One-stop TLS traffic inspection and manipulation using dynamic instrumentation
smbcrawler is no-nonsense tool that takes credentials and a list of hosts and 'crawls' (or 'spiders') through those shares
A yet non-offical neighbor for the GreatFet One targeting the 433/868/915MHz bands
Project IceStorm - Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation (Reverse Engineered)
Keystroke injection vulnerabilities in wireless presentation clickers
Simple proof-of-concept software tool for emulating Bluetooth BR/EDR (a.k.a. Bluetooth Classic) keyboards
Bluetooth Keyboard Mouse Emulator on Raspberry Pi
FPGA-based glitcher for the Digilent Arty FPGA development board.
Perform a MitM attack and extract clear text credentials from RDP connections
Software tools for Nordic Semiconductor nRF24-based devices like wireless keyboards, mice, and presenters
Simple shell script to "clone" X.509 certificates
Firmware and research tools for Nordic Semiconductor nRF24LU1+ based USB dongles and breakout boards.
MouseJack device discovery and research tools
Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate Wireless Protocols Like A Boss