Version 3.8.7
- [SDK-1462] - Add basic test for file versioning functionality
- [SDK-1450] - Get current rlimit
- [SDK-1446] - Resume transfers automatically for all clients
- [SDK-1448] - Backup/Sync name stored in Heartbeat Record, not user Attribute
- [SDK-1452] - Reduce logging intended to debug cURL network activity
- [SDK-1454] - Hide auth key in post urls within logs
- [SDK-1455] - Fix megacmd build
- [SDK-1456] - code maintenance: Untangle exportnode() and setshare().
- [SDK-1457] - Warnings as errors for jenkins builds for windows
- [SDK-1458] - fix build if log performance is enabled
- [SDK-1461] - Compilation fails for iOS, too many arguments for logout function
- [SDK-1459] - Infinite loop processing filesystem notifications from an excluded folder
Target app/s:
- iOS 5.12
- Android 4.1.2