Version v4.29.0
- [SDK-3188] - Cache AsymmCipher validity check results.
- [SDK-3218] - iOS bindings - Set the userAgent as a MEGABackupInfo parameter
- [SDK-3251] - Report statistics about request retries during sync integration tests.
- [SDK-3256] - Audit nullability for MEGAFolderInfo.h
- [SDK-3258] - Audit nullability for MEGAAchievementsDetails.h
- [SDK-3197] - Check if can the usage of rewriteforeignkeys() upon moves can/should be improved
- [SDK-2799] - JSON splitter
- [SDK-3254] - Audit nullability for MEGAChatRequest.h
- [SDK-2757] - Unify code at ECHD class for X25519 keypair management
- [SDK-3210] - Move forward declarations of chat types into type.h.
- [SDK-3212] - Tag MegaClient::copySyncConfig() as deprecated / obsolete
- [SDK-3238] - Add missing ifdef enable chat for MEGAUserAlert (Obj-C)
- [SDK-3244] - Remove import AssetsLibrary.h
- [SDK-3247] - Make the CheckableMutex class more useful.
- [SDK-2889] - Windows assert() with subst drive in SdkTest.SyncBasicOperations [WinFileSystemAccess::fsStableIDs]
- [SDK-2957] - Allow client code to manipulate minimum permissions.
- [SDK-3173] - Slow throughput upon download from Network drives
- [SDK-3178] - Provide a way for apps to get node count in a fast and non blocking way
- [SDK-3198] - Repair Elements with empty attributes
- [SDK-3217] - created folders counting is incorrect in folder downloading
- [SDK-3237] - NodeManager::notifyPurge asserts in jenkins
- [SDK-3245] - Set value for mProFlexi at proper place
- [SDK-3246] - Race condition cleaning folder transfers upon logout
- [SDK-3250] - SdkTestMegaVpnCredentials should first remove any existing credential
- [SDK-3215] - Add support for API credit card commands
Target app/s
- iOS 11.4
- Android 9.4