This projects aims to be a repository that you can store locally that can help you visualize your hiking projects or the routes that you want to check out.
The most interesting thing about this project is that it lets you visualize all your routes (both the ones that you have done already and the one that you aim to do someday) in a single map. You can also edit them, turn the routes into different colours depending on whether you have already donde them, already planned when to do them or if you have already done them.
- Ubuntu (may or may not work in other operating systems, I haven't tested it)
git clone
If you are in Ubuntu:
If you are in Arch:
- To start the gui:
Most problems I've countered have come from not having ran
when modifying the folder structure.
Contributors names and contact info
Still no initial release.
This project is licensed under the [NAME HERE] License - see the file for details
- 0.1 Version (next release)
- GUI to avoid having to deal with terminal usage.
- Installation via script.
- Future versions
- More options to modify the database.
- Being able to add points arbitrarily besides adding gpx routes.
- Link of the route in the popup.
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.