WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is a complete foundation for building your WordPress plugins.
Why another boilerplate? Every experienced WordPress developers use always the same libraries or snippets and with composer this part today is very easy but not contain examples or best practices to use all of them.
This project fit in this dev cases, choose a library or a snippet and the boilerplate will contain already the example for use it without need a manual copy&paste way or look on internet!
- Code Generator to start to develop
- Sass support (with Compass), CoffeScript and Grunt (not mandatory because the generator can remove them)
- Autoload based on Composer but extended
- Many libraries already available (with starter code) for Composer
- Dashicon as dependence of admin stylesheet
- Bubble notification on pending CPTs
- Import/Export settings
- Custom capabilities with CPTs and taxonomy support
- wp_localize_script for pass PHP var to JS in the frontend
- Class in frontend body with the slug of plugin
- Shortcode example included
- WPCLI support
- Support for your CPTs in Activity widget in dashboard
- Support for CMB in the options page
- Transient examples with caching
Do you want to see which plugins have been made with this boilerplate? Check here!
Check the Wiki for other info (shell scripts, resources and tools as example).
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
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The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is licensed under the GPL v2 or later; however, if you opt to use third-party code that is not compatible with v2, then you may need to switch to using code that is GPL v3 compatible.