This extension is for Sublime Text 2 & 3. It adds helpful snippets and autocompletions for Ruby on Rails
Start typing the name of the helper you want and then hit Tab
to insert the full completion. This plugin allows fuzzy searching, which allows you to be more efficient when searching for autocompletions.
- before_create
- before_destroy
- before_save
- before_update
- before_validation
- before_validation_on_create
- before_validation_on_update
- around_create
- around_save
- around_update
- around_destroy
- after_commit
- after_create
- after_create_commit
- after_destroy
- after_destroy_commit
- after_rollback
- after_save
- after_update
- after_update_commit
- after_validation
- after_validation_on_create
- after_validation_on_Update
- belongs_to
- has_one
- has_many
- has_many_through # has_many :through
- has_one_through # has_one :through
- has_and_belongs_to_many
- inverse_of
- dependent_destroy # dependent: :destroy
- accepts_nested_attributes_for
- validate
- validates
- validates_acceptance_of
- validates_associated
- validates_confirmation_of
- validates_each
- validates_exclusion_of
- validates_format_of
- validates_inclusion_of
- validates_length_of
- validates_numericality_of
- validates_presence_of
- validates_size_of
- validates_uniqueness_of
- before_action
- skip_before_action
- around_action
- http_basic_authenticate_with
- redirect_to
- render
- render_template
- render_partial
- render_action
- render_action_edit
- render_action_show
- render_action_index
- render_action_update
- render_file
- render_inline
- render_html
- render_json
- render_js
- render_xml
- render_body
- render_layout
- render_status
- render_layout
- render
- render_template
- render_partial
- render_file
- render_inline
- add_column
- add_foreign_key
- add_index
- add_reference
- add_timestamps
- change_column_default
- change_column_null
- create_join_table
- create_table
- disable_extension
- drop_join_table
- drop_table
- enable_extension
- remove_column
- remove_foreign_key
- remove_index
- remove_reference
- remove_timestamps
- rename_column
- rename_index
- rename_table
- javascript_include_tag
- stylesheet_link_tag
- image_tag
- javascript_pack_tag
- stylesheet_pack_tag
All of RailsCompletions is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Marc Jeffrey [email protected]