├── ./About
│ ├── ./About/index.md
│ ├── ./About/introduction2bg.md
│ ├── ./About/me.md
│ └── ./About/resume.md
├── ./articles
│ ├── ./articles/algo.md
│ └── ./articles/basic-web-dev.md
├── ./faq
│ ├── ./faq/Contact.md
│ ├── ./faq/index.md
│ └── ./faq/other-sites.md
├── ./index.md
├── ./jupyter-notebooks.md
├── ./links
│ ├── ./links/Social.md
│ ├── ./links/index.md
│ └── ./links/my-websites.md
├── ./portfolio-web.md
├── ./python.md
├── ./quick-reference
│ ├── ./quick-reference/Emmet.md
│ ├── ./quick-reference/index.md
│ ├── ./quick-reference/installation.md
│ └── ./quick-reference/new-repo-instructions.md
├── ./react
│ ├── ./react/createReactApp.md
│ ├── ./react/index.md
│ └── ./react/react2.md
├── ./resources.md
└── ./tools
├── ./tools/Git-Html-Preview.md
├── ./tools/default-readme.md
├── ./tools/index.md
├── ./tools/notes-template.md
└── ./tools/plug-ins.md
7 directories, 29 files
- /job-hunt/
- /notes-template/
- /
- /showcase/
- /blog/
- /review/
- /blog/blog-archive/
- /blog/my-medium/
- /blog/blogwcomments/
- /blog/data-structures/
- /docs/gallery/
- /blog/python-for-js-dev/
- /blog/platform-docs/
- /docs/sitemap/
- /docs/about/me/
- /blog/python-resources/
- /docs/about/resume/
- /docs/
- /docs/about/
- /docs/articles/algo/
- /docs/articles/install/
- /docs/articles/
- /docs/articles/gallery/
- /docs/articles/intro/
- /docs/articles/basic-web-dev/
- /docs/articles/reading-files/
- /docs/articles/writing-files/
- /docs/audio/audio/
- /docs/content/projects/
- /docs/audio/terms/
- /docs/faq/
- /docs/community/
- /docs/articles/resources/
- /docs/content/
- /docs/docs/git-repos/
- /docs/content/trouble-shooting/
- /docs/articles/python/
- /docs/interact/clock/
- /docs/docs/python/
- /docs/interact/jupyter-notebooks/
- /docs/interact/
- /docs/faq/contact/
- /docs/quick-reference/docs/
- /docs/interact/other-sites/
- /docs/quick-reference/new-repo-instructions/
- /docs/quick-reference/Emmet/
- /docs/quick-reference/installation/
- /docs/quick-reference/vscode-themes/
- /docs/react/createReactApp/
- /docs/react/react2/
- /docs/quick-reference/
- /docs/react/
- /docs/tools/
- /docs/tools/notes-template/
- /docs/tools/more-tools/
- /docs/tools/plug-ins/
- /docs/articles/node/install/
- /docs/tools/vscode/
- /docs/articles/node/intro/
- /docs/articles/node/nodejs/
- /docs/articles/node/nodevsbrowser/
- /docs/articles/node/npm/
- /docs/articles/node/reading-files/
- /docs/articles/node/writing-files/
- /docs/react-in-depth/
- /docs/articles/article-compilation/
- /docs/medium/my-websites/
- /docs/medium/social/
- /docs/medium/medium-links/
- /docs/medium/
- /showcase/
- /repos/
- /blog/
- /docs/jupyter-notebooks/
- /docs/portfolio-web/
- /docs/python/
- /docs/About/
- /docs/About/resume/
- /docs/about/
- /docs/faq/
- /docs/quick-reference/
- /docs/quick-reference/Emmet/
- /docs/quick-reference/new-repo-instructions/
- /docs/links/Social/
- /docs/links/
- /docs/quick-reference/installation/
- /docs/links/my-websites/
- /docs/
- /blog/community/
- /blog/python/
- /docs/resources/
- /docs/react/createReactApp/
- /docs/tools/
- /notes-template/
- /blog/my-medium/
- /docs/tools/default-readme/
- /docs/tools/plug-ins/
- /docs/react/react2/
- /docs/tools/notes-template/
- /review/
- /docs/articles/basic-web-dev/
- /blog/data-structures/
- /docs/About/me/
- /docs/About/introduction2bg/
- /docs/react/
- /docs/tools/Git-Html-Preview/
- /gallery/
Create a Gatsby site.
Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the default starter.
# create a new Gatsby site using the default starter gatsby new my-default-starter https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-default
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my-default-starter/ gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.Open the
directory in your code editor of choice and editsrc/pages/index.js
. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!
A quick look at the top-level files and directories you'll see in a Gatsby project.
├── node_modules
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── README.md
: This directory contains all of the modules of code that your project depends on (npm packages) are automatically installed. -
: This directory will contain all of the code related to what you will see on the front-end of your site (what you see in the browser) such as your site header or a page template.src
is a convention for “source code”. -
: This file tells git which files it should not track / not maintain a version history for. -
: This is a configuration file for Prettier. Prettier is a tool to help keep the formatting of your code consistent. -
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby browser APIs (if any). These allow customization/extension of default Gatsby settings affecting the browser. -
: This is the main configuration file for a Gatsby site. This is where you can specify information about your site (metadata) like the site title and description, which Gatsby plugins you’d like to include, etc. (Check out the config docs for more detail). -
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby Node APIs (if any). These allow customization/extension of default Gatsby settings affecting pieces of the site build process. -
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby server-side rendering APIs (if any). These allow customization of default Gatsby settings affecting server-side rendering. -
: This Gatsby starter is licensed under the 0BSD license. This means that you can see this file as a placeholder and replace it with your own license. -
below, first). This is an automatically generated file based on the exact versions of your npm dependencies that were installed for your project. (You won’t change this file directly). -
: A manifest file for Node.js projects, which includes things like metadata (the project’s name, author, etc). This manifest is how npm knows which packages to install for your project. -
: A text file containing useful reference information about your project.
Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Gatsby lives on the website. Here are some places to start:
For most developers, we recommend starting with our in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby. It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.
To dive straight into code samples, head to our documentation. In particular, check out the Guides, API Reference, and Advanced Tutorials sections in the sidebar.
bryan@LAPTOP-9LGJ3JGS:/c/MY-WEB-DEV/BLOG____2.0/BLOG_2.0/src$ tree -f
├── ./components
│ ├── ./components/ActionLink.js
│ ├── ./components/CtaButtons.js
│ ├── ./components/DocsMenu.js
│ ├── ./components/DocsSubmenu.js
│ ├── ./components/Footer.js
│ ├── ./components/Header.js
│ ├── ./components/Icon.js
│ ├── ./components/Layout.js
│ ├── ./components/SectionContent.js
│ ├── ./components/SectionCta.js
│ ├── ./components/SectionDocs.js
│ ├── ./components/SectionGrid.js
│ ├── ./components/SectionHero.js
│ ├── ./components/Submenu.js
│ ├── ./components/global.css
│ └── ./components/index.js
├── ./data
│ └── ./data/doc_sections.yml
├── ./hooks
│ └── ./hooks/useScript.js
├── ./html.js
├── ./pages
│ ├── ./pages/blog
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/blog-archive.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/blogwcomments.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/data-structures.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/index.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/my-medium.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/platform-docs.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/python-for-js-dev.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/blog/python-resources.md
│ │ └── ./pages/blog/web-scraping.md
│ ├── ./pages/docs
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/index.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/me.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node
│ │ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node/install.md
│ │ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node/intro.md
│ │ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node/nodejs.md
│ │ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node/nodevsbrowser.md
│ │ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/node/reading-files.md
│ │ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/about/node/writing-files.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/about/npm.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/about/resume.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/algo.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/article-compilation.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/basic-web-dev.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/gallery.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/index.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/install.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/intro.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/python.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/reading-files.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/resources.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/articles/ten-jamstack-apis-to-checkout.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/articles/writing-files.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/docs
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/docs/tools
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/docs/tools/file-types.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/faq
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/faq/contact.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/faq/index.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/gallery.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/index.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/interact
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/interact/clock.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/interact/index.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/interact/jupyter-notebooks.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/links
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/links/index.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/links/medium-links.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/links/my-websites.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/links/social.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/quick-reference
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/quick-reference/Emmet.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/quick-reference/docs.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/quick-reference/index.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/quick-reference/installation.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/quick-reference/new-repo-instructions.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/react
