Increasing speed and accuracy is one of the main criteria for cleaner and better coding
π Who I am and how to communicate with me
Installation And Conditions β
You can use :
npm i react-hooks-plus
yarn add react-hooks-plus
Random Functions β
randomNumber β
First you need to import
import { randomNumber } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
By doing this, a random number (max 4 digits)
will appear for you in the log
randomNumberDigit β
First you need to import
import { randomNumberDigit } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
As the function parameter of the function, you must enter a number so that your final output is a number with the desired number of digits
In this example, your log output will be a 7-digit random number
randomNumberRange β
First you need to import
import { randomNumberRange } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
As the function parameter of the function, you must enter two numbers as
so that your final output is a number in your desired range.
console.log(randomNumberRange(1, 100));
In this example, your log output will be a random number between 1 and 100
randomNumberEven β
First you need to import
import { randomNumberEven } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
As the function parameter of the function, you must enter a boolean value and two numbers as min and max. If the first parameter is true, it means your output is an
even number
and if it is false, it means your output is anodd number
. The second and third parameters are related to yourdetermining the random number range
console.log(randomNumberEven(true, 1, 100));
In this example, your log output will be an even random number between 1 and 100
randomString β
First you need to import
import { randomString } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
By doing this, a random string (max 5 char)
will appear for you in the log
randomStringLength β
First you need to import
import { randomStringLength } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
As an function parameter to the function, you must assign a number to it, which determines the
length of your string
By doing this, your log output will be a random string of 12 characters long
randomStringSymbols β
First you need to import
import { randomStringSymbols } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
By doing this, a random string of letters, numbers and symbols (max 5 characters)
will appear for you in the log.
randomStringSymbolsLength β
First you need to import
import { randomStringSymbolsLength } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
As an function parameter to the function, you must assign a number to it, which determines the
length of your string
By doing this, your log output will be a random string of letters, numbers, and symbols that is 12 characters long
Random Functions β
convertToPersianNumber β
This function converts English numbers to Persian or Arabic
First you need to import
import { convertToPersianNumber } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
//Example usage
const input = '1234567890';
const persianNum = convertToPersianNumber(input);
console.log(persianNum); // "Ϋ±Ϋ²Ϋ³Ϋ΄Ϋ΅ΫΆΫ·ΫΈΫΉΫ°"
convertToEnglishNumber β
This function converts Persian or Arabic numbers to English
First you need to import
import { convertToEnglishNumber } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
//Example usage
let PersianNum = 'Ϋ±Ϋ²Ϋ³Ϋ΄Ϋ΅';
let engNum = convertToEnglishNumber(PersianNum);
console.log(engNum); // output: 12345
separateNumbers β
This function separates the numbers three by three with
First you need to import
import { separateNumbers } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
//Example usage
console.log(separateNumbers('1234567890')); // 1,234,567,890
console.log(separateNumbers('Ϋ·Ϋ·Ϋ·Ϋ΅Ϋ²Ϋ²ΫΆ')); // Ϋ·,Ϋ·Ϋ·Ϋ΅,Ϋ²Ϋ²ΫΆ
isPersianNumber β
This function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the number you sent as input to this function is Persian (Arabic) or not.
First you need to import
import { isPersianNumber } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
//Example usage
console.log(isPersianNumber('Ϋ΅,Ϋ²Ϋ²ΫΆ')); // true
console.log(isPersianNumber('Ϋ΅Ϋ²Ϋ²ΫΆ')); // true
console.log(isPersianNumber(42735)); // false
console.log(isPersianNumber('42,753')); // false
Array Functions β
UniqueArray β
: Takes an array and returns a new array containing only unique elements.
First you need to import
import { uniqueArray } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4];
const uniqueArr = uniqueArray(arr); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
shuffleArray β
: This function takes in an array and shuffles its contents randomly
First you need to import
import { shuffleArray } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const shuffledArray = shuffleArray(myArray);
chunk β
: This function takes an array and a chunk size and returns a new array with the original array split into chunks of the specified size
First you need to import
import { chunk } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
const chunkedArr = chunk(arr, 3); // returns [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
flattenArray β
: Takes an array of arrays and flattens it into a single array
First you need to import
import { flattenArray } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]];
const flattenedArr = flattenArray(arr); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
findMaxIndex β
The findMaxIndex
function takes an array of numbers as input and returns the index of the largest element in the array.
