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Mondo Kegbot API

Internal API to give insight into Mondo's beer consumption, tap status, and other fun metrics!

Some architecture based off of the nodejs-api-starter project by kriasoft. Some code was copied blatantly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Make sure the following are installed and up to date:

Local Setup

  • A .env-example file is included in the repo. Create a .env file locally and change the values as necessary.
  • Run yarn install to install all necessary dependencies.
  • Run the ./config/ command to initialize a new DB - Note: you might need to set permissions first (chmod 755 ./config/
  • Run DB migrations (yarn db-migrate)

Database Tasks

yarn db-migration my_migration_name

  • Creates a new migration with the provided name prepended with a timestamp

yarn db-migrate

  • Runs database migrations

yarn db-rollback

  • Rollback the last migration

yarn db-seed

  • Seeds the DB (TBI)

Deploy Steps



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