Location Based Weather Forecasting with OpenWeather API
- The App will provide current and future weather information for a given location
- Users can either grant the app access to their current location to display weather or put in a world city or US ZIP code.
- App then displays the current weather conditions and a 5 day forecast
- If the user has not searched for the ZIP or city previously, it is also added to "Recent Searches" so they can search the same location again.
- Recent searches are saved in localStorage so user can see them on subsequent page visits.
At page load, user is asked if they want to share this location. This will allow the app to display the weather based on the location data in the browser.
Search area allows user to type in a world city or US ZIP code or to view previous searches that have been saved in localStorage
Here is a link to the deployed app: https://mdbow22.github.io/weatherBoard/