First you need to import
import { findMaxIndex } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr1 = [3, 7, 1, 9, 4];
const maxIndex = findMaxIndex(arr1);
`The largest element in arr1 is ${arr1[maxIndex]} at index ${maxIndex}.`
isArrayEmpty β
: Function to check if an array is empty
First you need to import
import { isArrayEmpty } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const myArr = [4, 6, 8, 5];
console.log(isArrayEmpty(myArr)); // false
getMaxElement β
: Function to get the maximum element in an array
First you need to import
import { getMaxElement } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr: number[] = [10, 5, 20, 15];
console.log(getMaxElement(arr)); // Output: 20
getMinElement β
: Function to get the minimum element in an array
First you need to import
import { getMinElement } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr: number[] = [10, 5, 20, 15];
console.log(getMinElement(arr)); // Output: 5
hasElement β
: Function to check if an array contains a specific element or not
First you need to import
import { hasElement } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const fruits: string[] = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
console.log(hasElement(fruits, 'banana')); // Output: true
sum β
: This function returns the sum of all the elements in the input array.
First you need to import
import { sum } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const total = sum(numbers);
console.log(`The sum is ${total}`); //output: 15
average β
: Returns the average value of the elements of the array
First you need to import
import { average } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
const avg = average(arr); // returns 6
addElementToArrayIfNotExist β
: Function to add an element to an array if it doesn't exist in the array.
First you need to import
import { addElementToArrayIfNotExist } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
let newArr = addElementToArrayIfNotExist(oldArr, elementToAdd);
addObjectToArrayIfPropNotExist β
: Function to add an object to an array if a specific property of that object doesn't exist in the array.
First you need to import
import { addObjectToArrayIfPropNotExist } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
let newArr = addObjectToArrayIfPropNotExist(oldArr, objToAdd, 'propertyName');
removeElement β
: Function to remove a specific element from an array
First you need to import
import { removeElement } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
let numbers: number[] = [10, 20, 30, 40];
numbers = removeElement(numbers, 20);
console.log(numbers); // Output: [10, 30, 40]
removeDuplicatesByProperty β
First you need to import
: This function takes an array of objects and in the second parameter of the function, it takes a key and checks if there were objects in this array that had the same key, it removes all duplicate items.
import { removeDuplicatesByProperty } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const people = [
{ id: 1, name: 'John', age: 30 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane', age: 25 },
{ id: 3, name: 'John', age: 30 },
{ id: 4, name: 'Bob', age: 40 },
{ id: 5, name: 'Jane', age: 20 },
const uniquePeople = removeDuplicatesByProperty(people, 'name');
/* Output:
{ id: 1, name: "John", age: 30 },
{ id: 2, name: "Jane", age: 25 },
{ id: 4, name: "Bob", age:40 }
sortByProperty β
: Takes an array of objects and a property name and returns a new array sorted by the values of that property.
First you need to import
import { sortByProperty } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
const users = [
{ name: 'John', age: 25 },
{ name: 'Mary', age: 20 },
{ name: 'Adam', age: 30 },
const sortedUsers = sortByProperty(users, 'age'); // [{ name: 'Mary', age: 20 }, { name: 'John', age: 25 }, { name: 'Adam', age: 30 }]
sortArrayDesc β
: Function to sort an array in descending order.
First you need to import
import { sortArrayDesc } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
let newArr = sortArrayDesc(oldArr);
sortArrayAsc β
: Function to sort an array in ascending order.
First you need to import
import { sortArrayAsc } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
let newArr = sortArrayAsc(oldArr);
Local Storage β
First you need to import
import { saveToLocalStorage, getFromLocalStorage } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
In the
function, you must enter thekey
as the first function parameter, and in the second parameter, you must enter thevalue
that you want to save in the browser storage.
In the
tab, you must enter thekey
value as an function parameter to return the value stored by this key from the browser's storage.
