83 commits
to master
since this release
- [SDK-4909] - [SAT] Set default throttleUpdateRate to 1800s and adapt legacy integration tests
- [SDK-4894] - Fix upload throttling integration tests
- [SDK-4876] - Add cross-compilation for ARM 64-bit on Windows to the nightly build
- [SDK-4874] - Revert MegaConctactRequestList::get() declaration
- [SDK-4866] - Remove onReloadNeeded Android bindings from MegaListener and MegaGlobalListener
- [SDK-4857] - Remove openssl script for iOS
- [SDK-4826] - Add and configure iOS triplets for VCPKG
- [SDK-4825] - Set CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET to v142 by default
- [SDK-4814] - Set android platform in VCPKG variable in the triplets
- [SDK-4732] - Refactor SdkTest.SdkNodeTag
- [SDK-4908] - [PWM] Fix an out of memory access bug when importing passwords with UTF-8 characters
- [SDK-4901] - gfxworker has Windows HANDLE leaking
- [SDK-4885] - creditCardCancelSubscriptions crashes if reasonList is nullptr
- [SDK-4879] - Fix C4706 and C2220 warnings in Windows
- [SDK-4878] - Node Tag operations don't always correctly return a result.
- [SDK-4872] - openSUSE Tumbleweed build fails compiling tiff with vcpkg
- [SDK-4842] - EVENT_STORAGE is not received when app login with session (fast-login)
- [SDK-4830] - [PASS] SDK Error When Processing Files with All Empty Passwords
- [SDK-4774] - [SAT] Upload speed limit not working as expected
- [SDK-4887] - [SAT] Provide default implementation for FileAccess and DirAcces if fileWrapper isn't available
- [SDK-4833] - Allow Sharee with full access to manage node label
- [SDK-4798] - Remove OLD_FREEIMAGE
- [SDK-4647] - [SAT] Throttle reuploading of frequently changing files
- [SDK-4864] - Remove deprecated transfer counters from Android bindings
- [SDK-4856] - Add vault Android bindings
- [SDK-4804] - Support session resumption in folder links without session string
Target apps
- Android 15.2
- iOS 16.8
- MEGAsync 5.9 RC1, RC2
- MEGA Pass iOS 1.3
- MEGA Pass Android 1.3
- VPN Android 2.4
- MEGA VPN iOS 1.4
- MEGA VPN Mac 1.4