Short and effective JavaScript & TypeScript snippets for the modern-day developer.
- Over 200 carefully crafted snippets
- Modern JavaScript syntax
- Modern JavaScript APIs (Intl, URL, Navigator...)
- Strategically placed tabstops
- Prefixes created with exact-match in mind
- Auto-generated documentation
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), except for where it
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. - Truncated in documentation, for easier viewing →
Prefix | Name | Body |
ca |
const assignment |
const ${1:name} = $2 |
la |
let assignment |
let ${1:name} = $2 |
cas |
const string assignment |
const ${1:name} = '$2' |
las |
let string assignment |
let ${1:name} = '$2' |
caa |
const array assignment |
const ${1:arr} = [$0] |
cao |
const object assignment |
const ${1:obj} = { $0 } |
dob |
object destructuring |
const { $2 } = ${1:obj}$0 |
dar |
array destructuring |
const [$2] = ${1:arr}$0 |
Prefix | Name | Body |
fn |
function |
function ${1:fn}($2) {
} |
fna |
async function |
async function ${1:fn}($2) {
} |
nfn |
named arrow function |
const ${1:fn} = ($2) => {$0} |
nfna |
async named arrow function |
const ${1:fn} = async ($2) => {$0} |
af |
arrow function |
($1) => $0 |
arr |
arrow function arrow |
=> $0 |
afa |
async arrow function |
async ($1) => $0 |
afb |
arrow function with body |
($1) => {
} |
afba |
async arrow function with body |
async ($1) => {
} |
iife |
immediately-invoked function expression |
(($1) => {
})($2) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
iff |
if statement |
if (${1:true}) {$2} |
ifel |
if/else statement |
if (${1:true}) {$2} else {$3} |
ifei |
if/else-if statement |
if (${1:true}) {$2} else if ($3) {$4} |
el |
else statement |
else {
} |
ei |
else if statement |
else if ($1) {$2} |
ter |
ternary operator |
$1 ? $2 : $3 |
tera |
ternary expression assignment |
const ${1:name} = $2 ? $3 : $4 |
sw |
switch |
switch ($1) {
case $2 : $3
default: $0
} |
scase |
switch case |
case $1 : $2 |
tc |
try/catch |
try {
} catch (err) {
} |
tcf |
try/catch/finally |
try {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
} |
tf |
try/finally |
try {
} finally {
} |
Prefix | Name | Body |
flr |
for loop (range) |
for (let ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:5}; ${1:i}++) {
} |
rfl |
reverse for loop |
for (let ${1:i} = ${2:iter}.length - 1; ${1:i} >= 0; ${1:i}--) {
} |
fin | loop |
for (let ${1:key} in ${2:array}) {
} |
fof |
for...of loop |
for (let ${1:item} of ${2:items}) {
} |
fofa |
for await...of loop |
for await (let ${1:item} of ${2:items}) {
} |
wl |
while loop |
while (${1:true}) {
} |
dwl |
do while loop |
do {
} while ($1) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
cs |
class |
class $1 {
} |
cse |
class extends |
class $1 extends ${2:Base} {
} |
csp |
class proprety |
${1:name} = ${2:value} |
csc |
class with constructor |
class $1 {
constructor($2) {
} |
csec |
class extends with constructor |
class $1 extends ${2:Base} {
constructor($3) {
} |
cst |
class constructor |
constructor($1) {
} |
get |
getter |
get ${1:property}() {
} |
set |
setter |
set ${1:property}(${2:value}) {
} |
gs |
getter and setter |
get ${1:property}() {
set ${1:property}(${2:value}) {
} |
met |
method |
${1:name}($2) {
} |
meta |
async method |
async ${1:name}($2) {
} |
Prefix | Name | Body |
aat | |
$${2:0}) |
fe |
Array.forEach() |
$1.forEach((${2:item}) => {
}) |
map | |
