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02. BiG SCAPE Workflows

Nico Louwen edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 4 revisions

BiG-SCAPE 2 can be run in 3 workflows: cluster, query, and benchmark. BiG-SCAPE Cluster performs clustering of BGCs into GCFs. This is the equivalent of running BiG-SCAPE 1’s With BiG-SCAPE Query you can search for BGCs that show similarity to a user provided query BGC/.gbk, and BiG-SCAPE Benchmark compares the results of a BiG-SCAPE 2 Cluster mode run, BiG-SCAPE 1 run or BiG-SLiCE run against a user-provided set of BGC <-> GCF assignments.

BiG-SCAPE Cluster

Clustering mode - BiG-SCAPE 2 performs clustering of BGCs into GCFs. This is the equivalent of running BiG-SCAPE 1’s


BiG-SCAPE 2 has primarily been designed to work with antiSMASH processed .gbk files, and will (recursively) look for these files in the --input-dir/--gbk-dir.

Input file selection

By default, only files with the strings cluster (antiSMASH 4) or region (antiSMASH 5+) in their name will be included, and files with the string final in their name will be excluded. These defaults can be adjusted with the --include-gbk and --exclude-gbk parameters. The filenames will correspond to the BGC names in the output and interactive visualization.

If two different files share the same name, BiG-SCAPE 2 can, in principle, handle these conflicts as internally each file is hashed based on its content. However we strongly advise against using duplicated names for different files, as it will likely lead to confusion when processing and interpreting results. Furthermore, cytoscape is not able to handle file name duplications, so if you wish to import BiG-SCAPE results, make sure all files have unique names.

.gbk files can also be filtered based on their antiSMASH class/category, by making use of the --include-class/-category and --exclude-class/-category options, and based on the presence of specific profile hmm domains (commonly, PFAM domains) listed in a text file and provided to the --domain-includelist-all/-any options.

Feature parsing and input validation

BiG-SCAPE parses a .gbk‘s DEFINITION and ORGANISM to display this information in the output .tsv files and output visualization. The ORGANISM field is additionally used to determine the number of unique genomes shown in the visualization.

Furthermore, BiG-SCAPE parses various features to validate correct antiSMASH formatting of input files. antiSMASH 4 .gbk files should contain one and only one cluster feature with qualifiers product=[class]', note=Cluster number: [number] and contig_edge=[True/False]. antiSMASH version detection is possible for versions above 5 due to the included COMMENT field in the gbk header:

	Version	:: 6.1.1

If this field is not present, BiG-SCAPE will parse these files as antiSMASH version 4. antiSMASH >=5 .gbk files should contain one and only one region feature with one or more cand_cluster, protocluster and proto_core features. Each of these features should at minimum have the following qualifiers:

Feature region cand_cluster protocluster proto_core
Qualifiers region_number candidate_cluster_number product product
product product protocluster_number protocluster_number
candidate_cluster_numbers protoclusters contig_edge (bool)
contig_edge (bool) kind

Using non-antiSMASH processed GenBank files as input

Furthermore non-antiSMASH processed .gbk files can, in principle, be used by toggling the --force-gbk option. BiG-SCAPE 2 will still require these alternative .gbks to contain CDS and Sequence features, and you will need to either adjust the --include-gbk defaults, or add ‘region’/’cluster’ to the file names. Please note that this feature is in its beta state and has not been extensively tested, so use with caution.

Other considerations

If two CDS features overlap (e.g. splicing events), BiG-SCAPE's behavior is to allow for a maximum of 10% of the shortest CDS. If more overlap is detected, BiG-SCAPE will discard the smallest feature from the analysis. Similarly, if two detected protein domains overlap within the same CDS, BiG-SCAPE's behavior is to allow for a maximum of 10% of the shortest domain, and will keep the best scoring domain. These percentages can be updated in the config.yml file.

Minimum and maximum BGC length can also be determined (config.yml: MIN/MAX_BGC_LENGTH).

Using MIBiG and User Defined References

If desired, BiG-SCAPE 2 can make use of two types of (antiSMASH processed) reference gene clusters: MIBiG .gbk files and user defined reference .gbk files. Please see this section for more detail.

Using Pfam/phmm databases for domain detection

BiG-SCAPE 2 uses a phmm database for domain detection, and does this with the hmmscan tool from the HMMER suite.

Most commonly, the Pfam phmm database is used for this, and therefore BiG-SCAPE expects all phmms in this database to follow Pfam formatting. The current relase of the Pfam database can be downloaded here. If the .hmm file has already been pressed and the pressed files are included in the same folder as the Pfam .hmm file, BiG-SCAPE will also use these pressed files. If this is not the case, BiG-SCAPE will run hmmpress (and thus requires the user to have write permissions to the given Pfam folder).

