Modern GitOps deployment structure using ArgoCD on Kubernetes with Proxmox virtualization
A GitOps-driven Kubernetes cluster using K3s, ArgoCD, and Cilium, with integrated Cloudflare Tunnel for secure external access. Built for both home lab and small production environments.
- Prerequisites
- Architecture
- Quick Start
- Verification
- Documentation
- Hardware Stack
- Scaling
- Troubleshooting
- Contributing
- License
- Linux server/VM (can be Proxmox VM, mini PC, NUC, or similar)
- Minimum 4GB RAM (8GB+ recommended)
- 2 CPU cores (4+ recommended)
- 20GB storage (100GB+ recommended for applications)
- Domain configured in Cloudflare
- 1Password account for secrets management
- 1Password Connect credentials and token
- Cloudflare API tokens and tunnel configuration
installed locallycloudflared
installed locally
graph TD
subgraph "Argo CD Projects"
IP[Infrastructure Project] --> IAS[Infrastructure ApplicationSet]
AP[Applications Project] --> AAS[Applications ApplicationSet]
MP[Monitoring Project] --> MAS[Monitoring ApplicationSet]
AIP[AI Project] --> AIAS[AI ApplicationSet]
subgraph "Infrastructure Components"
IAS --> N[Networking]
IAS --> S[Storage]
IAS --> C[Controllers]
IAS --> DB[Database]
N --> Cilium
N --> Cloudflared
N --> Gateway
S --> OpenEBS
S --> VolumeSnapshots
C --> CertManager
C --> ExternalSecrets
DB --> CloudNativePG
subgraph "Monitoring Stack"
MAS --> Prometheus
MAS --> Grafana
MAS --> AlertManager
MAS --> Loki
subgraph "User Applications"
AAS --> Home[Home Apps]
AAS --> Media[Media Apps]
AAS --> Dev[Dev Tools]
AAS --> Privacy[Privacy Apps]
Home --> Frigate
Home --> WyzeBridge
Media --> Plex
Media --> Jellyfin
Dev --> Kafka
Dev --> Temporal
Privacy --> SearXNG
Privacy --> LibReddit
subgraph "AI Applications"
AIAS --> Ollama
AIAS --> ComfyUI
style IP fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style AP fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style MP fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style AIP fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style IAS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style MAS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style AAS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style AIAS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
- Three-Tier Architecture: Separate infrastructure, monitoring, and applications
- Sync Waves: Controlled deployment order through ArgoCD sync waves
- Simple Directory Patterns: No complex include/exclude logic
- All-in-One Management: Just three ApplicationSets to manage everything
- GPU Integration: Support for hardware acceleration with NVIDIA GPUs
# Install required system packages
sudo apt install zfsutils-linux nfs-kernel-server cifs-utils open-iscsi
sudo apt install --reinstall zfs-dkms
# Install 1Password CLI (follow instructions at https://1password.com/downloads/command-line/)
export SETUP_CLUSTERTOKEN=randomtokensecret123333334
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1.32.0+k3s1" \
--disable=flannel,local-storage,metrics-server,servicelb,traefik \
--flannel-backend='none' \
--disable-network-policy \
--disable-cloud-controller \
--disable-kube-proxy" \
# Setup kubeconfig
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
chmod 600 $HOME/.kube/config
# On worker node
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | K3S_URL=https://myserver:6443 K3S_TOKEN=mynodetoken sh -
# Worker nodes:
# - Don't run storage workloads
# - Only handle compute tasks
# - Automatically join the cluster
# Install Helm if not already installed
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash
# Add Cilium Helm repository
helm repo add cilium https://helm.cilium.io/
helm repo update
# Install Cilium using Helm
helm install cilium cilium/cilium -n kube-system \
-f infrastructure/networking/cilium/values.yaml \
--version 1.17.1 \
--set operator.replicas=1
# Verify the installation
kubectl -n kube-system get pods -l k8s-app=cilium
kubectl -n kube-system get pods -l k8s-app=cilium-operator
# Install Gateway API CRDs
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.2.0/standard-install.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.2.0/experimental-install.yaml
# Install ArgoCD with custom configuration
k3s kubectl kustomize --enable-helm infrastructure/controllers/argocd | k3s kubectl apply -f -
# Wait for ArgoCD to be ready
kubectl wait --for=condition=available deployment -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server -n argocd --timeout=300s
# Wait for CRDs to be established
kubectl wait --for=condition=established crd/applications.argoproj.io --timeout=60s
kubectl wait --for=condition=established crd/appprojects.argoproj.io --timeout=60s
# Create required namespaces
kubectl create namespace 1passwordconnect
kubectl create namespace external-secrets
# Generate and apply 1Password Connect credentials
op connect server create # Creates 1password-credentials.json