$${2:item}) => ${3}) |
fmap |
Array.flatMap() |
$1.flatMap((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
reduce |
Array.reduce() |
$1.reduce((${2:acc}, ${3:curr}) => {
}, ${4:initial}) |
reduceRight |
Array.reduceRight() |
$1.reduceRight((${2:acc}, ${3:curr}) => {
}, ${4:initial}) |
filter |
Array.filter() |
$1.filter((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
find |
Array.find() |
$1.find((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
findl |
Array.findLast() |
$1.findLast((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
findi |
Array.findIndex() |
$1.findIndex((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
findli |
Array.findLastIndex() |
$1.findLastIndex((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
every |
Array.every() |
$1.every((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
some |
Array.some() |
$1.some((${2:item}) => ${3}) |
reverse |
Array.reverse() |
$1.reverse() |
sort |
Array.sort( |
$1.sort((${2:a}, ${3:b}) => $4) |
group | |
$${2:item}) => $3) |
groupMap |
Array.groupToMap() |
$1.groupToMap((${2:item}) => $3) |
mapStr | to string |
$ |
mapNum | to number |
$ |
mapBool | to boolean |
$ |
filterTruthy |
Array.filter() truthy |
$1.filter(Boolean) |
arfr |
Array.from |
Array.from($1) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
im |
import from module |
import { $2 } from '${1:module}' |
imd |
import default |
import ${2:thing} from '${1:module}' |
ima |
import as |
import ${2:*} as ${3:name} from '${1:module}' |
imf |
import file |
import '$1' |
imp |
import dynamic |
import('$0') |
impa |
await import dynamic |
await import('$0') |
imm |
import meta |
import.meta.$0 |
ex |
export |
export $0 |
exd |
export default |
export default $0 |
exf |
export from |
export { $0 } from '${1:module}' |
exa |
export all from |
export * from '${1:module}' |
exo |
export object |
export const ${1:name} = { $0 } |
efn |
export function |
export function ${1:name}($2) {
} |
edfn |
export default function |
export default function ${1:name}($2) {
} |
enfn |
export named arrow function |
export const ${1:name} = ($2) => {$0} |
Prefix | Name | Body |
fet |
fetch |
await fetch($1).then(res => res.json()) |
feta |
fetch assignment |
const ${1|data,...|} = await fetch($2).then(res => res.json()) |
npr |
promise |
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
}) |
prr |
Promise.resolve |
Promise.resolve($1) |
prj |
Promise.reject |
Promise.reject($1) |
then |
promise then() |
$1.then((${2:value}) => $0) |
catc |
promise catch() |
$1.catch((${2:err}) => $0) |
thenc |
promise then().catch() |
$1.then((${2:value}) => $3)
.catch((${4:err}) => $5) |
pra |
Promise.all |
Promise.all($1) |
pras |
Promise.allSettled |
Promise.allSettled($1) |
pran |
Promise.any |
Promise.any($1) |
Grouping them all together for now
Prefix | Name | Body |
arr |
array literal |
[$0] |
ob |
object literal |
{ } |
tl |
template literal |
`$0` |
tle |
template literal operation |
${${1:name}}$0 |
ns |
new Set |
new Set($1) |
nm |
new Map |
new Map($1) |
am |
array merge |
[...$1] |
om |
object merge |
{ ...$1 } |
or |
OR (||) |
|| $0 |
and |
AND (&&) |
&& $0 |
lt |
less than (<) |
< $0 |
lte |
less than or equal to (<=) |
<= $0 |
gt |
greater than (>) |
> $0 |
gte |
greater than or equal to (>=) |
>= $0 |
nc |
nullish coalescing (??) |
?? $0 |
neq |
strict non-equality (===) |
!== $0 |
eq |
strict equality (===) |
