graph TD
ingest(ingest: file upload)-->db(db: metadata, datasets, results)
ingest-->storage(storage: files)
storage --> inference(inference: TensorFlow)
db --> inference
inference --> db
Import of assets, metadata to db (PostgreSQL), files to storage (minIO S3).
- extract metadata from files
- check for naming collisions with existing files
- upload metadata to db
- upload files to storage
The import of existing audio data is documented in the import-existing-audio report. The accompanying code is found in ingest/import_existing/. Further development will be based on this code.
To upload audiofiles recorded by Audiomoths, you can use the mitwelten-audio-uploader app.
Retired database schema, for current setup check mitwelten-db-backend.
- files (metadata)
- datasets (collections of files)
- paramsets (inference configuration)
- results (inference)
For details check initialize_db.sql.
Set credentials in
Bucket on minIO S3 backend, publicly accessible.
Set credentials in