluster centroids.
Move/Reassign datapoints to the nearest centroids.
As the data has now changed so Recompute the centroids.
Repeat step 3 - 5.
Continue till we dont have to move any datapoint closer to any other centroid.
Cluster Profiling - Naming the cluster according to the common characteristics of the points in it.
How to select K-value
- Plot Elbow graph/ Scree Plot
- DBSCAN - Density Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise.
Disadvantages of K-Means -
Cannot be used on data with noise(outliers).
K-Means does not perform well on non-spherical data. DBSCAN does.
We have to priorly determine the value of k in K-Means.
- DBSCAN is used for non-spherical data and also where data has lot of outliers, it will identify tehm seperately.
Important Terminology for DBSCAN
epsilone - User given parameter - Defines size and borders of each neighbourhood. It will depend on domain and we have to trial and error dependeing how many outliers are we getting.
Minpoints - User given parameters - Min number of points in neighnourhood to call it a dense region. Density Threshold. Generally choose minpoints >= D+1. D = no. of columns.
Core point -
Border point
Noisy point
Disadvantage of DBSCAN
Difficult with data whose density is low.
It is an itterative procedure to determine eps and minpoints.
computational complexity.