=== $0 |
ora |
logical OR assignment (||=) |
||= $0 |
nca |
nullish coalescing assignment (??=) |
??= $0 |
plus |
addition |
+ $0 |
minus |
subtraction |
- $0 |
mul |
multiplication |
* $0 |
div |
division |
/ $0 |
mod |
modulo |
% $0 |
inc |
addition assignment |
+= ${0:1} |
sub |
subtraction assignment |
-= ${0:1} |
mula |
multiplication assignment |
*= ${0:1} |
diva |
division assignment |
/= ${0:1} |
col |
colon |
: |
Prefix | Name | Body |
oe |
Object.entries |
Object.entries($0) |
ofe |
Object.fromEntries |
Object.fromEntries($0) |
ok |
Object.keys |
Object.keys($0) |
ov |
Object.values |
Object.values($0) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
pi |
parse int |
parseInt($1, ${2|10,...|}) |
pf |
parse float |
parseFloat($1) |
uniq |
array of unique values |
[ Set($0)] |
seq |
sequence of 0..n |
[...Array(${1:length}).keys()] |
cp |
copy to clipboard |
navigator.clipboard.writeText($1) |
nurl |
new URL |
new URL($1) |
sp |
url search params |
new URLSearchParams($1) |
spa |
url search params assignment |
const ${1:params} = new URLSearchParams($2) |
spg |
get search param |
${1:params}.get($2) |
sps |
set search param |
${1:params}.set($2, $3) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
ret |
return |
return $0 |
reo |
return object |
return {
} |
rei |
return object inline |
return ({$0}) |
terr |
throw error |
throw new ${1|Error,...|}($0) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
si |
set interval |
setInterval(() => {
}, ${1:1000}) |
st |
set timeout |
setTimeout(() => {
}, ${1:1000}) |
sim |
set immediate |
setImmediate(() => {
}) |
prnt |
process next tick |
process.nextTick(() => {
}) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
jsp |
JSON parse |
JSON.parse(${1:json}) |
jss |
JSON stringify |
JSON.stringify(${1:value}) |
jssf |
JSON stringify (formatted) |
JSON.stringify(${1:value}, null, 2) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
cl |
console.log |
console.log($0) |
ci | |$1) |
cdi |
console.dir |
console.dir($1) |
ce |
console.error |
console.error($1) |
cw |
console.warn |
console.warn($1) |
ct |
console.time |
console.timeEnd('$1') |
ctb |
console.table |
console.table($1) |
clr |
console.clear |
console.clear() |
clm |
console.log message |
console.log('$0') |
clo |
console.log object |
console.log({ $0 }) |
clc |
console.log clipboard |
console.log({ $CLIPBOARD }) |
cll |
console.log (labeled) |
console.log('$1 :', $1$2) |
cil | (labeled) |'$1 :', $1$2) |
cel |
console.error (labeled) |
console.error('$1 :', $1$2) |
cwl |
console.warn (labeled) |
console.warn('$1 :', ${2:$1}) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
nd |
new Date() |
new Date($1) |
nds |
new Date() with date string |
new Date('${1:2023}-${2:|01,...|}-${3:31}') |
now | | |
tls |
Date.toLocaleString() |
$1.toLocaleString('${2|en-US,...|}'$3) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
qs |
query selector |
${1:document}.querySelector('$2') |
qsa |
query selector all |
${1:document}.querySelectorAll('$2') |
qsaa |
query selector all as array |
[...${1:document}.querySelectorAll('$2')] |
ael |
event listener |
${1:document}.addEventListener('${2:click}', (e$3) => $0) |
qsae |
query selector with event listener |
${1:document}.querySelector('$2')?.addEventListener('${3:click}', (e$4) => $0) |
gid |
get element by id |
${1:document}.getElementById('$2') |
Prefix | Name | Body |
req |
require |