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/react/createReactApp.md
│ │ │ ├── ./pages/docs/react/index.md
│ │ │ └── ./pages/docs/react/react2.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/react-in-depth.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/sitemap.md
│ │ └── ./pages/docs/tools
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/tools/index.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/tools/notes-template.md
│ │ ├── ./pages/docs/tools/plug-ins.md
│ │ └── ./pages/docs/tools/vscode.md
│ ├── ./pages/index.md
│ ├── ./pages/notes-template.md
│ ├── ./pages/review.md
│ └── ./pages/showcase.md
├── ./sass
│ ├── ./sass/imports
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_animations.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_buttons.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_docs.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_footer.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_forms.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_functions.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_general.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_header.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_helpers.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_icons.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_palettes.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_posts.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_prism.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_reset.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_sections.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_structure.scss
│ │ ├── ./sass/imports/_tables.scss
│ │ └── ./sass/imports/_variables.scss
│ └── ./sass/main.scss
├── ./templates
│ ├── ./templates/advanced.js
│ ├── ./templates/blog.js
│ ├── ./templates/docs.js
│ ├── ./templates/page.js
│ └── ./templates/post.js
└── ./utils
├── ./utils/attribute.js
├── ./utils/classNames.js
├── ./utils/cycler.js
├── ./utils/getData.js
├── ./utils/getPage.js
├── ./utils/getPageByFilePath.js
├── ./utils/getPages.js
├── ./utils/htmlToReact.js
├── ./utils/index.js
├── ./utils/link.js
├── ./utils/markdownify.js
├── ./utils/pathJoin.js
├── ./utils/toStyleObj.js
├── ./utils/toUrl.js
└── ./utils/withPrefix.js
21 directories, 119 files
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Link, withPrefix, classNames } from '../utils';
import Icon from './Icon';
export default class ActionLink extends React.Component {
render() {
let action = \_.get(this.props, 'action', null);
return (
to={withPrefix(_.get(action, 'url', null))}
{...(_.get(action, 'new_window', null) ? { target: '\_blank' } : null)}
{...(_.get(action, 'new*window', null) || *.get(action, 'no*follow', null)
? {
rel: (*.get(action, 'new*window', null) ? 'noopener ' : '') + (*.get(action, 'no*follow', null) ? 'nofollow' : '')
: null)}
button: *.get(action, 'style', null) !== 'link',
'button-secondary': _.get(action, 'style', null) === 'secondary',
'button-icon': _.get(action, 'style', null) === 'icon'
})} >
{_.get(action, 'style', null) === 'icon' && _.get(action, 'icon*class', null) ? (
<Icon {...this.props} icon={*.get(action, 'icon*class', null)} />
<span className="screen-reader-text">{*.get(action, 'label', null)}</span>
) : (
\_.get(action, 'label', null)
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Link, withPrefix, classNames } from '../utils';
export default class CtaButtons extends React.Component {
render() {
let actions = _.get(this.props, 'actions', null);
return _.map(actions, (action, action_idx) => (
to={withPrefix(_.get(action, 'url', null))}
{...(_.get(action, 'new_window', null) ? { target: '_blank' } : null)}
{...(_.get(action, 'new_window', null) || _.get(action, 'no_follow', null)
? {
rel: (_.get(action, 'new_window', null) ? 'noopener ' : '') + (_.get(action, 'no_follow', null) ? 'nofollow' : '')
: null)}
button: _.get(action, 'style', null) === 'primary' || _.get(action, 'style', null) === 'secondary',
'button-secondary': _.get(action, 'style', null) === 'secondary'
{_.get(action, 'label', null)}
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { getPage, classNames, Link, withPrefix, pathJoin, getPages } from '../utils';
import DocsSubmenu from './DocsSubmenu';
export default class DocsMenu extends React.Component {
render() {
let site = _.get(this.props, 'site', null);
let page = _.get(this.props, 'page', null);
let root_docs_path = _.get(site, 'data.doc_sections.root_docs_path', null);
let root_page = getPage(this.props.pageContext.pages, root_docs_path);
return (
<nav id="docs-nav" className="docs-nav">
<div id="docs-nav-inside" className="docs-nav-inside sticky">
<button id="docs-nav-toggle" className="docs-nav-toggle">
Navigate Docs
<span className="icon-angle-right" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="docs-nav-menu">
<ul id="docs-menu" className="docs-menu">
className={classNames('docs-menu-item', {
current: _.get(page, 'url', null) === _.get(root_page, 'url', null)
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(root_page, 'url', null))}>{_.get(root_page, 'frontmatter.title', null)}</Link>
{_.map(_.get(site, 'data.doc_sections.sections', null), (section, section_idx) => {
let section_path = pathJoin(root_docs_path, section);
let section_page = getPage(this.props.pageContext.pages, section_path);
let child_pages = _.orderBy(getPages(this.props.pageContext.pages, section_path), 'frontmatter.weight');
let child_count = _.size(child_pages);
let has_children = child_count > 0 ? true : false;
let is_current_page = _.get(page, 'url', null) === _.get(section_page, 'url', null) ? true : false;
let is_active = _.get(page, 'url', null).startsWith(_.get(section_page, 'url', null));
return (
<React.Fragment key={section_idx + '.1'}>
className={classNames('docs-menu-item', {
'has-children': has_children,
current: is_current_page,
active: is_active
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(section_page, 'url', null))}>{_.get(section_page, 'frontmatter.title', null)}</Link>
{has_children && (
<button className="docs-submenu-toggle">
<span className="screen-reader-text">Submenu</span>
<span className="icon-angle-right" aria-hidden="true" />
<DocsSubmenu {...this.props} child_pages={child_pages} page={page} site={site} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { classNames, Link, withPrefix } from '../utils';
export default class DocsSubmenu extends React.Component {
render() {
let child_pages = _.get(this.props, 'child_pages', null);
let page = _.get(this.props, 'page', null);
return (
<ul className="docs-submenu">
{_.map(child_pages, (child_page, child_page_idx) => (
className={classNames('docs-menu-item', {
current: _.get(page, 'url', null) === _.get(child_page, 'url', null)
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(child_page, 'url', null))}>{_.get(child_page, 'frontmatter.title', null)}</Link>
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { htmlToReact } from '../utils';
import ActionLink from './ActionLink';
export default class Footer extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<footer id="colophon" className="site-footer outer">
<div className="inner">
<div className="site-footer-inside">
<p className="site-info">
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.footer.content', null) && (
<span className="copyright">{htmlToReact(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.footer.content', null))}</span>
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.footer.links', null), (action, action_idx) => (
<ActionLink key={action_idx} {...this.props} action={action} />
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.footer.has_social', null) && (
<div className="social-links">
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.footer.social_links', null), (action, action_idx) => (
<ActionLink key={action_idx} {...this.props} action={action} />
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Link, withPrefix, classNames } from '../utils';
import ActionLink from './ActionLink';
import Submenu from './Submenu';
export default class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<header id="masthead" className="site-header outer">
<div className="inner">
<div className="site-header-inside">
<div className="site-branding">
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.logo_img', null) ? (
<p className="site-logo">
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.url', null) || '/')}>
src={withPrefix(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.logo_img', null))}
alt={_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.logo_img_alt', null)}
) : (
<p className="site-title">
{' '}
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.url', null) || '/')}>
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.title', null)}
<div id="search" className="inner"></div>
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.has_nav', null) && (
<nav id="main-navigation" className="site-navigation" aria-label="Main Navigation">
<div className="site-nav-inside">
<button id="menu-close" className="menu-toggle">
<span className="screen-reader-text">Open Menu</span>
<span className="icon-close" aria-hidden="true" />
<ul className="menu">
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.header.nav_links', null), (action, action_idx) => {
let page_url = _.trim(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.url', null), '/');
let action_url = _.trim(_.get(action, 'url', null), '/');
return (
className={classNames('menu-item', {
'has-children': _.get(action, 'has_subnav', null) && _.get(action, 'subnav_links', null),
current: page_url === action_url,
'menu-button': _.get(action, 'style', null) !== 'link'
<ActionLink {...this.props} action={action} />
{_.get(action, 'has_subnav', null) && _.get(action, 'subnav_links', null) && (
<button className="submenu-toggle">
<span className="icon-angle-right" aria-hidden="true" />
<span className="screen-reader-text">Sub-menu</span>
submenu={_.get(action, 'subnav_links', null)}
<button id="menu-open" className="menu-toggle">
<span className="screen-reader-text">Close Menu</span>
<span className="icon-menu" aria-hidden="true" />
<div id="search" className="inner"></div>
<a className="github-corner" href="https://github.com/bgoonz/BGOONZ_BLOG_2.0" aria-label="View source on Github">
viewBox="0 0 250 250"
zIndex: 100000,
fill: '#194ccdaf',
color: '#fff',
position: 'fixed',
top: '20px',
border: 0,
left: '20px',
transform: 'scale(-1.5, 1.5)'
<path d="M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z"></path>
d="M128.3,109.0 C113.8,99.7 119.0,89.6 119.0,89.6 C122.0,82.7 120.5,78.6 120.5,78.6 C119.2,72.0 123.4,76.3 123.4,76.3 C127.3,80.9 125.5,87.3 125.5,87.3 C122.9,97.6 130.6,101.9 134.4,103.2"
style={{ transformOrigin: '130px 106px' }}