// save to local
const myFunction = () => {
saveToLocalStorage('MY-KEY', 'MY-VALUE');
// get from local
By doing this, you save the MY-VALUE
value in the browser's memory with the MY-KEY
And in the log, you will receive the information stored with the MY-KEY
key from the browser's storage
Decimal With Precision β
First you need to import
import { setPrecisionForDecimal } from 'react-hooks-plus';
And then to use it, proceed as follows :
You can limit the number of digits of a decimal number by using the
- The first parameter is
your number
, which can be a decimal number or an integer- The second parameter is the
number of decimal digits
setPrecisionForDecimal(3.14159, 2); // Output: 3.14
setPrecisionForDecimal(3, 2); // Output: 3
setPrecisionForDecimal(3.14159, 0); // Output: 3
setPrecisionForDecimal(3.1485, 2); // Output: 3.15
useCopyToClipboard β
First you need to import
import { useCopyToClipboard } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
is a function that you must enter a value that you want to save to the clipboard as the input of this function.
is a boolean value that returns truewhen the content is saved to the clipboard
and returns false after 1.5 seconds.copied
is used when you want to put a successful text in the relevant subfield to show the user that the content in question has been successfully saved to the clipboard.
Example :
function MyComponent() {
const { copied, copyToClipboard } = useCopyToClipboard();
return (
<button onClick={() => copyToClipboard('Some text to copy to clipboard')}>
Copy to clipboard
{copied && <p>Text copied to clipboard!</p>}
export default MyComponent;
useLocalStorage β
First you need to import
import { useLocalStorage } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
The first parameter of the useLocalStorage hook is the
that your value can be obtained in the browser storage with this key, and the second parameter is yourvalue
You should store the return value from the useLocalStorage hook as a useState. That is, a value and a setValue And you can use this value, which is a react state, wherever you want Also, using the setValue function, you can change the value wherever you want, and this value change will also be done in the local storage.
Example :
function PhoneNumberInput() {
const [phoneNumber, setPhoneNumber] = useLocalStorage('phoneNumber', '');
const handlePhoneNumberChange = (event) => {
return (
<input type='tel' value={phoneNumber} onChange={handlePhoneNumberChange} />
useDocTitle β
First you need to import
import { useDocTitle } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
It takes a string as input parameter
const MyComponent = () => {
useDocTitle('My Component Title');
return (
<h1>My Component</h1>
useOnClickOutside β
First you need to import
import { useOnClickOutside } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
This hook takes a
as the first parameter and afunction
as the second parameter So you have to assign this ref to an element on the page and create a function. This way, the function will be called every time outside of your element is clicked
Example :
import { useRef } from 'react';
import useOnClickOutside from 'react-hooks-plus';
function App() {
const ref = useRef(null);
const handleClickOutside = () => {
console.log('Clicked outside!');
useOnClickOutside(ref, handleClickOutside);
return (
<div ref={ref}>
<p>Click outside this element and check the console!</p>
useHover β
First you need to import
import { useHover } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
To use this hook, you should note that it has two return values The first value is a
, which you must assign to the target element And the second return value is aboolean
whose value becomes true whenever hover is performed on your element for which you have defined ref.
Example :
import useHover from 'react-hooks-plus';
function MyComponent() {
const [ref, isHovered] = useHover();
return (
<div ref={ref}>
<p>{isHovered ? 'Hovered!' : 'Not Hovered'}</p>
useFetch β
First you need to import
import { useFetch } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
The useFetch hook takes the
of an API as an input parameter and gives you three return values
- One of the return values ββis
, which is a Boolean value and from the time the request is sent, until the response is received from the API side, its value is true, and when the response is received (whether it encounters an error or data) are received safely, its value will be false- Another return value is
, which returns an error if there is an error- And another return value is
, which contains the fetched data from the API (the response from the API)
Example :
import { useFetch } from 'react-hooks-plus';
function MyComponent() {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useFetch('/api/data');
if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) {
return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
return (
useMedia β
First you need to import
import { useMedia } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
useMedia(queries: string[], values: T[], defaultValue: T)
must be anarray of CSS media queries
(e.g. ['(max-width: 768px)', '(orientation: landscape)']).Values
must be anarray of any type
, corresponding to the queries (e.g. [true, 'large']).DefaultValue
is the value returned when none of the media queries match (e.g. false).
The hook returns the current value, based on the current screen size.
