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This branch is 3 commits ahead of, 297 commits behind ReactTooltip/react-tooltip:master.

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Fork notes:

  1. Needed to update package.json to include "main": "dist/react-tooltip.cjs",' so that it can be consumed by shadow-cljs. shadow-cljsdoes not yet support"exports"`.
  2. Needed to remove some devDependencies so that it could be installed with node v16.1.0.
  3. Needed to remove "prepare": "husky install", so that it could be installed with node v16.1.0.
  4. Published using gitpkg publish


Version typescript code style: prettier npm download minified minified gzip

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Edit ReactTooltip

Documentation for V4 - Github Page.

Documentation for V5 - ReactTooltip.

Bundlephobia v4.5.1 Bundlephobia v5.9.0 Bundlezise timeline


npm install react-tooltip


yarn add react-tooltip


⚠️ If you were already using react-tooltip<=5.7.5, you'll be getting some deprecation warnings regarding the anchorId prop and some other features. In versions >=5.8.0, we've introduced the data-tooltip-id attribute, and the anchorSelect prop, which are our recommended methods of using the tooltip moving forward. Check the docs for more details.

Using NPM package

1 . Import the CSS file to set default styling.

⚠️ You must import the CSS file or the tooltip won't show!

import 'react-tooltip/dist/react-tooltip.css'

This needs to be done only once. We suggest you do it on your src/index.js or equivalent file.

2 . Import react-tooltip after installation.

import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip'

or if you want to still use the name ReactTooltip as V4:

import { Tooltip as ReactTooltip } from 'react-tooltip'

3 . Add data-tooltip-id="<tooltip id>" and data-tooltip-content="<your placeholder>" to your element.

data-tooltip-id is the equivalent of V4's data-for.

<a data-tooltip-id="my-tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Hello world!">

4 . Include the <Tooltip /> element.

Don't forget to set the id, it won't work without it!

<Tooltip id="my-tooltip" />

Using multiple anchor elements

You can also set the anchorSelect tooltip prop to use the tooltip with multiple anchor elements without having to set data-tooltip-id on each of them. anchorSelect must be a valid CSS selector.

<a className="my-anchor-element" data-tooltip-content="Hello world!">
<a className="my-anchor-element" data-tooltip-content="Hello to you too!">
<Tooltip anchorSelect=".my-anchor-element" />

Check the V5 docs for more complex use cases.


You can import node_modules/react-tooltip/dist/react-tooltip.[mode].js into your page. Please make sure that you have already imported react and react-dom into your page.

mode: esm cjs umd

Don't forget to import the CSS file from node_modules/react-tooltip/dist/react-tooltip.css to set default styling. This needs to be done only once in your application.

PS: all the files have a minified version and a non-minified version.



For all available options, please check React Tooltip Options

Security note

The html option allows a tooltip to directly display raw HTML. This is a security risk if any of that content is supplied by the user. Any user-supplied content must be sanitized, using a package like sanitize-html. We chose not to include sanitization after discovering it increased our package size too much - we don't want to penalize people who don't use the html option.

JSX note

You can use renderToStaticMarkup() function to use JSX instead of HTML. Example:

import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
  data-tooltip-html={ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(<div>I am <b>JSX</b> content</div>)}


Before trying these, make sure you're running the latest ReactTooltip version with

npm install react-tooltip@latest


yarn add react-tooltip@latest

If you can't find your problem here, make sure there isn't an open issue already covering it. If there isn't, feel free to submit a new issue.

The tooltip is broken/not showing up

Make sure you've imported the default styling. You only need to do this once on your application, App.jsx/App.tsx is usually a good place to do it.

import 'react-tooltip/dist/react-tooltip.css'

If you've imported the default styling and the tooltip is still not showing up when you hover on your anchor element, make sure you have content to be displayed by the tooltip.

If data-tooltip-content and data-tooltip-html are both unset (or they have empty values) on the anchor element, and also the content, render, and children props on the tooltip are unset (or have empty values), the tooltip is not shown by default.

Next.js TypeError: f is not a function

This problem seems to be caused by a bug related to the SWC bundler used by Next.js. The best way to solve this is to upgrade to next@13.3.0 or later versions.

Less ideally, if you're unable to upgrade, you can set swcMinify: false on your next.config.js file.

Bad performance

If you're experiencing any kind of unexpected behavior or bad performance on your application when using ReactTooltip, here are a few things you can try.

Move <Tooltip /> on the DOM

This is specially relevant when using components that are conditionally rendered.

Always try to keep the <Tooltip /> component rendered, so if you're having issues with a tooltip you've placed inside a component which is placed/removed from the DOM dynamically, try to move the tooltip outside of it.

We usually recommend placing the tooltip component directly inside the root component of your application (usually on App.jsx/App.tsx). You can also move the import 'react-tooltip/dist/react-tooltip.css' there.

Dynamically generated anchor elements

You should avoid needlessly using a large amount of <Tooltip /> components. One tooltip component that you use across your whole application should be good enough in most cases, but you should be fine to add a few more if you need to use different styled tooltips.

Here's a simple example on how to improve performance when using dynamically generated items.

Check the docs for examples for the anchorSelect and render props for more complex use cases.

// ❌ BAD
<div className="items-container">
  {{ id, content, tooltip }) => (
        <Tooltip id={`tooltip-${id}`} content={tooltip} />
// ✅ GOOD
<div className="items-container">
  {{ id, content, tooltip }) => (
<Tooltip id="my-tooltip" />


How I insert sass into react component


danielbarion Maintainer - Creator of React Tooltip >= V5.

gabrieljablonski Maintainer.

aronhelser (inactive).

alexgurr (inactive).

pdeszynski (inactive).

roggervalf (inactive).

huumanoid (inactive)

wwayne (inactive) - Creator of the original React Tooltip (V1.x ~ V4.x.)

We would gladly accept a new maintainer to help out!


We welcome your contribution! Fork the repo, make some changes, submit a pull-request! Our contributing doc has some details.




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