This script is used by the gh
command-line to help sync/migrate GitHub Deploy Keys of repositories from one Organization to another. This is usually needed when you migrate repositories from an original Organization into a new Organization.
If no input file is provided, it will find all GitHub Deploy Keys of all repositories found in the source Organization and migrate them to the destination Organization.
If an input file is provided, it will only update the GitHub Deploy Keys of all repositories in the input file.
Note: You can NOT have a non unique GitHub Deploy Key in GitHub.
In order for this tool to work, it will need to copy the public_key
and title
of the GitHub Deploy Key to the GitHub repository. It will the Delete the GitHub Deploy Key from the GitHub repository. It will then Create a new GitHub Deploy Key with the same title
and public_key
in the source GitHub repository.
You need to have the following to run this script successfully:
- GitHub Personal Access Token with a scope of "repos" and access to the organization(s) that will be updated.
- Either the name of the organizations to be synced/migrated, or a file containing the names of the repositories to be updated
- jq installed on the machine running the query
- sem installable on ubuntu via
sudo apt-get install parallel
The input file
should be in the format:
gh migrate-deploy-keys --source-org OriginalOrg --destination-org MyNewOrg --source-token ABCDEFG1234567 --destination-token 1234567ABCDEFG
gh migrate-deploy-keys --destination-org lukastestorg2 --destination-token <REDACTED> --source-org lukastestorg1 --source-token <REDACTED>
########### GitHub Migrate Deploy keys ###############
This script is used by the gh command line to help migrate GitHub Deploy Keys
In order to do this, it will need to remove the deploy key from the
source organization repository and add it to the destination organization repository.
There is some level of risk associated with this script, so please use it with caution.
Logs will be written to:[/Users/admiralawkbar/github/gh-migrate-deploy-keys/gh-migrate-deploy-keys-1656617536.log]
Validating user input...
Validation of input successful
Getting all source repos for:[lukastestorg1]
Getting deploy keys for repo:[LukasTestOrg1/repo1]
Adding key:
- ORG/REPO:[lukastestorg1/repo1]
- KEY_ID:[PK_kwPOHig77M4EDmZS]
- KEY_TITLE:[demokey1]
- KEY_VALUE:[ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOvNXwEO4VumiiqDtyDUlYTLuIDpcNLDNupVxZqZt6x/]
- KEY_READ_ONLY:[false]
Gathered all data from source GitHub Organization
Getting all destination repos for:[lukastestorg2]
Gathered all data from destination GitHub Organization
Parsing all data and generating migration list...
We found matching repo:[lukastestorg1/repo1] but did not find matching key:[demokey1] at:[lukastestorg2/repo1]
Adding to update list
Deleting key:[demokey1] from repo:[repo1]
Successfully deleted key:[demokey1] from repo:[repo1]
Adding key:[demokey1] to repo:[lukastestorg2/repo1]
Successfully added key:[demokey1] to repo:[repo1]
The script has completed
Total Deploy Keys Created:[1]
Total Deploy Keys Deleted:[1]
The Output file will have contents like:
Deleting key:[demokey1] from repo:[lukastestorg1/repo1] with title:[demokey1]
Successfully deleted key:[demokey1] from repo:[repo1]
Creating key:[demokey1] from repo:[repo1] with title:[demokey1]
Successfully added key:[demokey1] to repo:[repo1]
- The tool currently is only setup to work on
- The tool currently scans all repositories in the source organization and destination organization using GraphQL. This could prove to use many of your API rate limit on much larger Organizations