d="M115.0,115.0 C114.9,115.1 118.7,116.5 119.8,115.4 L133.7,101.6 C136.9,99.2 139.9,98.4 142.2,98.6 C133.8,88.0 127.5,74.4 143.8,58.0 C148.5,53.4 154.0,51.2 159.7,51.0 C160.3,49.4 163.2,43.6 171.4,40.1 C171.4,40.1 176.1,42.5 178.8,56.2 C183.1,58.6 187.2,61.8 190.9,65.4 C194.5,69.0 197.7,73.2 200.1,77.6 C213.8,80.2 216.3,84.9 216.3,84.9 C212.7,93.1 206.9,96.0 205.4,96.6 C205.1,102.4 203.0,107.8 198.3,112.5 C181.9,128.9 168.3,122.5 157.7,114.1 C157.9,116.9 156.7,120.9 152.7,124.9 L141.0,136.5 C139.8,137.7 141.6,141.9 141.8,141.8 Z"
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
export default class Icon extends React.Component {
render() {
let icon = _.get(this.props, 'icon', null);
return (
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<path d="M23.954 4.569a10 10 0 01-2.825.775 4.958 4.958 0 002.163-2.723c-.951.555-2.005.959-3.127 1.184a4.92 4.92 0 00-8.384 4.482C7.691 8.094 4.066 6.13 1.64 3.161a4.822 4.822 0 00-.666 2.475c0 1.71.87 3.213 2.188 4.096a4.904 4.904 0 01-2.228-.616v.061a4.923 4.923 0 003.946 4.827 4.996 4.996 0 01-2.212.085 4.937 4.937 0 004.604 3.417 9.868 9.868 0 01-6.102 2.105c-.39 0-.779-.023-1.17-.067a13.995 13.995 0 007.557 2.209c9.054 0 13.999-7.496 13.999-13.986 0-.209 0-.42-.015-.63a9.936 9.936 0 002.46-2.548l-.047-.02z" />
) : icon === 'youtube' ? (
<path d="M23.495 6.205a3.007 3.007 0 00-2.088-2.088c-1.87-.501-9.396-.501-9.396-.501s-7.507-.01-9.396.501A3.007 3.007 0 00.527 6.205a31.247 31.247 0 00-.522 5.805 31.247 31.247 0 00.522 5.783 3.007 3.007 0 002.088 2.088c1.868.502 9.396.502 9.396.502s7.506 0 9.396-.502a3.007 3.007 0 002.088-2.088 31.247 31.247 0 00.5-5.783 31.247 31.247 0 00-.5-5.805zM9.609 15.601V8.408l6.264 3.602z" />
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icon === 'vimeo' && (
<path d="M23.977 6.416c-.105 2.338-1.739 5.543-4.894 9.609-3.268 4.247-6.026 6.37-8.29 6.37-1.409 0-2.578-1.294-3.553-3.881L5.322 11.4C4.603 8.816 3.834 7.522 3.01 7.522c-.179 0-.806.378-1.881 1.132L0 7.197a315.065 315.065 0 003.501-3.128C5.08 2.701 6.266 1.984 7.055 1.91c1.867-.18 3.016 1.1 3.447 3.838.465 2.953.789 4.789.971 5.507.539 2.45 1.131 3.674 1.776 3.674.502 0 1.256-.796 2.265-2.385 1.004-1.589 1.54-2.797 1.612-3.628.144-1.371-.395-2.061-1.614-2.061-.574 0-1.167.121-1.777.391 1.186-3.868 3.434-5.757 6.762-5.637 2.473.06 3.628 1.664 3.493 4.797l-.013.01z" />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { withPrefix, attribute } from '../utils';
import '../sass/main.scss';
import Header from './Header';
import Footer from './Footer';
export default class Body extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.seo.title', null)
? _.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.seo.title', null)
: _.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.title', null) + ' | ' + _.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.title', null)}
<meta charSet="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initialScale=1.0" />
<meta name="description" content={_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.seo.description', null) || ''} />
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<meta name="robots" content={_.join(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.seo.robots', null), ',')} />
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.frontmatter.seo.extra', null), (meta, meta_idx) => {
let key_name = _.get(meta, 'keyName', null) || 'name';
return _.get(meta, 'relativeUrl', null) ? (
_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.domain', null) &&
(() => {
let domain = _.trim(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.domain', null), '/');
let rel_url = withPrefix(_.get(meta, 'value', null));
let full_url = domain + rel_url;
return <meta key={meta_idx} {...attribute(key_name, _.get(meta, 'name', null))} content={full_url} />;
) : (
<meta key={meta_idx + '.1'} {...attribute(key_name, _.get(meta, 'name', null))} content={_.get(meta, 'value', null)} />
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" />
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lato:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />
{_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.favicon', null) && (
<link rel="icon" href={withPrefix(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.favicon', null))} />
<body className={'palette-' + _.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.siteMetadata.palette', null)} />
<div id="page" className="site">
<Header {...this.props} />
<main id="content" className="site-content">
<Footer {...this.props} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { classNames, withPrefix, markdownify } from '../utils';
import CtaButtons from './CtaButtons';
export default class SectionContent extends React.Component {
render() {
let section = _.get(this.props, 'section', null);
return (
<section id={_.get(section, 'section_id', null)} className="block block-text outer">
<div className="outter">
className={classNames('inner', {
'grid-swap': _.get(section, 'image', null) && _.get(section, 'image_position', null) === 'right'
{_.get(section, 'image', null) && (
<div className="grid-item block-image">
<img src={withPrefix(_.get(section, 'image', null))} alt={_.get(section, 'image_alt', null)} />
{_.get(section, 'title', null) && (
<div className="block-header">
<h2 className="block-title">{_.get(section, 'title', null)}</h2>
{_.get(section, 'content', null) && <div className="outer">{markdownify(_.get(section, 'content', null))}</div>}
{_.get(section, 'actions', null) && (
<div className="block-buttons">
<CtaButtons {...this.props} actions={_.get(section, 'actions', null)} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { htmlToReact } from '../utils';
import CtaButtons from './CtaButtons';
export default class SectionCta extends React.Component {
render() {
let section = _.get(this.props, 'section', null);
return (
<section id={_.get(section, 'section_id', null)} className="block block-cta outer">
<div className="inner">
<div className="has-gradient">
<div className="grid grid-middle grid-center">
{(_.get(section, 'title', null) || _.get(section, 'subtitle', null)) && (
<div className="grid-item block-header">
{_.get(section, 'title', null) && <h2 className="block-title">{_.get(section, 'title', null)}</h2>}
{_.get(section, 'subtitle', null) && <p className="block-subtitle">{htmlToReact(_.get(section, 'subtitle', null))}</p>}
{_.get(section, 'actions', null) && (
<div className="grid-item block-buttons">
<CtaButtons {...this.props} actions={_.get(section, 'actions', null)} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { classNames, htmlToReact, pathJoin, getPage, Link, withPrefix } from '../utils';
export default class SectionDocs extends React.Component {
render() {
let section = _.get(this.props, 'section', null);
return (
id={_.get(section, 'section_id', null)}
className={classNames('block', 'block-grid', 'outer', {
'has-header': _.get(section, 'title', null) || _.get(section, 'subtitle', null)
<div className="inner">
{(_.get(section, 'title', null) || _.get(section, 'subtitle', null)) && (
<div className="block-header inner-sm">
{_.get(section, 'title', null) && <h2 className="block-title">{_.get(section, 'title', null)}</h2>}
{_.get(section, 'subtitle', null) && <p className="block-subtitle">{htmlToReact(_.get(section, 'subtitle', null))}</p>}
<div className="block-content">
className={classNames('grid', {
'grid-col-2': _.get(section, 'col_number', null) === 'two',
'grid-col-3': _.get(section, 'col_number', null) === 'three'
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.data.doc_sections.sections', null), (doc_section, doc_section_idx) => {
let doc_section_path = pathJoin(_.get(this.props, 'pageContext.site.data.doc_sections.root_docs_path', null), doc_section);
let doc_section_page = getPage(this.props.pageContext.pages, doc_section_path);
return (
<div key={doc_section_idx} className="grid-item">
<div className="grid-item-inside">
<h3 className="grid-item-title line-left">
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(doc_section_page, 'url', null))}>
{_.get(doc_section_page, 'frontmatter.title', null)}
{_.get(doc_section_page, 'frontmatter.excerpt', null) && (
<div className="grid-item-content">
<p>{htmlToReact(_.get(doc_section_page, 'frontmatter.excerpt', null))}</p>
<div className="grid-item-buttons">
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(doc_section_page, 'url', null))}>Learn More</Link>
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { classNames, htmlToReact, withPrefix, Link, markdownify } from '../utils';
import CtaButtons from './CtaButtons';
export default class SectionGrid extends React.Component {
render() {
let section = _.get(this.props, 'section', null);
return (
id={_.get(section, 'section_id', null)}
className={classNames('block', 'block-grid', 'outer', {
'has-header': _.get(section, 'title', null) || _.get(section, 'subtitle', null)
<div className="inner">
{(_.get(section, 'title', null) || _.get(section, 'subtitle', null)) && (
<div className="block-header inner-sm">
{_.get(section, 'title', null) && <h2 className="block-title">{_.get(section, 'title', null)}</h2>}
{_.get(section, 'subtitle', null) && <p className="block-subtitle">{htmlToReact(_.get(section, 'subtitle', null))}</p>}
{_.get(section, 'grid_items', null) && (
<div className="block-content">
className={classNames('grid', {
'grid-col-2': _.get(section, 'col_number', null) === 'two',
'grid-col-3': _.get(section, 'col_number', null) === 'three'
{_.map(_.get(section, 'grid_items', null), (item, item_idx) => (
<div key={item_idx} className="grid-item">
<div className="grid-item-inside">
{_.get(item, 'image', null) && (
<div className="grid-item-image">
<img src={withPrefix(_.get(item, 'image', null))} alt={_.get(item, 'image_alt', null)} />
{_.get(item, 'title', null) && (
<h3 className="grid-item-title line-left">
{_.get(item, 'title_url', null) ? (
<Link to={withPrefix(_.get(item, 'title_url', null))}>{_.get(item, 'title', null)}</Link>
) : (
_.get(item, 'title', null)
{_.get(item, 'content', null) && (
<div className="grid-item-content">{markdownify(_.get(item, 'content', null))}</div>
{_.get(item, 'actions', null) && (
<div className="grid-item-buttons">
<CtaButtons {...this.props} actions={_.get(item, 'actions', null)} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { toStyleObj, withPrefix, markdownify } from '../utils';
import CtaButtons from './CtaButtons';
export default class SectionHero extends React.Component {
render() {
let section = _.get(this.props, 'section', null);
return (
<section id={_.get(section, 'section_id', null)} className="block block-hero has-gradient outer">
{_.get(section, 'image', null) && (
<div className="bg-img" style={toStyleObj("background-image: url('" + withPrefix(_.get(section, 'image', null)) + "')")} />
<div className="inner-sm">
{_.get(section, 'title', null) && (
<div className="block-header">
<h1 className="block-title">{_.get(section, 'title', null)}</h1>
{_.get(section, 'content', null) && <div className="block-content">{markdownify(_.get(section, 'content', null))}</div>}
{_.get(section, 'actions', null) && (
<div className="block-buttons">
<CtaButtons {...this.props} actions={_.get(section, 'actions', null)} />
Click to expand!
