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Releases: mittwald/api-client-php


18 Feb 19:09
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  • The method to leave a Customer has been deprecated. The previous implementation is now replaced by DELETE /v2/customer-memberships/{customerMembershipId}.
  • The method to leave a Project has been deprecated. The previous implementation is now replaced by DELETE /v2/project-memberships/{projectMembershipId}.

New Features

  • Added new file upload types for the API:
    • extensionAssetImage
    • extensionAssetVideo

These enhancements improve the file handling capabilities within the API, allowing for a broader range of media types to be uploaded.


17 Feb 19:09
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  • Enhanced Contract Listing Request: Default values are now provided for limit and skip in the ListContractsRequest, ensuring more consistent handling of requests.
  • Extension Schema Updates: The Extension schema has been updated with new properties including assets and externalFrontends, providing better management of extension media and components.
  • Webhook Support: New WebhookUrl and WebhookUrls classes have been added to support event-driven integrations for extension lifecycle management.



  • Default value for limit is now set to 1000 (minimum value is 1).
  • Default value for skip is now set to 0.
  • The getLimit and getSkip methods now return non-nullable integer types.
  • Removed withoutLimit and withoutSkip methods as they are no longer needed.

BackendComponent and BackendComponents

  • Marked as deprecated in their respective schemas.


  • Introduced new properties:
    • assets: An array containing media assets (images and videos) of the extension, with a maximum of 4 items.
    • externalFrontends: An array for managing external frontend components, supporting the integration of additional interfaces.
  • Deprecated the frontendComponents property.

New Classes

  • ExtensionAsset: Represents individual assets associated with an extension.
  • ExtensionAssetAssetType: Enum to define asset types as either image or video.
  • WebhookUrl: Represents a single webhook URL.
  • WebhookUrls: An object that holds multiple webhook URL events related to extension changes.


  • Added support for assets and externalFrontends which align with the new Extension schema.
  • Updated methods for handling these properties, including withAssets, withExternalFrontends, and getWebhookUrls which is facilitated through the new WebhookUrls class.


12 Feb 19:09
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  • Support Information for Contributors: Added the supportInformation field to the Contributor schema to provide additional context for each contributor's support offerings.
  • Own Extension Enhancements:
    • Introduced new properties (functional, published, verificationRequested, verified) to the OwnExtension schema, enabling better tracking and state management of extensions.
    • Included a new requestedChanges parameter to manage and track changes requested for extensions.
    • Added functionality to link a logo via logoRefId.


  • The email and phone fields in the Contributor schema are now marked as deprecated, indicating they will be removed in future versions.

Documentation Updates

  • Enhanced the PHPDoc comments to provide more clarity in the method signatures, specifically regarding the response types and methods available in the MarketplaceClient and MarketplaceClientImpl classes.


11 Feb 19:09
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Deprecated Properties

  • The directory property has been marked as deprecated. It will only be supported until the end of March. Users are encouraged to use installationId instead. This change is reflected in both the property definition and accompanying documentation.

Details of Deprecation:

  • A warning message has been added to indicate that the property will be deprecated and to guide users towards the new alternative.
  • The deprecation has been acknowledged in the constructor and getter method for the directory property.


07 Feb 19:09
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  • ExtensionStatistics: A new class to represent extension statistics, featuring:

    • amountOfInstances: An integer indicating the number of instances of an extension.
  • Statistics Field in Extensions: The existing Extension and OwnExtension classes have been updated to include a statistics field referring to the ExtensionStatistics class.


  • The constructors of Extension and OwnExtension have been modified to accept an ExtensionStatistics object, ensuring that statistics are properly initialized.
  • The Extension and OwnExtension classes now include methods getStatistics() and withStatistics() for accessing and modifying the statistics property.
  • Serialization logic for Extension and OwnExtension classes has been updated to include statistics in the output JSON representation.


06 Feb 19:10
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Added Features

  • Introduced SubTitle class to provide a brief subtitle for extensions, enhancing metadata about each extension.
  • Added support for subTitle in Extension and OwnExtension classes, which allows specifying a subtitle for each extension.


  • Updated the DetailedDescriptions class to reflect the new purpose of describing the capabilities of the extension instead of merely listing supported languages.

  • Modified the description field in Extension class for clarity, now explicitly detailing it as a short description of the capabilities of the extension.

  • Updated constructors in Extension and OwnExtension classes to include subTitle, improving the schema for these classes by making the subtitle a required attribute.

  • Added getSubTitle method to Extension and OwnExtension classes, allowing retrieval of the subtitle.

  • Implemented new withSubTitle and withoutSubTitle methods in OwnExtension class to facilitate subtitle management.

New Classes

  • Created a new Scaling class to define minimum and maximum scaling limits for projects.
  • New ServerInternal class added to provide comprehensive details about internal server structures and functionalities, supporting broader project management capabilities.


05 Feb 19:09
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Features Added

  • Sorting and Ordering for Conversations:
    Enhanced the ListConversationsRequest class to support sorting and ordering of conversations based on various attributes. This allows users to specify how they wish to retrieve conversation data, improving usability.

