An angularjs directive that wraps annotator.js functionality.
- JQuery >=1.6
- AngularJS >=1.2
- annotatorjs 1.2.x
You can install this package through Bower
by using the following command :
bower install angular-annotator
<div mw-annotator></div>
You can optionally specify annotator.js options:
<div mw-annotator="options"></div>
You can enable annotator plugins e.g.:
<div mw-annotator annotator-tags="{}" annotator-permissions="{user: 'Alice'}" annotator-store="storeOptions" annotator-filter="filterOptions" annotatorMarkdown="true"></div>
You can also enable any custom plugins e.g.:
<div mw-annotator annotator-plugins="[{name: 'Store', options: storeOptions}, 'Tags', 'AnnotatorViewer']"></div>