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { classNames } from '../utils';
import ActionLink from './ActionLink';
export default class Submenu extends React.Component {
render() {
let page = _.get(this.props, 'page', null);
return (
<ul className={_.get(this.props, 'menu_class', null)}>
{_.map(_.get(this.props, 'submenu', null), (action, action_idx) => {
let page_url = _.trim(_.get(page, 'url', null), '/');
let action_url = _.trim(_.get(action, 'url', null), '/');
return (
className={classNames('menu-item', {
current: page_url === action_url,
'menu-button': _.get(action, 'style', null) !== 'link'
<ActionLink {...this.props} action={action} />
Click to expand!
import ActionLink from './ActionLink';
import CtaButtons from './CtaButtons';
import DocsMenu from './DocsMenu';
import DocsSubmenu from './DocsSubmenu';
import Footer from './Footer';
import Header from './Header';
import Icon from './Icon';
import SectionContent from './SectionContent';
import SectionCta from './SectionCta';
import SectionDocs from './SectionDocs';
import SectionGrid from './SectionGrid';
import SectionHero from './SectionHero';
import Submenu from './Submenu';
import Layout from './Layout';
export {
export default {
Static Javascript:!
window.onGatsbyInitialClientRender = function () {
* Main JS file for theme behaviours
// Responsive video embeds
let videoEmbeds = ['iframe[src*="youtube.com"]', 'iframe[src*="vimeo.com"]'];
// Handle main navigation menu toggling on small screens
function menuToggleHandler(e) {
// Handle docs navigation menu toggling on small screens
function docsNavToggleHandler(e) {
// Handle submenu toggling
function submenuToggleHandler(e) {
window.addMainNavigationHandlers = function () {
const menuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-toggle');
if (menuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < menuToggle.length; i++) {
menuToggle[i].addEventListener('click', menuToggleHandler, false);
const submenuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.submenu-toggle');
if (submenuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < submenuToggle.length; i++) {
submenuToggle[i].addEventListener('click', submenuToggleHandler, false);
window.removeMainNavigationHandlers = function () {
// Remove nav related classes on page load
const menuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-toggle');
if (menuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < menuToggle.length; i++) {
menuToggle[i].removeEventListener('click', menuToggleHandler, false);
const submenuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.submenu-toggle');
if (submenuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < submenuToggle.length; i++) {
submenuToggle[i].removeEventListener('click', submenuToggleHandler, false);
window.addDocsNavigationHandlers = function () {
const docsNavToggle = document.getElementById('docs-nav-toggle');
if (docsNavToggle) {
docsNavToggle.addEventListener('click', docsNavToggleHandler, false);
const docsSubmenuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.docs-submenu-toggle');
if (docsSubmenuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < docsSubmenuToggle.length; i++) {
docsSubmenuToggle[i].addEventListener('click', submenuToggleHandler, false);
window.removeDocsNavigationHandlers = function () {
// Remove docs nav related classes on page load
const docsNavToggle = document.getElementById('docs-nav-toggle');
if (docsNavToggle) {
docsNavToggle.removeEventListener('click', docsNavToggleHandler, false);
const docsSubmenuToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.docs-submenu-toggle');
if (docsSubmenuToggle) {
for (let i = 0; i < docsSubmenuToggle.length; i++) {
docsSubmenuToggle[i].removeEventListener('click', submenuToggleHandler, false);
window.addPageNavLinks = function () {
const pageToc = document.getElementById('page-nav-inside');
const pageTocContainer = document.getElementById('page-nav-link-container');
if (pageToc && pageTocContainer) {
const pageContent = document.querySelector('.type-docs .post-content');
// Create in-page navigation
const headerLinks = getHeaderLinks({
root: pageContent
if (headerLinks.length > 0) {
renderHeaderLinks(pageTocContainer, headerLinks);
// Scroll to anchors
let scroll = new SmoothScroll('[data-scroll]');
let hash = window.decodeURI(location.hash.replace('#', ''));
if (hash !== '') {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let anchor = document.getElementById(hash);
if (anchor) {
}, 0);
// Highlight current anchor
let pageTocLinks = pageTocContainer.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (pageTocLinks.length > 0) {
let spy = new Gumshoe('#page-nav-inside a', {
nested: true,
nestedClass: 'active-parent'
// Add link to page content headings
let pageHeadings = getElementsByTagNames(pageContent, ['h2', 'h3']);
for (let i = 0; i < pageHeadings.length; i++) {
let heading = pageHeadings[i];
if (typeof heading.id !== 'undefined' && heading.id !== '') {
heading.insertBefore(anchorForId(heading.id), heading.firstChild);
// Copy link url
let clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.hash-link', {
text: function (trigger) {
return window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash, '') + trigger.getAttribute('href');
window.removePageNavLinks = function () {
const pageToc = document.getElementById('page-nav-inside');
const pageTocContainer = document.getElementById('page-nav-link-container');
if (pageToc && pageTocContainer) {
while (pageTocContainer.firstChild) {
function getElementsByTagNames(root, tagNames) {
let elements = [];
for (let i = 0; i < root.children.length; i++) {
let element = root.children[i];
let tagName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (tagNames.includes(tagName)) {
elements = elements.concat(getElementsByTagNames(element, tagNames));
return elements;
function createLinksForHeaderElements(elements) {
let result = [];
let stack = [
level: 0,
children: result
let re = /^h(\d)$/;
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let element = elements[i];
let tagName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
let match = re.exec(tagName);
if (!match) {
console.warn('can not create links to non header element');
let headerLevel = parseInt(match[1], 10);
if (!element.id) {
if (!element.textContent) {
console.warn('can not create link to element without id and without text content');
element.id = element.textContent
.replace(/[^\w]+/g, '_')
.replace(/^_/, '')
.replace(/_$/, '');
let link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = '#' + element.id;
link.setAttribute('data-scroll', '');
let obj = {
id: element.id,
level: headerLevel,
textContent: element.textContent,
element: element,
link: link,
children: []
if (headerLevel > stack[stack.length - 1].level) {
stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(obj);
} else {
while (headerLevel <= stack[stack.length - 1].level && stack.length > 1) {
stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(obj);
return result;
function getHeaderLinks(options = {}) {
let tagNames = options.tagNames || ['h2', 'h3'];
let root = options.root || document.body;
let headerElements = getElementsByTagNames(root, tagNames);
return createLinksForHeaderElements(headerElements);
function renderHeaderLinks(element, links) {
if (links.length === 0) {
let ulElm = document.createElement('ul');
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
let liElm = document.createElement('li');
if (links[i].children.length > 0) {
renderHeaderLinks(liElm, links[i].children);
function anchorForId(id) {
let anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.setAttribute('class', 'hash-link');
anchor.setAttribute('data-scroll', '');
anchor.href = '#' + id;
anchor.innerHTML = '<span class="screen-reader-text">Copy</span>';
return anchor;
// Syntax Highlighter
// Prism.highlightAll();
window.onGatsbyRouteUpdate = function () {
window.onGatsbyPreRouteUpdate = function () {
!(function (e, t) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module
? (module.exports = t())
: 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define(t)
: ((e = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).reframe = t());
})(this, function () {
'use strict';
function t() {
for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = arguments.length; t < n; t++) e += arguments[t].length;
for (var i = Array(e), o = 0, t = 0; t < n; t++) for (var r = arguments[t], f = 0, d = r.length; f < d; f++, o++) i[o] = r[f];
return i;
return function (e, s) {
return (
void 0 === s && (s = 'js-reframe'),
('string' == typeof e ? t(document.querySelectorAll(e)) : 'length' in e ? t(e) : [e]).forEach(function (e) {
var t, n, i, o, r, f, d, l;
-1 !== e.className.split(' ').indexOf(s) ||
-1 < e.style.width.indexOf('%') ||
((i = e.getAttribute('height') || e.offsetHeight),
(o = e.getAttribute('width') || e.offsetWidth),
(r = (('string' == typeof i ? parseInt(i) : i) / ('string' == typeof o ? parseInt(o) : o)) * 100),
((f = document.createElement('div')).className = s),
((d = f.style).position = 'relative'),
(d.width = '100%'),
(d.paddingTop = r + '%'),
((l = e.style).position = 'absolute'),
(l.width = '100%'),
(l.height = '100%'),
(l.left = '0'),
(l.top = '0'),
null !== (t = e.parentNode) && void 0 !== t && t.insertBefore(f, e),
null !== (n = e.parentNode) && void 0 !== n && n.removeChild(e),
/*! smooth-scroll v16.1.0 | (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll */
window.Element &&
!Element.prototype.closest &&
(Element.prototype.closest = function (e) {
var t,
n = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(e),
o = this;
do {
for (t = n.length; 0 <= --t && n.item(t) !== o; );
} while (t < 0 && (o = o.parentElement));
return o;
(function () {
if ('function' == typeof window.CustomEvent) return;
function e(e, t) {
t = t || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 };
var n = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
return n.initCustomEvent(e, t.bubbles, t.cancelable, t.detail), n;
(e.prototype = window.Event.prototype), (window.CustomEvent = e);
(function () {
for (var r = 0, e = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'], t = 0; t < e.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++t)
(window.requestAnimationFrame = window[e[t] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']),