require('${1:module}') |
rqr |
require assignment |
const $1 = require('${1:module}') |
mex |
module.exports |
module.exports = {$1} |
Internationalization API
Prefix | Name | Body |
inf |
Intl.NumberFormat |
new Intl.NumberFormat('${1|en-US,...|}'$3).format($2) |
infs |
Intl.NumberFormat style |
new Intl.NumberFormat('${1|en-US,...|}', {
style: '${3|decimal,...|}',$4
}).format($2) |
infc |
Intl.NumberFormat as currency |
new Intl.NumberFormat('${1|en-US,...|}', {
style: 'currency',
currency: '${3|USD,...|}',$4
}).format($2) |
infp |
Intl.NumberFormat as percentage |
new Intl.NumberFormat('${1|en-US,...|}', {
style: 'percent',$3
}).format($2) |
infu |
Intl.NumberFormat as unit |
new Intl.NumberFormat('${1|en-US,...|}', {
style: 'unit',
unit: '${3|acceleration-g-force,...|}',
unitDisplay: '${4|long,...|}',$0
}).format($2) |
idtf |
Intl.DateTimeFormat |
new Intl.DateTimeFormat('${1|en-US,...|}'$3).format($2) |
idtfs |
Intl.DateTimeFormat with style |
new Intl.DateTimeFormat ('${1|en-US,...|}', {
dateStyle: '$3',$0
}).format($2) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
aia |
is array |
Array.isArray($0) |
tof |
typeof |
typeof $1 |
tofc |
typeof check |
typeof $1 === '${2|undefined,...|}' |
iof |
instanceof |
$1 instanceof ${0:Class} |
isnil |
is nil |
$1 == null |
nnil |
is not nil |
$1 != null |
isnan |
is NaN |
isNaN($0) |
nnan |
is not NaN |
!isNaN($0) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
desc |
describe |
describe('$1', () => {
}) |
cont |
context |
context('$1', () => {
}) |
it |
test (synchronous) |
it('$1', () => {
}) |
ita |
test (asynchronous) |
it('$1', async () => {
}) |
itc |
test (callback) |
it('$1', (done) => {
}) |
bf |
before test suite |
before(() => {
}) |
bfe |
before each test |
beforeEach(() => {
}) |
aft |
after test suite |
after(() => {
}) |
afe |
after each test |
afterEach(() => {
}) |
Prefix | Name | Body |
wlo |
window.location |
window.location |
wlh |
window.location.href |
window.location.href |
Prefix | Name | Body |
us |
'use strict' statement |
'use strict' |
prs |
process.server |
process.server |
prc |
process.client |
process.client |
env |
env variable |
process.env.$0 |
envv |
env variable (meta) |
import.meta.env.$0 |
Available only where TypeScript is supported
Prefix | Name | Body |
cat |
const assignment (typed) |
const ${1:name}: ${2:string} = $3 |
lat |
let assignment (typed) |
let ${1:name}: ${2:string} = $3 |
caat |
array assignment (typed) |
const ${1:arr}: ${2:string}[] = [$0] |
caot |
object assignment (typed) |
const ${1:obj}: ${2:object} = { $0 } |
Prefix | Name | Body |
int |
interface |
interface ${1:Model} {
} |
inte |
interface extends |
interface ${1:Model} extends ${2:Base} {
} |
tp |
type |
type ${1:Model} = $2 |
tpu |
type union |
type ${1:Model} = ${2:string} | ${3:number} |
tpi |
type intersection |
type ${1:Model} = $2 & $3 |
Prefix | Name | Body |
qst |
query selector (typed) |
${1:document}.querySelector<${2|HTMLElement,...|}>('$3') |
qsat |
query selector all (typed) |
${1:document}.querySelectorAll<${2|HTMLElement,...|}>('$3') |
qsaat |
query selector all as array (typed) |
[...${1:document}.querySelectorAll<${2|HTMLElement,...|}>('$3')] |
gidt |
get element by id (typed) |
${1:document}.getElementById<${2|HTMLElement,...|}>('$3') |
# ensure Deno is installed
#[email protected]/getting_started/installation
# generate .code-snippets and documentation
npm run generate