export CONNECT_TOKEN="your-1password-connect-token"
# Create required secrets
kubectl create secret generic 1password-credentials \
--from-file=1password-credentials.json=credentials.base64 \
--namespace 1passwordconnect
kubectl create secret generic 1password-operator-token \
--from-literal=token=$CONNECT_TOKEN \
--namespace 1passwordconnect
kubectl create secret generic 1passwordconnect \
--from-literal=token=$CONNECT_TOKEN \
--namespace external-secrets
Deploy the three-tier structure in order:
# 1. First apply the ArgoCD projects
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/controllers/argocd/projects.yaml -n argocd
# 2. Apply infrastructure components (sync wave -2 ensures they run first)
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/infrastructure-components-appset.yaml -n argocd
# 3. Apply monitoring components (sync wave 0)
kubectl apply -f monitoring/monitoring-components-appset.yaml -n argocd
# 4. Finally, apply user applications (sync wave 1 ensures they run last)
kubectl apply -f my-apps/myapplications-appset.yaml -n argocd
- Three-tier architecture separating infrastructure, monitoring, and applications
- Sync waves ensure proper deployment order
- Simple directory patterns without complex include/exclude logic
- All components managed through just three top-level ApplicationSets
# Check core components
kubectl get pods -A
cilium status
# Check ArgoCD
kubectl get application -A
kubectl get pods -n argocd
# Check secrets
kubectl get pods -n 1passwordconnect
kubectl get externalsecret -A
- View Documentation Online - Full documentation website
- Local Documentation - Browse documentation in the repository:
π§ Compute
βββ AMD Threadripper 2950X (16c/32t)
βββ 128GB ECC DDR4 RAM
βββ 2Γ NVIDIA RTX 3090 24GB
βββ Google Coral TPU
πΎ Storage
βββ NVMe OS Drive
βββ Local Path Storage for K8s
π Network
βββ 2.5Gb Networking
βββ Firewalla Gold
βββ Internal DNS Resolution
While this setup uses a single node, you can add worker nodes for additional compute capacity:
Scaling Type | Description | Benefits |
Single Node | All workloads on one server | Simplified storage, easier management |
Worker Nodes | Add compute-only nodes | Increased capacity without storage complexity |
Multi-Master | High availability control plane | Production-grade resilience |
βββ infrastructure/ # Infrastructure components
β βββ controllers/ # Kubernetes controllers
β β βββ argocd/ # ArgoCD configuration and projects
β βββ networking/ # Network configurations
β βββ storage/ # Storage configurations
β βββ infrastructure-components-appset.yaml # Main infrastructure ApplicationSet
βββ monitoring/ # Monitoring components
β βββ k8s-monitoring/ # Kubernetes monitoring stack
β βββ monitoring-components-appset.yaml # Main monitoring ApplicationSet
βββ my-apps/ # User applications
β βββ ai/ # AI-related applications
β βββ media/ # Media applications
β βββ development/ # Development tools
β βββ external/ # External service integrations
β βββ home/ # Home automation apps
β βββ privacy/ # Privacy-focused applications
β βββ myapplications-appset.yaml # Main applications ApplicationSet
βββ docs/ # Documentation
β βββ argocd.md # ArgoCD setup and workflow
β βββ network.md # Network configuration
β βββ security.md # Security setup
β βββ storage.md # Storage configuration
β βββ external-services.md # External services setup
Issue Type | Troubleshooting Steps |
Network Issues | β’ Check Gateway API status β’ Verify Cloudflare Tunnel connectivity β’ Test DNS resolution |
Storage Issues | β’ Verify PV binding β’ Check storage provisioner logs β’ Validate node affinity |
ArgoCD Issues | β’ Check application sync status β’ Verify Git repository access β’ Review application logs |
Finalizer Cleanup | β’ kubectl patch applications -n argocd app-name --type json -p '[{"op":"remove","path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]' β’ kubectl delete applications --all -n argocd |
If you need to remove all existing applications to rebuild:
# Patch to remove finalizers from all applications
kubectl get applications -n argocd -o name | xargs -I{} kubectl patch {} -n argocd --type json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
# Delete all applications
kubectl delete applications --all -n argocd
# For stuck ApplicationSets
kubectl get applicationsets -n argocd -o name | xargs -I{} kubectl patch {} -n argocd --type json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
kubectl delete applicationsets --all -n argocd
# Only then apply the new structure in order
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/controllers/argocd/projects.yaml -n argocd
kubectl apply -f infrastructure/infrastructure-components-appset.yaml -n argocd
kubectl apply -f monitoring/monitoring-components-appset.yaml -n argocd
kubectl apply -f my-apps/myapplications-appset.yaml -n argocd
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Submit a pull request
MIT License - See LICENSE for details