(window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[e[t] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[e[t] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']);
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
(window.requestAnimationFrame = function (e, t) {
var n = new Date().getTime(),
o = Math.max(0, 16 - (n - r)),
a = window.setTimeout(function () {
e(n + o);
}, o);
return (r = n + o), a;
window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
(window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (e) {
(function (e, t) {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], function () {
return t(e);
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (module.exports = t(e))
: (e.SmoothScroll = t(e));
})('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this, function (q) {
'use strict';
var I = {
ignore: '[data-scroll-ignore]',
header: null,
topOnEmptyHash: !0,
speed: 500,
speedAsDuration: !1,
durationMax: null,
durationMin: null,
clip: !0,
offset: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
customEasing: null,
updateURL: !0,
popstate: !0,
emitEvents: !0
F = function () {
var n = {};
return (
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (e) {
for (var t in e) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return;
n[t] = e[t];
r = function (e) {
'#' === e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1));
for (var t, n = String(e), o = n.length, a = -1, r = '', i = n.charCodeAt(0); ++a < o; ) {
if (0 === (t = n.charCodeAt(a))) throw new InvalidCharacterError('Invalid character: the input contains U+0000.');
(1 <= t && t <= 31) || 127 == t || (0 === a && 48 <= t && t <= 57) || (1 === a && 48 <= t && t <= 57 && 45 === i)
? (r += '\\' + t.toString(16) + ' ')
: (r +=
128 <= t || 45 === t || 95 === t || (48 <= t && t <= 57) || (65 <= t && t <= 90) || (97 <= t && t <= 122)
? n.charAt(a)
: '\\' + n.charAt(a));
return '#' + r;
L = function () {
return Math.max(
x = function (e) {
return e ? ((t = e), parseInt(q.getComputedStyle(t).height, 10) + e.offsetTop) : 0;
var t;
H = function (e, t, n, o) {
if (t.emitEvents && 'function' == typeof q.CustomEvent) {
var a = new CustomEvent(e, {
bubbles: !0,
detail: { anchor: n, toggle: o }
return function (o, e) {
var A,
M = {};
(M.cancelScroll = function (e) {
cancelAnimationFrame(C), (C = null), e || H('scrollCancel', A);
(M.animateScroll = function (i, c, e) {
var s = F(A || I, e || {}),
u = '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(i),
t = u || !i.tagName ? null : i;
if (u || t) {
var l = q.pageYOffset;
s.header && !O && (O = document.querySelector(s.header));
var n,
p = x(O),
g = u
? i
: (function (e, t, n, o) {
var a = 0;
if (e.offsetParent) for (; (a += e.offsetTop), (e = e.offsetParent); );
return (a = Math.max(a - t - n, 0)), o && (a = Math.min(a, L() - q.innerHeight)), a;
})(t, p, parseInt('function' == typeof s.offset ? s.offset(i, c) : s.offset, 10), s.clip),
y = g - l,
v = L(),
w = 0,
S =
((n = y),
(a = (o = s).speedAsDuration ? o.speed : Math.abs((n / 1e3) * o.speed)),
o.durationMax && a > o.durationMax ? o.durationMax : o.durationMin && a < o.durationMin ? o.durationMin : parseInt(a, 10)),
E = function (e, t) {
var n,
r = q.pageYOffset;
if (e == t || r == t || (l < t && q.innerHeight + r) >= v)
return (
(o = t),
(a = u),
0 === (n = i) && document.body.focus(),
a ||
document.activeElement !== n && (n.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'), n.focus(), (n.style.outline = 'none')),
q.scrollTo(0, o)),
H('scrollStop', s, i, c),
!(C = m = null)
b = function (e) {
var t, n, o;
m || (m = e),
(w += e - m),
(d =
l +
y *
((n = r = 1 < (r = 0 === S ? 0 : w / S) ? 1 : r),
'easeInQuad' === (t = s).easing && (o = n * n),
'easeOutQuad' === t.easing && (o = n * (2 - n)),
'easeInOutQuad' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 2 * n * n : (4 - 2 * n) * n - 1),
'easeInCubic' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n),
'easeOutCubic' === t.easing && (o = --n * n * n + 1),
'easeInOutCubic' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 4 * n * n * n : (n - 1) * (2 * n - 2) * (2 * n - 2) + 1),
'easeInQuart' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n * n),
'easeOutQuart' === t.easing && (o = 1 - --n * n * n * n),
'easeInOutQuart' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 8 * n * n * n * n : 1 - 8 * --n * n * n * n),
'easeInQuint' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n * n * n),
'easeOutQuint' === t.easing && (o = 1 + --n * n * n * n * n),
'easeInOutQuint' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 16 * n * n * n * n * n : 1 + 16 * --n * n * n * n * n),
t.customEasing && (o = t.customEasing(n)),
o || n)),
q.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(d)),
E(d, g) || ((C = q.requestAnimationFrame(b)), (m = e));
0 === q.pageYOffset && q.scrollTo(0, 0),
(f = i),
(h = s),
u ||
(history.pushState &&
h.updateURL &&
{ smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(h), anchor: f.id },
f === document.documentElement ? '#top' : '#' + f.id
'matchMedia' in q && q.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches
? q.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(g))
: (H('scrollStart', s, i, c), M.cancelScroll(!0), q.requestAnimationFrame(b));
var t = function (e) {
if (
!e.defaultPrevented &&
!(0 !== e.button || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) &&
'closest' in e.target &&
(a = e.target.closest(o)) &&
'a' === a.tagName.toLowerCase() &&
!e.target.closest(A.ignore) &&
a.hostname === q.location.hostname &&
a.pathname === q.location.pathname &&
) {
var t,
n = r(a.hash);
if ('#' === n) {
if (!A.topOnEmptyHash) return;
t = document.documentElement;
} else t = document.querySelector(n);
(t = t || '#top' !== n ? t : document.documentElement) &&
(function (e) {
if (history.replaceState && e.updateURL && !history.state) {
var t = q.location.hash;
(t = t || ''),
smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(e),
anchor: t || q.pageYOffset
t || q.location.href
M.animateScroll(t, a));
n = function (e) {
if (null !== history.state && history.state.smoothScroll && history.state.smoothScroll === JSON.stringify(A)) {
var t = history.state.anchor;
('string' == typeof t && t && !(t = document.querySelector(r(history.state.anchor)))) || M.animateScroll(t, null, { updateURL: !1 });
M.destroy = function () {
A && (document.removeEventListener('click', t, !1), q.removeEventListener('popstate', n, !1), M.cancelScroll(), (C = O = a = A = null));
return (
(function () {
if (!('querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in q && 'requestAnimationFrame' in q && 'closest' in q.Element.prototype))
throw 'Smooth Scroll: This browser does not support the required JavaScript methods and browser APIs.';
(A = F(I, e || {})),
(O = A.header ? document.querySelector(A.header) : null),
document.addEventListener('click', t, !1),
A.updateURL && A.popstate && q.addEventListener('popstate', n, !1);
/*! gumshoejs v5.1.1 | (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/gumshoe */
Element.prototype.closest ||
(Element.prototype.matches || (Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector),
(Element.prototype.closest = function (t) {
var e = this;
if (!document.documentElement.contains(this)) return null;
do {
if (e.matches(t)) return e;
e = e.parentElement;
} while (null !== e);
return null;
(function () {
if ('function' == typeof window.CustomEvent) return !1;
function t(t, e) {
e = e || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 };
var n = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
return n.initCustomEvent(t, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.detail), n;
(t.prototype = window.Event.prototype), (window.CustomEvent = t);
(function (t, e) {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], function () {
return e(t);
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (module.exports = e(t))
: (t.Gumshoe = e(t));
})('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this, function (t) {
'use strict';
var e = {
navClass: 'active',
contentClass: 'active',
nested: !1,
nestedClass: 'active',
offset: 0,
reflow: !1,
events: !0
n = function (t, e, n) {
if (n.settings.events) {
var o = new CustomEvent(t, {
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
detail: n
o = function (t) {
var e = 0;
if (t.offsetParent) for (; t; ) (e += t.offsetTop), (t = t.offsetParent);
return e >= 0 ? e : 0;
s = function (t) {
t &&
t.sort(function (t, e) {
return o(t.content) < o(e.content) ? -1 : 1;
c = function (e, n, o) {
var s = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
c = (function (t) {
return 'function' == typeof t.offset ? parseFloat(t.offset()) : parseFloat(t.offset);
return o ? parseInt(s.bottom, 10) < (t.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) : parseInt(s.top, 10) <= c;
r = function () {
return (
t.innerHeight + t.pageYOffset >=
i = function (t, e) {
var n = t[t.length - 1];
if (
(function (t, e) {
return !(!r() || !c(t.content, e, !0));
})(n, e)
return n;
for (var o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if (c(t[o].content, e)) return t[o];
l = function (t, e) {
if (e.nested) {
var n = t.parentNode.closest('li');
n && (n.classList.remove(e.nestedClass), l(n, e));
a = function (t, e) {
if (t) {
var o = t.nav.closest('li');
o &&
l(o, e),
n('gumshoeDeactivate', o, {
link: t.nav,
content: t.content,
settings: e
u = function (t, e) {
if (e.nested) {
var n = t.parentNode.closest('li');
n && (n.classList.add(e.nestedClass), u(n, e));
return function (o, c) {
var r,
v = {};
(v.setup = function () {
(r = document.querySelectorAll(o)),
(l = []),
Array.prototype.forEach.call(r, function (t) {
var e = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(t.hash.substr(1)));
e && l.push({ nav: t, content: e });
(v.detect = function () {
var t = i(l, m);
? (f && t.content === f.content) ||
(a(f, m),
(function (t, e) {
if (t) {
var o = t.nav.closest('li');
o &&
u(o, e),
n('gumshoeActivate', o, {
link: t.nav,
content: t.content,
settings: e
})(t, m),
(f = t))
: f && (a(f, m), (f = null));
var p = function (e) {
d && t.cancelAnimationFrame(d), (d = t.requestAnimationFrame(v.detect));
h = function (e) {
d && t.cancelAnimationFrame(d),
(d = t.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
s(l), v.detect();
