Version 4.7.1
- [SDK-2403] - Add new separate function for moving or removing old backup Nodes from the Vault
- [SDK-2407] - Address jenkins test failures with cleanup by folder moves on windows
- [SDK-2426] - Patch for TLV records exceeding 64KB
- [SDK-2408] - Returns all files as valid node when no type filter is set at SearchTreeProcessor::processNode
- [SDK-2420] - The movement of a file from a synced folder to a backed up folder is not being reflected in webclient
- [SDK-2428] - Backup get disabled upon local change (causing fsfp ==0) (it should not, only upon remote changes)
- [SDK-2432] - Avoid sending heartbeats ("sp"/"sphb") once "sds" is processed
Target app/s
- MEGAsync v4.8.0