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Updating version numbers to 3.7.0 and updating release notes.
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cesarsouza committed Aug 18, 2017
1 parent 61b78f1 commit 99ed59c
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Showing 2 changed files with 85 additions and 5 deletions.
88 changes: 84 additions & 4 deletions Release notes.txt
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@@ -1,19 +1,99 @@
Accord.NET Framework 3.6.2-alpha release notes
Accord.NET Framework 3.7.0 release notes

Version updates and fixes:
- GH-53: K-Medoids algorithm;
- GH-335: Nelder-mead solver not converged;
- GH-444: Reenable F# Unit Tests;
- GH-587: UnmanagedImage does not supported in ExtractBiggestBlob filter;
- GH-594: FFMPEG net35 not working;
- GH-621: How to calculate the cache size in respect of the available RAM;
- GH-662: 64-bit FFMPEG binaries not in output after installing with NuGet;
- GH-669: Confusion Matrix;
- GH-673: Stream closes after serialization with GZip compression
- GH-673: Stream closes after serialization with GZip compression;
- GH-676: DoubleArrayChromosome CreateNew ignores Balancer properties;
- GH-684: BalancedKMeans gets stuck;
- GH-688: Cobyla constraint definitions only work with constant values;
- GH-690: Add an Example for Cross-Validation with DecisionTrees;
- GH-692: Add an Example for StochasticGradientDescent Class;
- GH-693: One-class SVM decision rule;
- GH-694: Add support for weighted least squares;
- GH-694: Add support for Weighted Least Squares;
- GH-696: IndexOutOfRangeException exception in Matrix.First method;
- GH-697: Add an Example for HiddenMarkovModel(TDistribution, TObservation);
- GH-699: MJPEGStream throws NotImplementedException in .NET Core 2.0;
- GH-700: MJPEGStream throws InvalidOperationException in .NET Core 2.0;
- GH-706: DecisionTree.ToCode() returns code that does not compile;
- GH-707: DecisionTree.ToCode() returns code that compiles;
- GH-711: Nonlinear Regression in VB.NET;
- GH-712: Update MJPEGStream.cs ;
- GH-715: GeneralizedParetoDistribution shape param;
- GH-717: Possible issue with DynamicTimeWarping kernel class;
- GH-723: Procrustes analysis is giving weird/wrong results;
- GH-729: Error in ExhaustiveBlockMatching;
- GH-731: Dilatation;
- GH-736: Measures.Quartiles() for double Vectors of size 2 is wrong;
- GH-737: Add examples for C45Learning Class with missing data and thresholds;
- GH-745: Cannot change degree of a default Polynomial kernel;
- GH-746: Add an Example for CrossValidation Class;
- GH-747: How to understand the Probabilities;
- GH-749: 64 bit release for .NET 4.0;
- GH-752: Speed up matrix-vector operations;
- GH-758: NullReferenceException on NaiveBayes Learn;
- GH-765: NaiveBayes 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in Accord.Statistics.dll when calling from sample application;
- GH-767: DebugVisualizers;
- GH-777: Bug in LinearConstraintCollection documentation;
- GH-778: Setter for bounds in BoundedBroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno.

* General
- Adding support for targetting NET Standard 1.4;
- Adding Newtonsoft.Json (Json.NET) in externals.

* DataSets
- Adding Wisconsin's Breast Cancer (original, prognostic and diagnostic) datasets;
- Adding Oxford's Parkinsons dataset;
- Updating download links for the RCV1v2 dataset.

* Imaging
- Fixing multiple typos regarding the spelling of "Dilation" (this is a breaking change).

* IO
- Adding a ReadLine method to CsvReader to read individual lines from the CSV file.

* MachineLearning
- Adding K-Medoids (PAM) and Voronoi Iteration clustering algorithms;
- Fixing epsilon in Sequential Minimal Optimization for Regression;
- Adding a MiniBatch static class that can be used to create mini-batch definitions from training data;
- Update LevenbergMarquardtLearning.cs to allow for different activation functions;
- Update BackPropagationLearning.cs to allow for different activation functions;
- Adding support for missing values in C4.5;
- Updating GeneralConfusionMatrix to represent columns as ground-truth instead of predictions;
- Improving memory usage for Second Order (LibSVM) Sequential Minimal Optimization;
- Adding more overloads to the method that helps determine how many lines can
be included in the SVM kernel cache given a total amount of memory;
- Fixing ToMulticlass() methods included in multi-label and binary classifiers;
- Fixing the Probabilities and LogLikelihoods methods for multi-label and multi-class SVMs;
- Adding an option for OneVsOneLearning/Multiclass SVMs stop at the first exception
found during training instead of waiting until the all machines have been trained;
- Adding Precision, Recall, RowErrors and ColumnErrors to GeneralConfusionMatrix.

* Math
- Adding support for .Learn() methods in NonlinearLeastSquares;
- Updates GH-762: DotAndDot performance for small problem sizes;
- Removing the deprecated extension methods for Accord.Math.Matrix.Multiply
(such that calls should now be redirected to Elementwise.Multiply);
- Fix BinarySearch so that it works with decreasing functions;
- Search interval in BinarySearch was meant to be [a;b) (i.e. with inclusive a and exclusive b);
- Fixing the behavior of Matrix.Get() method when negative indices are passed;
- Fixing Matrix's ToTable method to use the most high level type possible when creating columns.

* Statistics
- Adding multiple methods for computing quartiles/quantiles;
- Adding a more advanced version of the discretization filter;
- Adding an example for fraud detection using HMMs with MaximumLikelihoodLearning class.

* Neuro
- Adding support for networks with multiple activation functions in Levenberg-Marquardt.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Version.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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