v.destroy = function () {
f && a(f, m),
t.removeEventListener('scroll', p, !1),
m.reflow && t.removeEventListener('resize', h, !1),
(l = null),
(r = null),
(f = null),
(d = null),
(m = null);
return (
(m = (function () {
var t = {};
return (
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (e) {
for (var n in e) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(n)) return;
t[n] = e[n];
})(e, c || {})),
t.addEventListener('scroll', p, !1),
m.reflow && t.addEventListener('resize', h, !1),
* clipboard.js v2.0.4
* https://zenorocha.github.io/clipboard.js
* Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha
!(function (t, e) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module
? (module.exports = e())
: 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], e)
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (exports.ClipboardJS = e())
: (t.ClipboardJS = e());
})(this, function () {
return (function (n) {
var o = {};
function r(t) {
if (o[t]) return o[t].exports;
var e = (o[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} });
return n[t].call(e.exports, e, e.exports, r), (e.l = !0), e.exports;
return (
(r.m = n),
(r.c = o),
(r.d = function (t, e, n) {
r.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: n });
(r.r = function (t) {
'undefined' != typeof Symbol &&
Symbol.toStringTag &&
Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: 'Module'
Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
(r.t = function (e, t) {
if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e;
if (4 & t && 'object' == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var n = Object.create(null);
if (
Object.defineProperty(n, 'default', {
enumerable: !0,
value: e
2 & t && 'string' != typeof e)
for (var o in e)
function (t) {
return e[t];
}.bind(null, o)
return n;
(r.n = function (t) {
var e =
t && t.__esModule
? function () {
return t.default;
: function () {
return t;
return r.d(e, 'a', e), e;
(r.o = function (t, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);
(r.p = ''),
r((r.s = 0))
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof t;
i = (function () {
function o(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n];
(o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1), (o.configurable = !0), 'value' in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
return function (t, e, n) {
return e && o(t.prototype, e), n && o(t, n), t;
a = o(n(1)),
c = o(n(3)),
u = o(n(4));
function o(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t };
var l = (function (t) {
function o(t, e) {
!(function (t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
})(this, o);
var n = (function (t, e) {
if (!t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !e || ('object' != typeof e && 'function' != typeof e) ? t : e;
})(this, (o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o)).call(this));
return n.resolveOptions(e), n.listenClick(t), n;
return (
(function (t, e) {
if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof e);
(t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: t,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
e && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e) : (t.__proto__ = e));
})(o, c.default),
key: 'resolveOptions',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
(this.action = 'function' == typeof t.action ? t.action : this.defaultAction),
(this.target = 'function' == typeof t.target ? t.target : this.defaultTarget),
(this.text = 'function' == typeof t.text ? t.text : this.defaultText),
(this.container = 'object' === r(t.container) ? t.container : document.body);
key: 'listenClick',
value: function (t) {
var e = this;
this.listener = (0, u.default)(t, 'click', function (t) {
return e.onClick(t);
key: 'onClick',
value: function (t) {
var e = t.delegateTarget || t.currentTarget;
this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction = null),
(this.clipboardAction = new a.default({
action: this.action(e),
target: this.target(e),
text: this.text(e),
container: this.container,
trigger: e,
emitter: this
key: 'defaultAction',
value: function (t) {
return s('action', t);
key: 'defaultTarget',
value: function (t) {
var e = s('target', t);
if (e) return document.querySelector(e);
key: 'defaultText',
value: function (t) {
return s('text', t);
key: 'destroy',
value: function () {
this.listener.destroy(), this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction.destroy(), (this.clipboardAction = null));
key: 'isSupported',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ['copy', 'cut'],
e = 'string' == typeof t ? [t] : t,
n = !!document.queryCommandSupported;
return (
e.forEach(function (t) {
n = n && !!document.queryCommandSupported(t);
function s(t, e) {
var n = 'data-clipboard-' + t;
if (e.hasAttribute(n)) return e.getAttribute(n);
t.exports = l;
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var o,
r =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof t;
i = (function () {
function o(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n];
(o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1), (o.configurable = !0), 'value' in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
return function (t, e, n) {
return e && o(t.prototype, e), n && o(t, n), t;
a = n(2),
c = (o = a) && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
var u = (function () {
function e(t) {
!(function (t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
})(this, e),
return (
i(e, [
key: 'resolveOptions',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
(this.action = t.action),
(this.container = t.container),
(this.emitter = t.emitter),
(this.target = t.target),
(this.text = t.text),
(this.trigger = t.trigger),
(this.selectedText = '');
key: 'initSelection',
value: function () {
this.text ? this.selectFake() : this.target && this.selectTarget();
key: 'selectFake',
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = 'rtl' == document.documentElement.getAttribute('dir');
(this.fakeHandlerCallback = function () {
return t.removeFake();
(this.fakeHandler = this.container.addEventListener('click', this.fakeHandlerCallback) || !0),
(this.fakeElem = document.createElement('textarea')),
(this.fakeElem.style.fontSize = '12pt'),
(this.fakeElem.style.border = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.padding = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.margin = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.position = 'absolute'),
(this.fakeElem.style[e ? 'right' : 'left'] = '-9999px');
var n = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
(this.fakeElem.style.top = n + 'px'),
this.fakeElem.setAttribute('readonly', ''),
(this.fakeElem.value = this.text),
(this.selectedText = (0, c.default)(this.fakeElem)),
key: 'removeFake',
value: function () {
this.fakeHandler &&
(this.container.removeEventListener('click', this.fakeHandlerCallback),
(this.fakeHandler = null),
(this.fakeHandlerCallback = null)),
this.fakeElem && (this.container.removeChild(this.fakeElem), (this.fakeElem = null));
key: 'selectTarget',
value: function () {
(this.selectedText = (0, c.default)(this.target)), this.copyText();
key: 'copyText',
value: function () {
var e = void 0;
try {
e = document.execCommand(this.action);
} catch (t) {
e = !1;
key: 'handleResult',
value: function (t) {
this.emitter.emit(t ? 'success' : 'error', {
action: this.action,
text: this.selectedText,
trigger: this.trigger,
clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this)
key: 'clearSelection',
value: function () {
this.trigger && this.trigger.focus(), window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
key: 'destroy',
value: function () {
key: 'action',
set: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 'copy';
if (((this._action = t), 'copy' !== this._action && 'cut' !== this._action))
throw new Error('Invalid "action" value, use either "copy" or "cut"');
get: function () {
return this._action;
key: 'target',
set: function (t) {
if (void 0 !== t) {
if (!t || 'object' !== (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : r(t)) || 1 !== t.nodeType)
throw new Error('Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element');
if ('copy' === this.action && t.hasAttribute('disabled'))
throw new Error('Invalid "target" attribute. Please use "readonly" instead of "disabled" attribute');
if ('cut' === this.action && (t.hasAttribute('readonly') || t.hasAttribute('disabled')))
throw new Error(
'Invalid "target" attribute. You can\'t cut text from elements with "readonly" or "disabled" attributes'
this._target = t;
get: function () {
return this._target;
t.exports = u;
function (t, e) {
t.exports = function (t) {
var e;
if ('SELECT' === t.nodeName) t.focus(), (e = t.value);
else if ('INPUT' === t.nodeName || 'TEXTAREA' === t.nodeName) {
var n = t.hasAttribute('readonly');
n || t.setAttribute('readonly', ''), t.select(), t.setSelectionRange(0, t.value.length), n || t.removeAttribute('readonly'), (e = t.value);
} else {
t.hasAttribute('contenteditable') && t.focus();
var o = window.getSelection(),
r = document.createRange();
r.selectNodeContents(t), o.removeAllRanges(), o.addRange(r), (e = o.toString());
return e;
function (t, e) {
function n() {}
(n.prototype = {
on: function (t, e, n) {
var o = this.e || (this.e = {});
return (o[t] || (o[t] = [])).push({ fn: e, ctx: n }), this;
once: function (t, e, n) {
var o = this;
function r() {
o.off(t, r), e.apply(n, arguments);
return (r._ = e), this.on(t, r, n);
emit: function (t) {
for (var e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), n = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[t] || []).slice(), o = 0, r = n.length; o < r; o++)
n[o].fn.apply(n[o].ctx, e);
return this;
off: function (t, e) {
var n = this.e || (this.e = {}),
o = n[t],
r = [];
if (o && e) for (var i = 0, a = o.length; i < a; i++) o[i].fn !== e && o[i].fn._ !== e && r.push(o[i]);
return r.length ? (n[t] = r) : delete n[t], this;
(t.exports = n);
function (t, e, n) {
var d = n(5),
h = n(6);
t.exports = function (t, e, n) {
if (!t && !e && !n) throw new Error('Missing required arguments');
if (!d.string(e)) throw new TypeError('Second argument must be a String');
if (!d.fn(n)) throw new TypeError('Third argument must be a Function');
if (d.node(t))
return (
(s = e),
(f = n),
(l = t).addEventListener(s, f),
