A simple extension for FMDB that allows passing NSArrays for MySQL IN Operators
Pass an array to FMDB using the method
- (BOOL)executeUpdateWithInOperator:(NSString *)sql, ...
like you would pass other NSObjects, but bind it to [?]
instead of ?
NSArray *feedIds = @["feed/bla.com/rss.xml", "feed/foo.com/rss.xml", "feed/bar.com/rss.xml"];
[database executeUpdateWithInOperator:@"UPDATE feeds SET subscribed = ? WHERE id IN ([?])", @(1), feedIds];
Behind the scenes, this will produce a new NSArray with all arguments and a new Query by replacing any ?
with the correct number of ?
NSArray *arguments = @[@(1), "feed/bla.com/rss.xml", "feed/foo.com/rss.xml", "feed/bar.com/rss.xml"];
@"UPDATE feeds SET subscribed = ? WHERE id IN (?,?,?)"
and call
- (BOOL)executeUpdate:(NSString*)sql withArgumentsInArray:(NSArray *)arguments