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🕵️‍♂️ A GitHub action that can resolve semantic versions and return them as output

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Validate Semantic Version Action

Ensure the given version complies with semantic versioning.

An action that can validate the given version input and ensure that it complies with semantic versioning. If the action suceeds then the version and its breakdown can be accessed through outputs. The input is analysed and the version is extracted if a git-ref has been provided.


The action can be used on its own or with an assigned id depending on the use case. When the given version is not valid the action will cause the workflow to halt with an error. Otherwise the version and its components are avaialbe through action outputs.

- id: semver
  uses: matt-usurp/validate-semver@v2
    version: ${{ github.ref }}

- run: |
    echo "v${{ steps.semver.outputs.version }}"
    echo "v${{ steps.semver.outputs.major }}"
    echo "v${{ steps.semver.outputs.minor }}"
    echo "v${{ steps.semver.outputs.patch }}"
    echo "v${{ steps.semver.outputs.prerelease }}"
    echo "v${{ }}"


You can configure the action with the following parameters:

Name Type Required Description
version string true The version or git-ref


See more in the resolution strategy section.


A valid version can be with or without the v prefix. This prefix will always be stripped if present. If you wish to keep the v prefix then you can manually add it back when making use of the action outputs.


The following outputs are available through steps.<id>.outputs when the action has completed successfully.

Name Type Description Example
version string The full version without prefixes 2.13.34-dev+001
major string The major version number 2
minor string The minor version number 13
patch string The patch version number 34
prerelease string The prerelease version dev
build string The build metadata 001


The version is coerced in to a semantic version as per the resolution strategy, therefore all outputs will be present assuming the action succeeds. In all cases the prerelease output will always be an empty string ("") unless provided in the prerelease version. Similarly the build output will always be an empty string ("") unless provided in the build metadata.

Resolution Strategy

The version parameter can be a semver compliant version string or a git-ref pointing to a tag.

Input Output
1 or v1 1.0.0
1.2 or v1.2 1.2.0
1.2.3 or v1.2.3 1.2.3

If you instead supply a git-ref then the version will be extracted first before performing the above operation.

Input Output
refs/tags/1 or refs/tags/v1 1.0.0
refs/tags/1.2 or refs/tags/v1.2 1.2.0
refs/tags/1.2.3 or refs/tags/v1.2.3 1.2.3

It is possible to also resolve prerelease versions in the same way, this takes the first - and splits the version before trying to resolve. Assuming the version part can be resolved as mentioned above then the prerelease part is re-attached and is made available through action outputs.

Input Output
v1-alpha.0 1.0.0-alpha.0

Action Versions

This action uses semver for its tagging and change management.

As with most actions, there is a major version branch that mimics the latest tag for that major version. This means its safe to target the v2 ref instead of a specific tag (e.g 2.0.1) if you want to receive bug fixes automatically. Breaking changes from this point will result in the creation of a new v3 branch and set of tags.


It is recommended to use v2 of this action.

Action Node Comment
matt-usurp/validate-semver@v2 node@20 Recommended
matt-usurp/validate-semver@v1 node@16 Archived

At this point v1 is deprecated as its target node version node@16 has been end of life since September 11th 2023. You can continue to use v1 as long as node@16 is supported by GitHub, however it is now archived and will not be receiving any new updates (features or bug fixes).


Both v1 and v2 are running the same code, however they are compiled for different node versions.


🕵️‍♂️ A GitHub action that can resolve semantic versions and return them as output