Detailed Changes


  • Introduced sort property to define the sorting attributes. Options include:

    • createdAt
    • lastMessage.createdAt
    • title
    • priority
    • shortId
    • conversationId
  • Added order property to specify the sort direction (asc or desc), with a default set to desc.

  • Implemented new methods:

    • getSort(): Returns the current sort attributes.
    • getOrder(): Returns the current order.
    • withSort(array $sort): Allows setting custom sort attributes with validation.
    • withOrder(array $order): Allows setting custom order with validation.
  • Modified the constructor to accept sort and order from the input array, defaulting to specified values if not provided.

  • Updated the toJson() method to include sort and order in the output.

  • Enhanced query building in the request to optionally include sorting and ordering parameters.


03 Feb 19:10
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Deprecated Operations

Domain Client Method Updates

The following methods have been added to support deprecated operations related to DNS records:

  • deprecatedDnsRecordASetCustom

    • Updates A-records for a specific zone. This operation is deprecated and users are encouraged to utilize the alternative PUT v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet} endpoint.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordASetManagedByIngress

    • Sets A-records to be managed by ingress for a specific zone. This method is also deprecated with a recommendation to use the POST v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet}/actions/set-managed endpoint.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordCnameSet

    • Updates CNAME records for a specific zone. Deprecated in favor of the same PUT v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet} endpoint.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordMxSetCustom

    • Updates MX records for a specific zone. Users should transition to the alternative PUT v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet} for MX records as well.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordMxSetManaged

    • Configures MX records to be managed for a specified zone. Implementers should use the POST v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet}/actions/set-managed endpoint instead.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordSrvSet

    • Updates SRV records for a specific zone, with the PUT v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet} endpoint being the suggested alternative.
  • deprecatedDnsRecordTxtSet

    • Updates TXT records for a specific zone, which is deprecated in favor of the PUT v2/dns-zones/{dnsZoneId}/record-sets/{recordSet} endpoint.

Key Changes in the Implementation

  • Removed outdated class names prefixed with Deprecated to streamline the codebase.
  • Updated method signatures and response types for better clarity and utility.
  • Network error handling has been refined using the new response classes for better feedback on requests and potential issues with deprecated operations.

These additions enhance the maintainability of the API and provide clearer pathways for developers transitioning away from deprecated functionalities.


28 Jan 19:09
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  • CAA Record Support: Introduced new functionality for managing CAA (Certification Authority Authorization) records in DNS configurations. This includes:
    • New RecordCAAComponent and RecordCAARecord classes, which encapsulate the details necessary for CAA records.
    • Enhanced the DnsUpdateRecordSetRequest to accept caa type in the payload and provide a method to handle these records.


  • Updated DnsUpdateRecordSetRequest and DnsUpdateRecordSetRequestRecordSet to include caa in the record types.
  • Updated the schema definitions in Zone and ZoneRecordSet to accommodate CAA records.
  • Adjusted several methods across classes to incorporate the new CAA record data structure.


  • Enhanced the Contributor schema to support optional descriptions and ensure proper handling of null values. Expanded input validation to accommodate these changes.
  • Modified the ExtensionDeprecation schema to include additional properties: note and successorId, providing more context on deprecated extensions.


  • Added all-new FrontendFragment schema to allow for dynamic additional properties in marketplace fragments.
  • General code improvements and refactors for better readability and maintainability across various schema classes.


27 Jan 19:09
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New Features

  • Introduced the OAuthClient class to manage OAuth client configurations. This class is designed to facilitate the creation and validation of OAuth client objects within the signup process.

Class Overview


  • Properties:

    • allowedGrantTypes: (optional) An array of allowed grant types for the OAuth client.
    • allowedRedirectUris: (optional) An array of allowed redirect URIs.
    • allowedScopes: (optional) An array of allowed scopes for the OAuth client.
    • contributorId: (required) A string representing the ID of the contributor.
    • description: (optional) A description of the OAuth client.
    • humanReadableName: (required) A human-readable name for the OAuth client.
    • id: (required) A unique identifier for the OAuth client.
  • Methods:

    • __construct: Initializes an OAuthClient with required contributorId, humanReadableName, and id.
    • getAllowedGrantTypes, getAllowedRedirectUris, getAllowedScopes: Accessor methods for the respective properties.
    • withAllowedGrantTypes, withoutAllowedGrantTypes: Methods to set or unset allowed grant types.
    • withAllowedRedirectUris, withoutAllowedRedirectUris: Methods to set or unset allowed redirect URIs.
    • withAllowedScopes, withoutAllowedScopes: Methods to set or unset allowed scopes.
    • withContributorId, withDescription, withHumanReadableName, withId: Methods to set the respective properties with validation.
    • buildFromInput: Static method to create an OAuthClient instance from input data, with optional validation.
    • toJson: Converts the OAuthClient object to an array for JSON serialization.
    • validateInput: Validates input data against the class schema.

This new implementation enhances the management of OAuth client instances, providing a clear structure and validation mechanisms for client configurations.