latex-pkgloader Public
a LaTeX package for managing the options and loading order of other packages
graph.js Public
a javascript library for storing arbitrary data in mathematical (di)graphs, as well as traversing and analyzing them in various ways (ECMAScript 6 Ready)
latex-noindentafter Public archive
automatically suppress paragraph indentation following specific commands or environments
latex-withargs Public
an inline LaTeX construct for passing token lists as TeX parameters
LeetCode-1 Public
Forked from devkapupara/LeetCodeA Markdown file that contains my solutions of LeetCode problems.
UpdatedJul 13, 2019 -
leetcode-cli-plugins Public
Forked from skygragon/leetcode-cli-plugins3rd party plugins for leetcode-cli
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2019 -
node-plop Public
Forked from plopjs/node-plopprogrammatic plopping for fun and profit
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2018 -
esdoc-babel-plugin Public
Simple esdoc plugin to run certain babel transformations on code before handing it to esdoc
latex-lt3graph Public
a graph datastructure for the LaTeX3 programming environment
mimic-fn Public
Forked from sindresorhus/mimic-functionMake a function mimic another one
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2017 -
simple and dirty babel plugin to lift function content out of certain marked functions, useful for bringing declarations into scope for documentation generators
JavaScript UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -
babel-plugin-remove-decorator Public
Forked from ldabiralai/babel-plugin-remove-decoratorBabel 6 plugin that removes class decorators
JavaScript UpdatedMay 14, 2017 -
docker-node-neo4j-example Public
an example docker image with a node.js server that uses neo4j
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2016 -
correlation-editor Public
a tool for editing correlations and related resources on a lyph server
JavaScript UpdatedMay 11, 2016 -
lodash Public
Forked from lodash/lodashA modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMar 19, 2016 -
time-traveler Public
rudimentary implementation of branching and non-branching time-travel mechanics in a game
modern-web-development-2015 Public
a step-by-step example of some modern javascript programming (ES6, FRP, Firebase, ...)
JavaScript UpdatedNov 2, 2015 -
delta.js Public
achieve modularity and separation of concerns through feature-oriented development
three.js Public
Forked from mrdoob/three.jsJavaScript 3D library.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2015 -
kefir Public
Forked from kefirjs/kefirA fast Reactive Programming library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2015 -
bookmarklets Public
some bookmarklets I've created for personal use, but which may be useful to others
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 6, 2015 -
the-incredible-delta-machine Public
a small game based on the concept of The Incredible Machine but configurable through deltas, created for my phd-defense presentation
JavaScript UpdatedJan 8, 2015 -
generator-mhelvens-library Public
A Yeoman generator I use for new JavaScript libraries.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 20, 2014 -
bacon.model Public
Forked from baconjs/bacon.modelModel plugin for bacon.js
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 17, 2014