In principle, however, a user can define any given phmm database so long as Pfam formatting is used.

Note: BiG-SCAPE 2 is not yet equipped to handle runs with multiple phmm databases being stored in the same SQLite DB, so we advise starting with a fresh SQLite DB anytime a user wants to use a different phmm database.

Output folder structure

BiG-SCAPE 2 output can be divided into several file categories:

  • Log files (.log and .config.log)

  • SQLite database ([parent_folder_name].db) which stores all record data and can be reused for subsequent runs. It additionally stores all generated edges between record pairs as well as the GCF assignments for all runs in which it has been used.

  • The main [output_dir]/index.html file which hosts the full interactive visualization.

    • Launch the interactive output by clicking on the index.html file or opening the file with any web browser. This file is located in the root of the output folder. When opening the visualization page, you will be asked to load your result database file. This file can be found under the output folder, in the same location as the index.html file. Since the index.html does not contain any run-data (it loads this from the selected database), any index.html file from any run can load data from any output database.
  • Other output files, stored in /output_files, and in each relevant /run_cutoff folder, including:

    • GCF tree .newick files, and the fasta alignments files used to construct these trees
    • A .network tsv file for each relevant run/cutoff. This file can be imported into external network visualization software such as cytoscape (See tutorial). In essence, this file contains an edge list with a number of node and edge attributes:
      • BGC record name
      • Record type
      • Record number
      • orf-based comparable region coordinates
      • BiG_SCAPE distance and distance components (DSS, Jaccard and Adjacency indexes).
      • Alignment mode
      • Extend strategy
    • A tsv file for each relevant run/cutoff which featured record type other than region. This file is an edge list in which nodes are records and edges are topological links. It allows viewing and loading of topological links/edges into third party software such as cytoscape.
    • A clustering_c[cutoff].tsv file with the BGC -> GCF assignments.
    • A record_annotations.tsv file with information about each BGC that was successfully processed in the input. This includes:
      • BGC record name
      • Record type
      • Record number
      • antiSMASH class and category
      • Organism
      • Taxonomy
      • Description feature from the .gbk file
    • A tsv file per run, which contains the ‘raw’ distances before any cutoffs are applied (equivalent to running BiG-SCAPE 2 with a GCF_cutoff of 1.0).

Output interactive visualization

BiG-SCAPE 2 lets users interact with their result data via an interactive UI, which can be accessed by launching the main output_dir/index.html file. Upon doing so, the user will be prompted to select a SQLite database file to read from. Upon loading the SQLite database, the user will then be able to navigate their data in this UI, which consists of the following elements (Fig. 2):

  • 1) Theme selection (Auto, Light, Dark)
  • 2) Bin selection, contents of this dropdown menu will depend on which, if any, classification mode was used
  • 3) Database selection
  • 4) Run selection, this dropdown menu will feature every run_cutoff that was run and saved to the loaded database, e.g. run_1 was done with cutoffs 0.3,0.5, Runs: run_1_c0.3, run_1_c0.5.
  • 5) Overview section, featured at the top half of the page, and which can also be re-centered with the ‘Overview’ button.
    • a) Run Information section, features a selection of modes and arguments used in the currently selected run.
    • b) Input Data section, features information on the total number of genomes, BGCs, and distribution of BGCs per genome and per antiSMASH class.
    • c) Network Overview section, features information on GCF characteristics, as well as a GCF/Genome heatmap where GCFs/Genomes can be clustered based on several metrics. NOTE: while genomes can be clustered by accession, this compares the accessions solely in terms of matching characters, and does not make use of a formal taxonomy.
  • 6) Network section, featured at the bottom half of the page, can be navigated to with the ‘Network’ button.
    • a) Connected component (CC) table, contains a list of all CCs, with respective families and number of records. This table can be filtered by making use of the ‘Filter Table’ fields, which accepts several descriptors. Once a selection is made, this can also be downloaded into a .tsv file using the ‘Download Current Selection’ button.
    • b) A network can be visualized by selecting a specific CC, in which case the nodes and edges of the respective CC will be loaded into view. The entire run’s set of nodes and edges can also be viewed using the ‘Visualize All’ button, but for large datasets it is possible that loading the entire dataset is too computationally intensive.
      • i) Reference nodes will be circled in blue.
      • ii) In query mode, the query node will be circled in green.
      • iii) When using Protocluster or Protocore as the record type, nodes in topologically connected components will be faded.
    • c) Nodes can also be searched/filtered within a loaded network by making use of the (advanced) search, and the results of this selection can also be downloaded using the ‘download’ button.
    • d) Node&GCF Detail section
      • i) Nodes can be selected by hovering and clicking on them, and they will appear in the Node&GCF Detail section. Here, the top half features a visual representation of the BGCs and their domains (which can be expanded), while the bottom half shows a list of the selected BGCs and the families they belong to.
      • ii) Clicking a GCF in the Node&GCF Detail section will trigger a pop up window that displays the GCF tree, with a highlighted tree exemplar: the record that all other family members were aligned to. Hovering over each domain will display the domain’s accession and name, score, and location within its ORF. Hovering over each ORF will display its position in the BGC. Domain display can be toggled off.
      • iii) Here, and in d) when using Protocluster or Protocore as the record type, the entire .gbk is shown, and domains/ORFs not belonging to the relevant record are faded.

