- Proposed Code Problems
- Billing Engine (System Design and abstraction) Billings Domain
- reconciliation service (Algorithmic and scaling) Reconciliations Domain
- Loan Service (system design and abstraction) System Design Documentation
- Postman with Example Response
- Golang: 1.21.5
- Echo: Web framework for building RESTful APIs
- Goose: Database migration tool
- Docker: Containerization platform
- Viper: Configuration management tool
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:
Docker: Used for containerization. Install Docker
Go: Programming language used for the project. Install Go
Goose: Database migration tool used for managing database schema. Install it using Go:
go install github.com/pressly/goose/v3@latest
1. Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/martinyonatann/acte.git
cd acte
2. Build and Run Database on Docker
make setup
3. Run Database Migrations
Use Goose to apply database migrations. You may need to configure Goose to point to your database.
make migrate-up
4. Start the Application
use the following Go command to start the application:
go run main.go
5. import Postman collection file into Postman
import file acte.postman_collection.json
into your postman