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Official Python SDK for accessing Upstox API


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Python SDK for Upstox API

The official Python library for communicating with the Upstox APIs.

Upstox Python library provides an easy to use wrapper over the HTTPs APIs.

The HTTP calls have been converted to methods and JSON responses are wrapped into Python-compatible objects.

Websocket connections are handled automatically with the library


This module is installed via pip:

pip install upstox

To force upgrade existing installations:

pip uninstall upstox
pip --no-cache-dir install --upgrade upstox


Python 2.x or 3.x

Also, you need the following modules:

  • future
  • websocket_client
  • requests

The modules can also be installed using pip

Getting started with API


There are two classes in the library: Session, and Upstox. The Session class is used to retrieve an access token from the server. An access token is valid for 24 hours. With an access token, you can instantiate an Upstox object. Ideally you only need to create a Session object once every day. After you have the access token, you can store it separately for re-use.

REST Documentation

The original REST API that this SDK is based on is available online. Upstox API REST documentation

Sample Program

An interactive Python program to test your connectivity and show functionality is available on Gist.

Using the API

Get an access token

  1. Import Upstox
from upstox_api.api import *
  1. Create a Session object with your api_key, redirect_uri and api_secret
s = Session ('your_api_key')
s.set_redirect_uri ('your_redirect_uri')
s.set_api_secret ('your_api_secret')
  1. Get the login URL so you can login with your Upstox UCC ID and password.
print (s.get_login_url())
## this will return a URL such as{your_api_key}&redirect_uri={your_redirect_uri}&response_type=code
  1. Login to the URL and set the code returned by the login response in your Session object
s.set_code ('your_code_from_login_response')
  1. Retrieve your access token
access_token = s.retrieve_access_token()
print ('Received access_token: %s' % access_token)

Establish a session

  1. Once you have your access_token, you can create an Upstox object with your access_token and api_key.
u = Upstox ('your_api_key', access_token)
  1. You can run commands here to check your connectivity
print (u.get_balance()) # get balance / margin limits
print (u.get_profile()) # get profile
print (u.get_holdings()) # get holdings
print (u.get_positions()) # get positions

Get master contracts

Getting master contracts allow you to search for instruments by symbol name and place orders. Master contracts are stored as an OrderedDict by token number and by symbol name. Whenever you get a trade update, order update, or quote update, the library will check if master contracts are loaded. If they are, it will attach the instrument object directly to the update.

u.get_master_contract('NSE_EQ') # get contracts for NSE EQ
u.get_master_contract('NSE_FO') # get contracts for NSE FO
u.get_master_contract('NSE_INDEX') # get contracts for NSE INDEX
u.get_master_contract('BSE_EQ') # get contracts for BSE EQ
u.get_master_contract('BCD_FO') # get contracts for BCD FO
u.get_master_contract('BSE_INDEX') # get contracts for BSE INDEX
u.get_master_contract('MCX_INDEX') # get contracts for MCX INDEX
u.get_master_contract('MCX_FO') # get contracts for MCX FO

Search for symbols

Symbols can be retrieved in multiple ways. Once you have the master contract loaded for an exchange, you can search for an instrument in many ways.

Search for a single instrument by it's name:

tatasteel_nse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'TATASTEEL')
reliance_nse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'RELIANCE')
ongc_bse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('BSE_EQ', 'ONGC')
mcxagri_mcx_index = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('MCX_INDEX', 'MCXAGRI')
india_vix_nse_index = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_INDEX', 'INDIA_VIX')
sensex_nse_index = u.get_instrument_by_symbol('BSE_INDEX', 'SENSEX')

Search for a single instrument by it's token number (generally useful only for BSE Equities):

ongc_bse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_token('BSE_EQ', 500312)
reliance_bse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_token('BSE_EQ', 500325)
acc_nse_eq = u.get_instrument_by_token('NSE_EQ', 22)

