Version 4.26.0a
- [SDK-2963] - iOS Bindings - Add retrieve BackupCenter data bindings
- [SDK-3022] - Forbid convert a private chat into a public one
- [SDK-3037] - Android Bindings - Add Retrieve Backup Center Data Bindings
- [SDK-3043] - Bring FileDistributor from SRW
- [SDK-3049] - Add artifactory URL to sdk-android builds
- [SDK-3020] - Cleanup of obsolete functions related to v1 accounts
- [SDK-3023] - Remove duplicated code for SDK internal fingerprint management
- [SDK-3026] - Refactor TextChat
- [SDK-3027] - Update cryptopp script for iOS
- [SDK-3028] - Update libsodium script for iOS
- [SDK-3032] - Fix classes visibility design and naming
- [SDK-3033] - Update libwebsockets script for iOS
- [SDK-3034] - Update mediainfo script for iOS
- [SDK-3044] - Use three testing accounts for megachat tests
- [SDK-3046] - SdkTest.GetRecommendedProLevel failing after pro lite has been removed
- [SDK-3051] - Convert share and link related members of Node to unique_ptr to clarify ownership
- [SDK-3054] - Expose enum values for MegaBackupInfo
- [SDK-1912] - Revoking access for nested share will not notify nodeUpdated for target account
- [SDK-2827] - SyncTest.TwoWay_Highlevel_Symmetries integration test is unstable
- [SDK-3004] - ANDROID_BRANCH and IOS_BRANCH not set and build failing
- [SDK-3015] - Investigate TwoWaySymmetry test usually timing out in SRW mac test runs
- [SDK-3018] - iOS - Start time scheduled meeting notification seems to show some code
- [SDK-3030] - iOS Bindings - Fix Crash in MEGARequest elementsInSet
- [SDK-3036] - add sync couldn't deal with unnormalised path on mac
- [SDK-3038] - Test failed - Investigate error in SdkTest.SdkBackupMoveOrDelete
- [SDK-3061] - Apply patch to WebRTC to fix socket server problem in some networks in iOS
- [SDK-3062] - Import folder functionality broken
- [SDK-2959] - A/B test framework
- [SDK-3025] - Process User Email Confirm (uec) action packet
- iOS 10.6
- Android 8.6