destroy: function () {
l.removeEventListener(s, f);
if (d.nodeList(t))
return (
(a = t),
(c = e),
(u = n),
Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function (t) {
t.addEventListener(c, u);
destroy: function () {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function (t) {
t.removeEventListener(c, u);
if (d.string(t)) return (o = t), (r = e), (i = n), h(document.body, o, r, i);
throw new TypeError('First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList');
var o, r, i, a, c, u, l, s, f;
function (t, n) {
(n.node = function (t) {
return void 0 !== t && t instanceof HTMLElement && 1 === t.nodeType;
(n.nodeList = function (t) {
var e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
return void 0 !== t && ('[object NodeList]' === e || '[object HTMLCollection]' === e) && 'length' in t && (0 === t.length || n.node(t[0]));
(n.string = function (t) {
return 'string' == typeof t || t instanceof String;
(n.fn = function (t) {
return '[object Function]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
function (t, e, n) {
var a = n(7);
function i(t, e, n, o, r) {
var i = function (e, n, t, o) {
return function (t) {
(t.delegateTarget = a(t.target, n)), t.delegateTarget && o.call(e, t);
}.apply(this, arguments);
return (
t.addEventListener(n, i, r),
destroy: function () {
t.removeEventListener(n, i, r);
t.exports = function (t, e, n, o, r) {
return 'function' == typeof t.addEventListener
? i.apply(null, arguments)
: 'function' == typeof n
? i.bind(null, document).apply(null, arguments)
: ('string' == typeof t && (t = document.querySelectorAll(t)),
Array.prototype.map.call(t, function (t) {
return i(t, e, n, o, r);
function (t, e) {
if ('undefined' != typeof Element && !Element.prototype.matches) {
var n = Element.prototype;
n.matches = n.matchesSelector || n.mozMatchesSelector || n.msMatchesSelector || n.oMatchesSelector || n.webkitMatchesSelector;
t.exports = function (t, e) {
for (; t && 9 !== t.nodeType; ) {
if ('function' == typeof t.matches && t.matches(e)) return t;
t = t.parentNode;
/* PrismJS 1.16.0
https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript&plugins=toolbar+copy-to-clipboard /
var _self = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : {},
Prism = (function (g) {
var c = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i,
a = 0,
C = {
manual: g.Prism && g.Prism.manual,
disableWorkerMessageHandler: g.Prism && g.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler,
util: {
encode: function (e) {
return e instanceof M
? new M(e.type, C.util.encode(e.content), e.alias)
: Array.isArray(e)
? e.map(C.util.encode)
: e
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
type: function (e) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1);
objId: function (e) {
return e.**id || Object.defineProperty(e, '**id', { value: ++a }), e.__id;
clone: function n(e, t) {
var r,
i = C.util.type(e);
switch (((t = t || {}), i)) {
case 'Object':
if (((a = C.util.objId(e)), t[a])) return t[a];
for (var l in ((r = {}), (t[a] = r), e)) e.hasOwnProperty(l) && (r[l] = n(e[l], t));
return r;
case 'Array':
return (
(a = C.util.objId(e)),
? t[a]
: ((r = []),
(t[a] = r),
e.forEach(function (e, a) {
r[a] = n(e, t);
return e;
languages: {
extend: function (e, a) {
var n = C.util.clone(C.languages[e]);
for (var t in a) n[t] = a[t];
return n;
insertBefore: function (n, e, a, t) {
var r = (t = t || C.languages)[n],
i = {};
for (var l in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
if (l == e) for (var o in a) a.hasOwnProperty(o) && (i[o] = a[o]);
a.hasOwnProperty(l) || (i[l] = r[l]);
var s = t[n];
return (
(t[n] = i),
C.languages.DFS(C.languages, function (e, a) {
a === s && e != n && (this[e] = i);
DFS: function e(a, n, t, r) {
r = r || {};
var i = C.util.objId;
for (var l in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
n.call(a, l, a[l], t || l);
var o = a[l],
s = C.util.type(o);
'Object' !== s || r[i(o)] ? 'Array' !== s || r[i(o)] || ((r[i(o)] = !0), e(o, n, l, r)) : ((r[i(o)] = !0), e(o, n, null, r));
plugins: {},
highlightAll: function (e, a) {
C.highlightAllUnder(document, e, a);
highlightAllUnder: function (e, a, n) {
var t = {
callback: n,
selector: 'code[class="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
C.hooks.run('before-highlightall', t);
for (var r, i = t.elements || e.querySelectorAll(t.selector), l = 0; (r = i[l++]); ) C.highlightElement(r, !0 === a, t.callback);
highlightElement: function (e, a, n) {
for (var t, r = 'none', i = e; i && !c.test(i.className); ) i = i.parentNode;
i && ((r = (i.className.match(c) || [, 'none'])[1].toLowerCase()), (t = C.languages[r])),
(e.className = e.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r),
e.parentNode &&
((i = e.parentNode), /pre/i.test(i.nodeName) && (i.className = i.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r));
var l = { element: e, language: r, grammar: t, code: e.textContent },
o = function (e) {
(l.highlightedCode = e),
C.hooks.run('before-insert', l),
(l.element.innerHTML = l.highlightedCode),
C.hooks.run('after-highlight', l),
C.hooks.run('complete', l),
n && n.call(l.element);
if ((C.hooks.run('before-sanity-check', l), l.code))
if ((C.hooks.run('before-highlight', l), l.grammar))
if (a && g.Worker) {
var s = new Worker(C.filename);
(s.onmessage = function (e) {
language: l.language,
code: l.code,
immediateClose: !0
} else o(C.highlight(l.code, l.grammar, l.language));
else o(C.util.encode(l.code));
else C.hooks.run('complete', l);
highlight: function (e, a, n) {
var t = { code: e, grammar: a, language: n };
return (
C.hooks.run('before-tokenize', t),
(t.tokens = C.tokenize(t.code, t.grammar)),
C.hooks.run('after-tokenize', t),
M.stringify(C.util.encode(t.tokens), t.language)
matchGrammar: function (e, a, n, t, r, i, l) {
for (var o in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(o) && n[o]) {
if (o == l) return;
var s = n[o];
s = 'Array' === C.util.type(s) ? s : [s];
for (var g = 0; g < s.length; ++g) {
var c = s[g],
u = c.inside,
h = !!c.lookbehind,
f = !!c.greedy,
d = 0,
m = c.alias;
if (f && !c.pattern.global) {
var p = c.pattern.toString().match(/[imuy]$/)[0];
c.pattern = RegExp(c.pattern.source, p + 'g');
c = c.pattern || c;
for (var y = t, v = r; y < a.length; v += a[y].length, ++y) {
var k = a[y];
if (a.length > e.length) return;
if (!(k instanceof M)) {
if (f && y != a.length - 1) {
if (((c.lastIndex = v), !(x = c.exec(e)))) break;
for (
var b = x.index + (h ? x[1].length : 0), w = x.index + x[0].length, A = y, P = v, O = a.length;
A < O && (P < w || (!a[A].type && !a[A - 1].greedy));
(P += a[A].length) <= b && (++y, (v = P));
if (a[y] instanceof M) continue;
(N = A - y), (k = e.slice(v, P)), (x.index -= v);
} else {
c.lastIndex = 0;
var x = c.exec(k),
N = 1;
if (x) {
h && (d = x[1] ? x[1].length : 0);
w = (b = x.index + d) + (x = x[0].slice(d)).length;
var j = k.slice(0, b),
S = k.slice(w),
E = [y, N];
j && (++y, (v += j.length), E.push(j));
var * = new M(o, u ? C.tokenize(x, u) : x, m, x, f);
if (
S && E.push(S),
Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, E),
1 != N && C.matchGrammar(e, a, n, y, v, !0, o),
} else if (i) break;
tokenize: function (e, a) {
var n = [e],
t = a.rest;
if (t) {
for (var r in t) a[r] = t[r];
delete a.rest;
return C.matchGrammar(e, n, a, 0, 0, !1), n;
hooks: {
all: {},
add: function (e, a) {
var n = C.hooks.all;
(n[e] = n[e] || []), n[e].push(a);
run: function (e, a) {
var n = C.hooks.all[e];
if (n && n.length) for (var t, r = 0; (t = n[r++]); ) t(a);
Token: M
function M(e, a, n, t, r) {
(this.type = e), (this.content = a), (this.alias = n), (this.length = 0 | (t || '').length), (this.greedy = !!r);
if (
((g.Prism = C),
(M.stringify = function (e, a) {
if ('string' == typeof e) return e;
if (Array.isArray(e))
return e
.map(function (e) {
return M.stringify(e, a);
var n = {
type: e.type,
content: M.stringify(e.content, a),
tag: 'span',
classes: ['token', e.type],
attributes: {},
language: a
if (e.alias) {
var t = Array.isArray(e.alias) ? e.alias : [e.alias];
Array.prototype.push.apply(n.classes, t);
C.hooks.run('wrap', n);
var r = Object.keys(n.attributes)
.map(function (e) {
return e + '="' + (n.attributes[e] || '').replace(/"/g, '"') + '"';
.join(' ');
return '<' + n.tag + ' class="' + n.classes.join(' ') + '"' + (r ? ' ' + r : '') + '>' + n.content + '</' + n.tag + '>';
return (
g.addEventListener &&
(C.disableWorkerMessageHandler ||
function (e) {
var a = JSON.parse(e.data),
n = a.language,
t = a.code,
r = a.immediateClose;
g.postMessage(C.highlight(t, C.languages[n], n)), r && g.close();
var e = document.currentScript || [].slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName('script')).pop();
return (
e &&
((C.filename = e.src),
C.manual ||
e.hasAttribute('data-manual') ||
('loading' !== document.readyState
? window.requestAnimationFrame
? window.requestAnimationFrame(C.highlightAll)
: window.setTimeout(C.highlightAll, 16)
: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', C.highlightAll))),
'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = Prism), 'undefined' != typeof global && (global.Prism = Prism);
(Prism.languages.markup = {
comment: //,
prolog: /<?[\s\S]+??>/,
doctype: /<!DOCTYPE[\s\S]+?>/i,
cdata: /<![CDATA[[\s\S]?]]>/i,
tag: {
pattern: /</?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s_[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]"|'[^']'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*/?>/i,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
tag: {
pattern: /^</?[^\s>\/]+/i,
inside: { punctuation: /^</?/, namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ }
'attr-value': {
pattern: /=\s*(?:"[^"]"|'[^']'|[^\s'">=]+)/i,
inside: {
punctuation: [/^=/, { pattern: /^(\s*)["']|["']$/, lookbehind: !0 }]
punctuation: //?>/,
'attr-name': {
pattern: /[^\s>\/]+/,
inside: { namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ }
entity: /&#?[\da-z]{1,8};/i
(Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['attr-value'].inside.entity = Prism.languages.markup.entity),
Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function (a) {
'entity' === a.type && (a.attributes.title = a.content.replace(/&/, '&'));
Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addInlined', {
value: function (a, e) {
var s = {};
(s['language-' + e] = {
