Custom Widget for Wakanda
The WakToaster widget allows user to diplay notifications. It has 4 types : success, info, warning and error notification.
This widget has the following properties:
- Title: notification title
- Message: notification message
- CloseButton: show/hide notification close button
- Position: set notification postion; there are 6 positions ( Top right, top left, top full width, bottom right, bottom left, bottom full width )
- Type: choose notification type : sucess, info, warning, error.
- TimeOut: notification time out
- HideDuration: notification hide duration
- ShowDuration: notification show duration
WakToaster widget is displayed using the method "show()" exemple: $$('wakToaster1').show()
For more information on how to install a custom widget, refer to Installing a Custom Widget.
For more information about Custom Widgets, refer to Custom Widgets in the Architecture of Wakanda Applications manual.