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Tiled scrollable window manager for MacOS. Inspired by PaperWM.

Spoon plugin for HammerSpoon MacOS automation app.




  1. Clone to Hammerspoon Spoons directory: git clone ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons/PaperWM.spoon.

  2. Open System Preferences -> Desktop and Dock. Scroll to the bottom to "Mission Control", then uncheck "Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use" and check "Displays have separate Spaces".

Screenshot of macOS settings

Install with SpoonInstall


spoon.SpoonInstall.repos.PaperWM = {
    url = "",
    desc = "PaperWM.spoon repository",
    branch = "release",

spoon.SpoonInstall:andUse("PaperWM", {
    repo = "PaperWM",
    config = { screen_margin = 16, window_gap = 2 },
    start = true,
    hotkeys = {
		< see below >


Add the following to your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua:

PaperWM = hs.loadSpoon("PaperWM")
    -- switch to a new focused window in tiled grid
    focus_left  = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "left"},
    focus_right = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "right"},
    focus_up    = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "up"},
    focus_down  = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "down"},

    -- move windows around in tiled grid
    swap_left  = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "left"},
    swap_right = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "right"},
    swap_up    = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "up"},
    swap_down  = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "down"},

    -- position and resize focused window
    center_window        = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "c"},
    full_width           = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "f"},
    cycle_width          = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "r"},
    reverse_cycle_width  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "r"},
    cycle_height         = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "r"},
    reverse_cycle_height = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "r"},

    -- move focused window into / out of a column
    slurp_in = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "i"},
    barf_out = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "o"},

    -- move the focused window into / out of the tiling layer
    toggle_floating = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "escape"},

    -- switch to a new Mission Control space
    switch_space_l = {{"alt", "cmd"}, ","},
    switch_space_r = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "."},
    switch_space_1 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "1"},
    switch_space_2 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "2"},
    switch_space_3 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "3"},
    switch_space_4 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "4"},
    switch_space_5 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "5"},
    switch_space_6 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "6"},
    switch_space_7 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "7"},
    switch_space_8 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "8"},
    switch_space_9 = {{"alt", "cmd"}, "9"},

    -- move focused window to a new space and tile
    move_window_1 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "1"},
    move_window_2 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "2"},
    move_window_3 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "3"},
    move_window_4 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "4"},
    move_window_5 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "5"},
    move_window_6 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "6"},
    move_window_7 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "7"},
    move_window_8 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "8"},
    move_window_9 = {{"alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "9"}

Feel free to customize hotkeys or use PaperWM:bindHotkeys(PaperWM.default_hotkeys) for defaults. PaperWM actions are also available for manual keybinding via the PaperWM.actions table; for example, the following would enable navigation by either arrow keys or vim-style h/j/k/l directions:

PaperWM = hs.loadSpoon("PaperWM")

hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "h", PaperWM.actions.focus_left)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "j", PaperWM.actions.focus_down)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "k", PaperWM.actions.focus_up)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "l", PaperWM.actions.focus_right)

hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "h", PaperWM.actions.swap_left)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "j", PaperWM.actions.swap_down)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "k", PaperWM.actions.swap_up)
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "l", PaperWM.actions.swap_right)

PaperWM:start() will begin automatically tiling new and existing windows. PaperWM:stop() will release control over windows.

Set PaperWM.window_gap to the number of pixels to space between windows and the top and bottom screen edges.

Configure one or many PaperWM.window_filter:rejectApp("appName") to ignore specific applications. For example:

PaperWM.window_filter:rejectApp("iStat Menus Status")
PaperWM:start() -- restart for new window filter to take effect

Set PaperWM.window_ratios to the ratios to cycle window widths and heights through. For example:

PaperWM.window_ratios = { 0.23607, 0.38195, 0.61804 }

Smooth Scrolling


PaperWM.spoon can scroll windows left or right by swiping fingers horizontally across the trackpad. Set the number of fingers (eg. 2, 3, or 4) and, optionally, a gain to adjust the sensitivity:

-- number of fingers to detect a horizontal swipe, set to 0 to disable (the default)
PaperWM.swipe_fingers = 0

-- increase this number to make windows move farther when swiping
PaperWM.swipe_gain = 1.0

Inspired by ScrollDesktop.spoon


MacOS does not allow a window to be moved fully off-screen. Windows that would be tiled off-screen are placed in a margin on the left and right edge of the screen. They are still visible and clickable.

It's difficult to detect when a window is dragged from one space or screen to another. Use the move_window_N commands to move windows between spaces and screens.

Arrange screens vertically to prevent windows from bleeding into other screens.

Screen Shot 2022-01-07 at 14 18 27


The following spoons compliment PaperWM.spoon nicely.

  • ActiveSpace.spoon Show active and layout of Mission Control spaces in the menu bar.
  • Swipe.spoon Perform actions when trackpad swipe gestures are recognized. Here's an example config to change PaperWM.spoon focused window:
-- focus adjacent window with 3 finger swipe
local current_id, threshold
Swipe = hs.loadSpoon("Swipe")
Swipe:start(3, function(direction, distance, id)
    if id == current_id then
        if distance > threshold then
            threshold = math.huge -- trigger once per swipe

            -- use "natural" scrolling
            if direction == "left" then
            elseif direction == "right" then
            elseif direction == "up" then
            elseif direction == "down" then
        current_id = id
        threshold = 0.2 -- swipe distance > 20% of trackpad size


Contributions are welcome! Here are a few preferences:

  • Global variables are CamelCase (eg. PaperWM)
  • Local variables are snake_case (eg. local focused_window)
  • Function names are lowerCamelCase (eg. function windowEventHandler())
  • Use <const> where possible
  • Create a local copy when deeply nested members are used often (eg. local Watcher <const> = hs.uielement.watcher)

Code format checking and linting is provided by lua-language-server for commits and pull requests. Run lua-language-server --check=init.lua locally before commiting.


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