Passh is an open-source password manager written in Go. It uses the passh
command line tool to easily store and retrieve your passwords.
go install
Create secure passwords with customizable requirements such as length, character types, and complexity.
Generate a new password:
passh pass new
Specify password requirements:
passh pass new --length 40 \
--uppercase true \
--exclude-lowercase false \
--numbers true \
--special true
Store and manage login credentials, including usernames, passwords, and URLs, with options for generating or using specific passwords.
Create a new login (with specific password):
passh login new --item-name Stackoverflow \
--username mclacore \
--password 123456 \
Create a new login (with generated password):
passh login new --item-name Stackoverflow \
--username mclacore \
Create a new login with no password:
passh login new --item-name Stackoverflow \
--username mclacore \
--url \
List all logins:
passh login list
Get login details (password hidden):
passh login get --item-name Stackoverflow
Get login details (password shown):
passh login get --item-name Stackoverflow --show-password
Update a login:
passh login update --item-name Stackoverflow --password 654321
Delete a login:
passh login delete --item-name Stackoverflow
Organize login items into collections, grouping them by categories like work, personal, or school for better management.
Create new collection
passh collection new --collection-name Work
List collections
passh collection list
Delete collection
passh collection delete --collection-name Work