Search for multiple instruments by matching the name

all_tata_companies_on_bse = u.search_instruments('BSE_EQ', 'tata')

Instrument object

Instruments are represented by instrument objects. These are named-tuples that are created by the get_master_contract function. They are used when placing an order and searching for an instrument. The structure of an instrument tuple is as follows:

Instrument = namedtuple('Instrument', ['exchange', 'token', 'parent_token', 'symbol',
                                       'name', 'closing_price', 'expiry', 'strike_price',
                                       'tick_size', 'lot_size', 'instrument_type', 'isin'])

All instruments have the fields mentioned above. Wherever a field is not applicable for an instrument (for example, equity instruments don't have strike prices), that value will be None

Quote update

Once you have master contracts loaded, you can easily subscribe to quote updates.

Two types of feed data available

You can either subscribe for a full quote update or an LTP quote update. Using the LiveFeedType object, you can specify whether you want the full feed (LiveFeedType.Full) or just the LTP feed (LiveFeedType.LTP)

Get current market price

u.get_live_feed(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'ACC'), LiveFeedType.Full)
u.get_live_feed(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('BSE_EQ', 'RELIANCE'), LiveFeedType.LTP)

Subscribe to a live feed

Start getting live feed via socket

def event_handler_quote_update(message):
    print("Quote Update: %s" % str(message))


u.subscribe(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'TATASTEEL'), LiveFeedType.Full)
u.subscribe(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('BSE_EQ', 'RELIANCE'), LiveFeedType.LTP)


Unsubscribe to a live feed

Unsubscribe to an existing live feed

u.unsubscribe(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'TATASTEEL'), LiveFeedType.Full)
u.unsubscribe(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('BSE_EQ', 'RELIANCE'), LiveFeedType.LTP)

Get historical data

Get historical OHLC data for any symbol

u.get_ohlc(u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'RELIANCE'), OHLCInterval.Minute_10, datetime.datetime.strptime('01/07/2017', '%d/%m/%Y').date(), datetime.datetime.strptime('07/07/2017', '%d/%m/%Y').date())

Place an order

Place limit, market, SL, SL-M, AMO, OCO/BO, CO orders

print (u.get_profile())
u.get_master_contract('nse_eq') # get contracts for NSE EQ

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, ProductType.Delivery

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  #transaction_type
              u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  #instrument
              1,  # quantity
              OrderType.Market,  # order_type
              ProductType.Delivery,  # product_type
              0.0,  # price
              None,  # trigger_price
              0,  # disclosed_quantity
              DurationType.DAY, # duration
              None, # stop_loss
              None, # square_off
              None )# trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, ProductType.Intraday

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
              u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
              1,  # quantity
              OrderType.Market,  # order_type
              ProductType.Intraday,  # product_type
              0.0,  # price
              None,  # trigger_price
              0,  # disclosed_quantity
              DurationType.DAY,  # duration
              None,  # stop_loss
              None,  # square_off
              None  )# trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, ProductType.CoverOrder

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
              u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
              1,  # quantity
              OrderType.Market,  # order_type
              ProductType.CoverOrder,  # product_type
              0.0,  # price
              7.5,  # trigger_price Here the trigger_price is taken as stop loss (provide stop loss in actual amount)
              0,  # disclosed_quantity
              DurationType.DAY,  # duration
              None,  # stop_loss
              None,  # square_off
              None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, ProductType.OneCancelsOther
# OCO Order can't be of type market

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Limit, ProductType.Delivery

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
              u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
              1,  # quantity
              OrderType.Limit,  # order_type
              ProductType.Delivery,  # product_type
              8.0,  # price
              None,  # trigger_price
              0,  # disclosed_quantity
              DurationType.DAY,  # duration
              None,  # stop_loss
              None,  # square_off
              None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Limit, ProductType.Intraday

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.Limit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.Intraday,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 None,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks


# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Limit, ProductType.CoverOrder

