Contributions are welcomed.
To-Do List:
Feature | Status |
Easy to use | ✅ |
Support windows | ✅ |
Simple CLI | ✅ |
Support linux | ✅ |
Tutorial video | 🟡 |
easy to build | ❌ |
Simple GUI | ❌ |
✅ = Done 🟡 = Under development ❌ = Planned
To use Unshackle, you need:
- Unshackle ISO
- Rufus
- USB pen drive
- Download the Unshackle ISO from the releases.
- Download etcher (recommended).
- Use Rufus to burn the ISO to your USB drive.
- Boot from the USB and select Unshackle.
- Choose your OS (Windows or Linux).
- Let the process finish, then reboot your system.
- For Windows, press Shift five times on the lock screen.
if you liked the project feel free to donate!
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LTC : ltc1qcu8z2wuexn4lq9em4taerkxcxca267lyg8xac8
This tool is for educational purposes only. Do not use it for any illegal activities or unauthorized access. Use it at your own risk. We are not liable for any damage caused by its use.
The program, libraries, etc., are licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Linux support is in beta, so expect bugs. You need to disable secure boot in the motherboard settings. The uninstall command for Windows has a bug (99% of the time) that causes it to fail, but you can manually uninstall it.
Uninstall Commands
takeown /F "%SystemRoot%\System32\sethc.exe" /A takeown /F "%SystemRoot%\System32\sethc.exe.old" /A del /f "%SystemRoot%\System32\sethc.exe" move /y "%SystemRoot%\System32\sethc.exe.old" "%SystemRoot%\System32\sethc.exe"