Version v4.27.0a
- [SDK-3045] - Fix problems getting libuv library
- [SDK-3058] - TwoWay_Highlevel_Symmetries is unstable on Linux
- [SDK-3065] - iOS Bindings - Add the getDeviceId bindings
- [SDK-3067] - Adapt iOS changes to mobile-analytics-ios repository
- [SDK-3074] - iOS bindings - MEGABackupInfo create enums for BackupSubstate and BackupHeartbeatStatus and fix SyncState enum
- [SDK-3082] - Call sendABTestActive every time getABTestValue is called
- [SDK-3090] - iOS Bindings - Fix MEGABackupInfo timestamp and activityTimestamp attributes
- [SDK-2969] - Stop using deprecated OpenSSL functions for OpenSSL > v3.0.0
- [SDK-3048] - Adapt iOS changes to MEGAchat submodule on SDK-iOS builds
- [SDK-3053] - Add full path for some headers not found
- [SDK-3060] - iOS binding - MEGAAccountDetails check nil before using accountDetails in subscriptionMethod
- [SDK-3072] - Enable Sync feature on SDK for Android
- [SDK-3078] - Restore TwoWay_Highlevel_Symmetries as a single test that exercises all the combinations.
- [SDK-3085] - Use fastlane script to download third party libraries
- [SDK-3089] - Honor absent --enable-tests in autotools builds
- [SDK-2937] - Repair Elements with invalid key
- [SDK-2997] - Fix progressreported count in TransferSlot
- [SDK-3061] - Apply patch to WebRTC to fix socket server problem in some networks in iOS
- [SDK-3091] - Don't fetch occurrences on SDK automatically
- [SDK-3092] - MegaApi::getUserAttribute() broken for USER_ATTR_DEVICE_NAMES (30)
- [SDK-3101] - Scheduled meetings test fails
- [SDK-3063] - Receiving an inshare with lots of nodes takes long time
- [SDK-2223] - Run Sᴅᴋ Cɪ Tests Concurrently
- [SDK-3076] - Allow to set/get device names for other than own device
- [SDK-3098] - Android Bindings - Update Get/Set Device Name SDK Bindings