step 1:
docker build -t <image name> <docekrfile path>
step 2:
python ecr.py
(this will create a repository in AWS ECR)
step 3:
Visit ECR dashboard for commmands to push the image to the repository.
step 4:
docker build -t <image name> <docekrfile path>
step 5:
create kubernetes cluster through AWS EKS:
step 6:
Select vpc and subnets
step 7:
Create security group which allow port 5001 for your application
step 8:
Cluster → compute → node group → add node group
step 9:
aws eks --region ap-south-1 update-kubeconfig --name <cluster name>
configure our kubectl/config file so that we have eks conf in it.
step 10:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
(Apply deployment.yaml)
step 11:
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
(Apply service.yaml)
step 12:
kubectl get pods
step 13:
kubectl get deployment
step 14:
kubectl get svc
step 15:
kubectl port-forward svc/<service name> 5001:5001
(Now forward the port to our local host so that we access the app on local host that is hosted on kubernetes cluster)