Influx and granfan stack for locally monitoring enphase solar.
Note: this is currently just rough notes, things may be using old versions, default passwords, and unsecure connections. This should be updated to enhance security especially if you want to run outside of a protected network.
You must first obtain two sets of credentials: the user/password for your envoy and the installer password.
The envoy username is always "envoy" and the password is the last six digits of your envoy serial number. The serial number can be found by browsing to the IP of your envoy (or http://envoy.local)
The installer password can be obtained by running the script after updaing it with your Envoys serial number. Credit to
docker build -t envoy-python:latest .
docker build -t envoy-stream-python:latest -f Dockerfile-stream .
docker run -d -e "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1" envoy-python:latest
docker-compose up -d