ZoozPaymentsOSIOS is a simple connector to Zooz API, written in Obj-C. Check out the offcial Zooz API documentation to see all possible options.
Currently available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ZoozPaymentsOSIOS'
IOS 9.0 or higher
Initilaization of the main controller
_zoozController = [[ZoozController alloc] initWithAppId:@"appId" publicKey:@"publicKey" privateKey:@"privateKey" isSandbox:YES];
_zoozController.allowLogging = YES;
Tokenization of a credit crad
ZoozPaymentMethodDetails *paymentDetails = [[ZoozPaymentMethodDetails alloc] init];
paymentDetails.cardNumber = @"4580458045804580";
paymentDetails.cvvNumber = @"123";
paymentDetails.expirationMonth = @"12";
paymentDetails.expirationYear = @"29";
paymentDetails.holderName = @"Harry Potter";
ZoozRequest *request = [[ZoozRequest alloc] initWithPaymentMethod:paymentDetails];
[_zoozController createToken:request completionHandler:^(NSError *error, id respondObject) {
NSLog(@"respondObject = %@",respondObject);
ZoozPaymentMethodDetails *zoozPaymentMethod = respondObject[@"paymentMethod"];
Registering your client in zooz
ZoozCustomer *customer = [[ZoozCustomer alloc] init];
customer.customerReference = @"XXX";
customer.firstName = @"Yuval";
ZoozAddress *address = [[ZoozAddress alloc] init];
address.countryCode = @"USA";
address.state = @"TX";
address.city = @"Greenville";
address.zipCode = @"75402-3435";
customer.shippingAddress = address;
ZoozRequest *request = [[ZoozRequest alloc] initWithCustomer:customer];
[_zoozController createCustomer:request completionHandler:^(NSError *error, id respondObject) {
NSLog(@"respondObject = %@",respondObject);
ZoozCustomer *customer = respondObject[@"customer"];
Storing the credit card for later charge under specific customer
ZoozCustomer *customer = [[ZoozCustomer alloc]init];
customer.id = @"a46395f4-fdbc-4da8-b160-2a38518ac515";//Customer id which u received after customer registration
NSString *token = @"1ccf7199-ff54-4879-bda9-d29cef9e3755";// Credit card token
[_zoozController storeToken:token inCustomer:customer completionHandler:^(NSError *error, id respondObject) {
NSLog(@"respondObject = %@",respondObject);
ZoozPaymentMethodDetails *zoozPaymentMethod = respondObject[@"paymentMethod"];
Retrive customer by refernce number which was specified during the registration
ZoozCustomer *customer = [[ZoozCustomer alloc]init];
customer.customerReference = @"E7C96973-6904-44BD-A9C4-2EFB53FDE113";
[_zoozController retriveCustomerByReference:customer completionHandler:^(NSError *error, id respondObject) {
NSLog(@"respondObject = %@",respondObject);
ZoozCustomer *customer = respondObject[@"customer"];
Delete the credit card under
ZoozCustomer *customer = [[ZoozCustomer alloc]init];
customer.id = @"a46395f4-fdbc-4da8-b160-2a38518ac515"; //This Field required
//Credit Card Token
NSString *token = @"ba9cf3c9-49ca-4b11-bb05-7a593dc3f759";
[_zoozController deleteToken:token inCustomer:customer completionHandler:^(NSError *error, id respondObject) {
NSLog(@"respondObject = %@",respondObject);
Michael Rozenblat
ZoozPaymentsOsIOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.