Example :
import React from 'react';
import useMedia from 'react-hooks-plus';
function App() {
const isMobile = useMedia(['(max-width: 767px)'], [true], false);
return (
<h1>You are browsing on {isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'}</h1>
useScroll β
First you need to import
import { useScroll } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hookreturns two states x and y
Both states, as their name suggests, indicate the amount that has been scrolled from the page
Example :
import useScroll from 'react-hooks-plus';
const MyComponent = () => {
const { x, y } = useScroll();
return (
<p>Current scroll position:</p>
<p>X: {x}</p>
<p>Y: {y}</p>
useScreen β
First you need to import
import { useScreen } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hookreturns two states width and height
Both states, as their name suggests, show the current size of width and height
Example :
import { useScreen } from 'react-hooks-plus';
const MyComponent = () => {
const { width, height } = useScreen();
return (
My screen dimensions are {width}px x {height}px
useOnScreen β
First you need to import
import { useOnScreen } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hook receives aref
as an input parameter andreturns a boolean
If this boolean value is
, that is, the element for which we considered the ref value, will be seen in the viewport that is exposed to the user.
If its value is
, it may be due to scrolling or..., this element is at the bottom or top of the page and the user does not see it in the viewport.
Example :
import { useRef } from 'react';
import useOnScreen from 'react-hooks-plus';
function MyComponent() {
const ref = useRef(null);
const isOnScreen = useOnScreen(ref);
return (
<div ref={ref}>
{isOnScreen ? 'Visible on screen' : 'Not visible on screen'}
Console Hooks β
useConLog β
First you need to import
import { useConLog } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hook actually executes once every time the state changes and prints a message in console.log.
You can enter as many values ββas you want in its input parameter
In general, this hook for debugging will greatly speed up your work
Example :
import useConLog from 'react-hooks-plus';
function MyComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useConLog('Count is : ', count);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increase count</button>
useConGroup β
First you need to import
import { useConGroup } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hook actually creates a group in your console and displays your content as a collapse You can easily print your contents grouped in the console
The first parameter of this hook is your
Content or State
Your second parameter is thelabel of the group
, this part is optional and You can leave this field blank
In general, this hook for debugging will greatly speed up your work
Example :
import useConsoleGroup from 'react-hooks-plus';
const MyComponent = () => {
const data = { name: 'John', age: 27 };
useConsoleGroup(data, 'User Data');
// rest of your component code
useConTable β
First you need to import
import { useConTable } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
You can use the
hook to log a table of our data to the console every time it changes
- The
parameter (First Parameter) is an array of values ββthat you want to print in the log- The
parameter (Second Parameter) is an array of strings representing the properties of the objects you want to display in the table.
In general, this hook for debugging will greatly speed up your work
Example :
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import useConTable from 'react-hooks-plus';
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState([
{ id: 1, name: 'Alice', age: 25 },
{ id: 2, name: 'Bob', age: 30 },
{ id: 3, name: 'Charlie', age: 35 },
useConTable(data, ['name', 'age']);
// rest of your code
export default App;
useConTime β
First you need to import
import { useConTime } from 'react-hooks-plus';
Then, you can use this hook in your component like this:
hook returns two functions:startConsole
. You can callstartConsole
at the beginning of the operation you want to measure, and callendConsole
when the operation is complete. The hook prints the time taken to the console in milliseconds.
You can assign the input parameter to useConTime and you can leave it blank. This input parameter, which must be a string, displays the text inside the console before the time. If your text is empty, the default text is this :
Time Taken: 136ms
In general, this hook for debugging will greatly speed up your work
Example :
import React from 'react';
import useConTime from 'react-hooks-plus';
const MyComponent = () => {
const { startConsole, endConsole } = useConTime();
const handleClick = () => {
// do some heavy calculations or API calls here
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>;
export default MyComponent;
π Who I am and how to communicate with me β
I am a Freelance Frontend Web Developer with patience and creativity and caring for projects. I am ready to cooperate with the latest technologies such as React.js and TailwindCss to build a stylish website with the best UX.
- Gmail : [email protected]
- Linkedin : mohammad-zolghadr
- Instagram :
- Github : mohammad-zolghadr
The current version of react-hooks-plus includes the functions and hooks that were tested and presented in the initial version
If you find any ideas, suggestions, problems or bugs, please let me know
The main forum for free and community support is the project Issues on GitHub
πΌ Released on : April/2023 - Mohammad Zolghadr