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LMeN Confeccions



LM&N confessions website is a small e-commerce website that allows a small craftmen company in Brasil to reach customers worldwide and sell their products online

User Stories - MVP - FRONTEND

  • 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault 🔑
  • Sign Up -As a anon/user I want to sign up quickly and get in there, and be automatically logged in 🔑
  • Log In - As a anon/user I want to be able to login, riderected to the homepage and see my personal data and configuration. 🔑
  • Log Out - As a user I want to login and get redirected to the homepage. 🔑
  • User Profile - As users, we want to be able to edit our profiles whenever we need it. Here we will have our personal information, a profile picture, products in favourites chek the shopping card, keep on shopping and checkout. 🔑
  • Homepage - As a user, I want to check the LM&N marketplace with last products and offers 🏠
  • Product research - As a user I want to search for products inside the marketplace. 🔎
  • Product list- A a user I want to see all the products categorized and searchable 📋
  • Product detail - A user I want to see the product detail, with different angles pictures and add it to the shopping cart
  • Reviews - As user I want to write/delete and see Product's reviews in the Product detail ✍️
  • Shopping cart - As a user I want to be able to pick up a product and add it to shopping bag and choose color and quantity 🛍️
  • Contact page - A user I want to contact the seller through a contact form
  • About page - As user I want to see the About the company news and story

User Stories - MVP - BACKEND

  • Sign Up -As a user I want to sign up quickly and get in there, and be automatically logged in 🔑

  • Log In - As a user I want to login and get redirected to the homepage. 🔑

  • Log Out - As a user I want to log out and get redirected to the homepage. 👋

  • List all products - As user, i want to list all products and select a product to see the product details

  • Get product details - As user, i want to see the product details of a selected product

  • Add product to cart - As user, I want to add to cart the selected product

  • Remove product from cart - As user, I want to remove from cart a selected product

  • Get the shopping cart - As user I want to get my personal shopping cart

Server Routes (back-end)

Route Method Description Request - Body
/auth/signup POST Check if username exists and if not registers the user and returns a cookie {firstName, lastName, address, country, cap, city, province, telephone, birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear, email, username, password, email, repeat password}
/auth/login POST Check if username exists and if finds it returns a cookie {username, password}
/auth/logout GET Logges user out and redirects to login page.
/auth/me GET Gets the user obj
/api/products/ GET Private route, get the products list.
/api/products/:productId GET Private route, get the product detail
/api/cart GET Private route, returns the shopping cart array
/api/cart/ POST Create/modify/overwrite the shopping cart
/api/product/:productId/reviews POST Add review for the selected product
/api/product/:productId/reviews GET Delete review for the selected product
/api/checkout GET ??? NOT SURE
/api/payment GET ??? NOT SURE


Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permissions Behaviour
/ HomePage Anon/auth
/login LoginPage Anon {firstName, lastName, address, country, cap, city, province, telephone, birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear, email, username, password, email, repeat password}
/signup SignupPage Anon
/about About Anon
/contact Contact Anon
/private/profile userProfile Auth
/private/editProfile EditProfile Auth
/products/ Private route, renders productList component Anon/Auth
/products/:productId Private route, renders productDetail component Anon/Auth
/private/cart Private route, shows shoppingCart Auth
/private/favourites Private route, shows favouritesList Auth
/products/reviews Show productsReviews Anon/Auth



  firstName: String,
  lastName: String,
  email: {type: String, unique: true },
  role: {type: String, default: "user" },
  phoneNumber: String,
  gender: {String, enum: ["Male", "Female", "Other"]},
  birthDateDay: Number,
  birthDateMonth: Number,
  birthDateYear: Number,
  address: String,
  country: String,
  city: String,
  state: String,
  CP: String,
  username: String,
  password: String,
  basket: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Product’ }],
  shoppingHistory: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Product’ }],  //ADD
  favourites:[{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Product’ }],
  reviews: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Review’ }],
, {
  timestamps: {
    createdAt: 'created_at',
    updatedAt: 'updated_at'


  name: String,
  description: String,
  materials: [{type: String }],
  category: {String, enum: ["Wallets man","Wallets woman", "Bags man","Bags woman","Passport case","Dog leashes"]},
  price: Number,
  pics: String,
  review: : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Review’ }],
, {
  timestamps: {
    createdAt: 'created_at',
    updatedAt: 'updated_at'


  title: String,
  description: String,
  rate: [{type: Number, min: 1, max: 5 }],
  reviewUser: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘User’ }],
  reviewProduct: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Product’ }],
, {
  timestamps: {
    createdAt: 'created_at',
    updatedAt: 'updated_at'

Backlog - FRONTEND

  • Checkout page - As a user I want to be able to complete the buy process and checkout paying by Paypal or Credit card by Stripe 💪

Backlog - BACKEND

  • Create/Modify / delete products - As seller, we want to be able to edit our profiles whenever we need it. Here we will have our personal information, a profile picture, products in favourites chek the shopping card, keep on shopping and checkout. 🥊
  • Create/Modify/delete offers - A a seller I want to see all the products categorized and searchable
  • Add/remove offers to products- A seller I want to see the product detail, with different angles pictures and add it to the shopping cart
  • Enable upload multiple pictures for each product



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