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.Limit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.CoverOrder,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price Here the trigger_price is taken as stop loss (provide stop loss in actual amount)
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks 20 * 0.05

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Limit, ProductType.OneCancelsOther

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.Limit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.OneCancelsOther,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 None,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 1.0,  # stop_loss
                 1.0,  # square_off
                 20)  # trailing_ticks 20 * 0.05


# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossMarket, ProductType.Delivery

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.StopLossMarket,  # order_type
                 ProductType.Delivery,  # product_type
                 0.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossMarket, ProductType.Intraday

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.StopLossMarket,  # order_type
                 ProductType.Intraday,  # product_type
                 0.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossMarket, ProductType.CoverOrder
# CO order is of type Limit and And Market Only

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossMarket, ProductType.OneCancelsOther
# CO order is of type Limit and And Market Only


# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossLimit, ProductType.Delivery

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%10%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.StopLossLimit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.Delivery,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossLimit, ProductType.Intraday

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%11%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.StopLossLimit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.Intraday,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 None,  # stop_loss
                 None,  # square_off
                 None)  # trailing_ticks

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossLimit, ProductType.CoverOrder
# CO order is of type Limit and And Market Only

# TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.StopLossLimit, ProductType.OneCancelsOther

print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%12%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
   u.place_order(TransactionType.Buy,  # transaction_type
                 u.get_instrument_by_symbol('NSE_EQ', 'UNITECH'),  # instrument
                 1,  # quantity
                 OrderType.StopLossLimit,  # order_type
                 ProductType.OneCancelsOther,  # product_type
                 8.0,  # price
                 8.0,  # trigger_price
                 0,  # disclosed_quantity
                 DurationType.DAY,  # duration
                 1.0,  # stop_loss
                 1.0,  # square_off
                 20)  # trailing_ticks 20 * 0.05

Cancel an order

u.cancel_order('170713000075481') #Cancel an open order (Should be a string not an int)
u.cancel_order('170713000075481,170713000075482') #Cancel multiple open orders (No spaces between varous orders)
u.cancel_all_orders() #Cancel all open orders

Order properties as objects

Order properties such as TransactionType, OrderType, and others have been safely classified as objects so you don't have to write them out as strings


Transaction types indicate whether you want to buy or sell. Valid transaction types are of the following:

  • TransactionType.Buy - buy
  • TransactionType.Sell - sell


Order type specifies the type of order you want to send. Valid order types include:

  • OrderType.Market - Place the order with a market price
  • OrderType.Limit - Place the order with a limit price (limit price parameter is mandatory)
  • OrderType.StopLossLimit - Place as a stop loss limit order
  • OrderType.StopLossMarket - Place as a stop loss market order


Product types indicate the complexity of the order you want to place. Valid product types are:

  • ProductType.Intraday - Intraday order that will get squared off before market close
  • ProductType.Delivery - Delivery order that will be held with you after market close
  • ProductType.CoverOrder - Cover order
  • ProductType.OneCancelsOther - One cancels other order. Also known as bracket order


Duration types specify how long your order will stay on the market. Valid duration types include:

  • DurationType.DAY - Day order
  • DurationType.IOC - Immediate or cancel order

Listen to live events

You can attach handlers to the following market events:

  • Quote update
  • Trade update
  • Order update

Upstox uses the Websocket library to provide real-time updates for these events

  1. Before starting the websocket, attach event handlers to the events you want to be notified for
def my_generic_event_handler (event):
    print ("Event: %s" % str(event))

u.set_on_order_update (my_generic_event_handler)
u.set_on_quote_update (my_generic_event_handler)
  1. Start the websocket library. The first parameter, run_in_background, controls whether the socket will run as a daemon or not

To run it in the current thread

u.start_websocket (False)

To run it in the background, please ensure that your program doesn't exit. Here's an example of

u.start_websocket (True)
condition = threading.Condition()


Official Python SDK for accessing Upstox API







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