My Nginx fancyindex theme made in Bootstrap. The useful output is in the /dist
This theme is used on For example on this page. It features a sidebar with links and a Bootstrap 5 layout. It also loads markdown files from ./readme-text/
to optionally display text on the main directories. This is achieved by compiling this text in a json file that is retrieved via client side js.
The relevant configuration for nginx is the following.
location / {
fancyindex on;
fancyindex_exact_size off;
fancyindex_footer /fancyindex/footer.html;
fancyindex_header /fancyindex/header.html;
fancyindex_show_path off;
fancyindex_time_format "%b %e, %Y";
location /fancyindex {
For the above to work, you need two symbolic links. Suppose that your nginx root directory is /var/www/html
. Then you want
REPO_DIR = $(pwd)
# (1) symlink for header and footer
sudo ln -s "$REPO_DIR/dist" $NGINX_ROOT/fancyindex
# (2) symlink for js/css
sudo ln -s "$REPO_DIR/dist/assets" $NGINX_ROOT/assets
This is designed to make the header and footer files inaccessible to users, but still allow the JavaScript and CSS to be loaded. It's simple to modify this theme to have just the first symlink and no internal directive.
You can generate the dist
folder by running npm install && npm run build