UI_numbers Fig 2. Screenshot of BiG-SCAPE 2.0 user interface (example: JK1 dataset, CC ## run in Cluster mode, using --record type protocluster, --mix, --classify none, and otherwise with all default parameters).


The BiG-SCAPE 2’s Query workflow was designed to facilitate searches of BGCs that show similarity to a user provided query BGC .gbk.

In this mode, the user must provide the path to a query BGC .gbk, which can be present in the /input_dir or anywhere else. All remaining BGCs residing in the /input_dir will be considered by BiG-SCAPE Query as references. Additionally, MIBiG references and other user-defined references can be used, following the same usage as in BiG-SCAPE Cluster.

By default, BiG-SCAPE 2 will perform one set of query-vs-all comparisons. Alternatively, with --propagate, this first set of comparisons is followed by an iterative set of reference-vs-reference comparisons which will propagate the connected component until no more edges are created. Lastly, in both cases, any missing edges between newly connected reference nodes are calculated.

Further Input and Output features are consistent with BiG-SCAPE Cluster.

BiG-SCAPE Benchmark

In the benchmarking workflow BiG-SCAPE 2 compares the results of a BiG-SCAPE 2 Cluster mix mode run (see more detail here), BiG-SCAPE 1 mix mode run, or BiG-SLiCE (v1 or v2) run against a user-provided benchmark set of BGC <-> GCF assignments.


BiG-SCAPE Benchmark requires the user to provide a GCF assignments file, i.e. a tab separated file with a BGC name and assigned family per line. It should additionally include a header line. A Region record should be named after their GBK (excluding .gbk extension), while other record types should be formatted as <GBK>.gbk_<recordtype>_<recordnumber>. For example:

JK1.region010	NRPS_1
JK1.region05.gbk_protocluster_1	NRPS_2

Additional required input is the output directory of the BiG-SCAPE/SLiCE run (i.e. what was originally passed to -o) to be analyzed (a mix network/bin must be present).

For both BiG-SCAPE v1 and v2, bigscape benchmark will look for generated output .tsv files to obtain computed GCFs. If multiple runs are present in the output folder, all used cutoffs in the most recent run (where a mix network/bin must be present) will be analyzed.

When benchmarking BiG-SLiCE, BiG-SCAPE Benchmark will read directly from its SQLite database and look for the most recent run for each unique cutoff/threshold.


BiG-SCAPE Benchmark outputs a subfolder for each analyzed cutoff (cutoff_[used cutoff]) with various external cluster evaluation metrics based on the overlap between formed BiG-SCAPE GCFs and provided GCF assignments:

  • entropy and purity for each generated GCF (Entropies_[label].tsv, Purities_[label].tsv)
  • confusion matrix .tsv and heatmap visualization .png showing how many members of each provided family end up in which BiG-SCAPE/SLiCE GCF (Fig 3.).
  • Main Summary_[label].tsv that contains various statistics:
    • The number and average size of curated and computed families.
    • V-measure and its components homogeneity and completeness.
    • Average Purity and Entropy.
    • Fractions of correct/wrong associations per BGC, denoting how formed associations agree with the curated set of assignments (i.e. members of different curated families in the same computed family are seen as wrong associations).
    • Fractions of present/missing associations per BGC, denoting how many expected associations are present based on the curated set of assignments.

Finally, these metrics are summarized over all cutoffs found in the BiG-SCAPE/SLiCE run Benchmark_summary_[label].tsv as well as a Scores_per_cutoff_[label].png plot focused around the V-measure (Fig 3.).

docu_benchmark Fig 3. (left) Heatmap visualization of the confusion matrix showing the overlap of membership assignments between curated and computed GCF. (right) Plotted summary of benchmark metrics per used cutoff.

Note: As you can see, BiG-SCAPE Benchmark is quite a different use-case when compared to the Cluster and Query workflows. Therefore, in the following sections, when we say BiG-SCAPE 2, we are primarily referring to BiG-SCAPE 2 Cluster & BiG-SCAPE 2 Query.