pattern: /(^<![CDATA[)[\s\S]+?(?=]]>$)/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages[e]
(s.cdata = /^<![CDATA[|]]>$/i);
var n = {
'included-cdata': { pattern: /<![CDATA[[\s\S]?]]>/i, inside: s }
n['language-' + e] = { pattern: /[\s\S]+/, inside: Prism.languages[e] };
var i = {};
(i[a] = {
pattern: RegExp('(<**[\s\S]?>)(?:<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]?\]\]>\s|[\s\S])?(?=<\/>)'.replace(//g, a), 'i'),
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0,
inside: n
Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', i);
(Prism.languages.xml = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {})),
(Prism.languages.html = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.mathml = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.svg = Prism.languages.markup);
!(function (s) {
var t = /("|')(?:\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])\1/;
(s.languages.css = {
comment: //*[\s\S]?*//,
atrule: {
pattern: /@[\w-]+[\s\S]?(?:;|(?=\s{))/,
inside: { rule: /@[\w-]+/ }
url: {
pattern: RegExp('url\((?:' + t.source + '|[^\n\r()])\)', 'i'),
inside: { function: /^url/i, punctuation: /^(|)$/ }
selector: RegExp('[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\']|' + t.source + ')?(?=\s\{)'),
string: { pattern: t, greedy: !0 },
property: /[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][-\w\xa0-\uffff](?=\s:)/i,
important: /!important\b/i,
function: /[-a-z0-9]+(?=()/i,
punctuation: /[(){};:,]/
(s.languages.css.atrule.inside.rest = s.languages.css);
var e = s.languages.markup;
e &&
(e.tag.addInlined('style', 'css'),
'style-attr': {
pattern: /\sstyle=("|')(?:\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])\1/i,
inside: {
'attr-name': { pattern: /^\sstyle/i, inside: e.tag.inside },
punctuation: /^\s=\s*['"]|['"]\s*$/,
'attr-value': { pattern: /.+/i, inside: s.languages.css }
alias: 'language-css'
Prism.languages.clike = {
comment: [
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\])/*[\s\S]?(?:*/|$)/, lookbehind: !0 },
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\:])//./, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 }
string: {
pattern: /(["'])(?:\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])\1/,
greedy: !0
'class-name': {
pattern: /((?:\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|trait|instanceof|new)\s+)|(?:catch\s+())[\w.\]+/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: { punctuation: /[.\]/ }
keyword: /\b(?:if|else|while|do|for|return|in|instanceof|function|new|try|throw|catch|finally|null|break|continue)\b/,
boolean: /\b(?:true|false)\b/,
function: /\w+(?=()/,
number: /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+.?\d|\B.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i,
operator: /--?|++?|!=?=?|<=?|>=?|==?=?|&&?|||?|?|*|/||^|%/,
punctuation: /[{}[];(),.:]/
(Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
'class-name': [
pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])[_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff](?=.(?:prototype|constructor))/,
lookbehind: !0
keyword: [
{ pattern: /((?:^|})\s)(?:catch|finally)\b/, lookbehind: !0 },
lookbehind: !0
number: /\b(?:(?:0xX+|0bB+|0oO+)n?|(?:\d(?:\d)?)+n|NaN|Infinity)\b|(?:\b(?:\d(?:\d)?)+.?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)|\B.(?:\d(?:\d)?)+)(?:[Ee][+-]?(?:\d(?:\d)?)+)?/,
function: /[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff](?=\s(?:.\s(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?()/,
operator: /-[-=]?|+[+=]?|!=?=?|<>?>?=?|=(?:==?|>)?|&[&=]?||[|=]?|**?=?|/=?||^=?|%=?|?|.{3}/
(Prism.languages.javascript['class-name'][0].pattern = /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|instanceof|new)\s+)[\w.\]+/),
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
regex: {
pattern: /((?:^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff."'\])\s])\s*)/([(?:[^\]\\\r\n]|\.)]|\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+/[gimyus]{0,6}(?=\s($|[\r\n,.;})]]))/,
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0
'function-variable': {
alias: 'function'
parameter: [
pattern: /(function(?:\s+[_$A-Za-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff])?\s(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|([^()]))+?(?=\s_))/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /[_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff](?=\s=>)/i,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /((\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|([^()]))+?(?=\s)\s*=>)/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
constant: /\bA-Z\b/
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
'template-string': {
pattern: /(?:\\[\s\S]|\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]_})_})+}|[^\\
])/, greedy: !0, inside: { interpolation: { pattern: /\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]_})_})+}/, inside: { 'interpolation-punctuation': { pattern: /^\${|}$/, alias: 'punctuation' }, rest: Prism.languages.javascript } }, string: /[\s\S]+/ } } }), Prism.languages.markup && Prism.languages.markup.tag.addInlined('script', 'javascript'), (Prism.languages.js = Prism.languages.javascript); !(function () { if ('undefined' != typeof self && self.Prism && self.document) { var r = [], i = {}, n = function () {}; Prism.plugins.toolbar = {}; var t = (Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton = function (t, n) { var e; (e = 'function' == typeof n ? n : function (t) { var e; return ( 'function' == typeof n.onClick ? (((e = document.createElement('button')).type = 'button'), e.addEventListener('click', function () { n.onClick.call(this, t); })) : 'string' == typeof n.url ? ((e = document.createElement('a')).href = n.url) : (e = document.createElement('span')), (e.textContent = n.text), e ); }), t in i ? console.warn('There is a button with the key "' + t + '" registered already.') : r.push((i[t] = e)); }), e = (Prism.plugins.toolbar.hook = function (a) { var t = a.element.parentNode; if (t && /pre/i.test(t.nodeName) && !t.parentNode.classList.contains('code-toolbar')) { var e = document.createElement('div'); e.classList.add('code-toolbar'), t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t), e.appendChild(t); var o = document.createElement('div'); o.classList.add('toolbar'), document.body.hasAttribute('data-toolbar-order') && (r = document.body .getAttribute('data-toolbar-order') .split(',') .map(function (t) { return i[t] || n; })), r.forEach(function (t) { var e = t(a); if (e) { var n = document.createElement('div'); n.classList.add('toolbar-item'), n.appendChild(e), o.appendChild(n); } }), e.appendChild(o); } }); t('label', function (t) { var e = t.element.parentNode; if (e && /pre/i.test(e.nodeName) && e.hasAttribute('data-label')) { var n, a, o = e.getAttribute('data-label'); try { a = document.querySelector('template#' + o); } catch (t) {} return ( a ? (n = a.content) : (e.hasAttribute('data-url') ? ((n = document.createElement('a')).href = e.getAttribute('data-url')) : (n = document.createElement('span')), (n.textContent = o)), n ); } }), Prism.hooks.add('complete', e); } })(); !(function () { if ('undefined' != typeof self && self.Prism && self.document) if (Prism.plugins.toolbar) { var r = window.ClipboardJS || void 0; r || 'function' != typeof require || (r = require('clipboard')); var i = []; if (!r) { var o = document.createElement('script'), e = document.querySelector('head'); (o.onload = function () { if ((r = window.ClipboardJS)) for (; i.length; ) i.pop()(); }), (o.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js'), e.appendChild(o); } Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('copy-to-clipboard', function (e) { var t = document.createElement('a'); return (t.textContent = 'Copy'), r ? o() : i.push(o), t; function o() { var o = new r(t, { text: function () { return e.code; } }); o.on('success', function () { (t.textContent = 'Copied'), n(); }), o.on('error', function () { (t.textContent = 'Press Ctrl+C to copy'), n(); }); } function n() { setTimeout(function () { t.textContent = 'Copy'; }, 5e3); } }); } else console.warn('Copy to Clipboard plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin.'); })(); /_ PrismJS 1.24.1 https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript _/ var \_self = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : {}, Prism = (function (u) { var c = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i, n = 0, e = {}, M = { manual: u.Prism && u.Prism.manual, disableWorkerMessageHandler: u.Prism && u.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler, util: { encode: function e(n) { return n instanceof W ? new W(n.type, e(n.content), n.alias) : Array.isArray(n) ? n.map(e) : n .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/\u00a0/g, ' '); }, type: function (e) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); }, objId: function (e) { return e.**id || Object.defineProperty(e, '**id', { value: ++n }), e.**id; }, clone: function t(e, r) { var a, n; switch (((r = r || {}), M.util.type(e))) { case 'Object': if (((n = M.util.objId(e)), r[n])) return r[n]; for (var i in ((a = {}), (r[n] = a), e)) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (a[i] = t(e[i], r)); return a; case 'Array': return ( (n = M.util.objId(e)), r[n] ? r[n] : ((a = []), (r[n] = a), e.forEach(function (e, n) { a[n] = t(e, r); }), a) ); default: return e; } }, getLanguage: function (e) { for (; e && !c.test(e.className); ) e = e.parentElement; return e ? (e.className.match(c) || [, 'none'])[1].toLowerCase() : 'none'; }, currentScript: function () { if ('undefined' == typeof document) return null; if ('currentScript' in document) return document.currentScript; try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { var n = (/at [^(\r\n]_\((._):.+:.+\)$/i.exec(e.stack) || [])[1]; if (n) { var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var r in t) if (t[r].src == n) return t[r]; } return null; } }, isActive: function (e, n, t) { for (var r = 'no-' + n; e; ) { var a = e.classList; if (a.contains(n)) return !0; if (a.contains(r)) return !1; e = e.parentElement; } return !!t; } }, languages: { plain: e, plaintext: e, text: e, txt: e, extend: function (e, n) { var t = M.util.clone(M.languages[e]); for (var r in n) t[r] = n[r]; return t; }, insertBefore: function (t, e, n, r) { var a = (r = r || M.languages)[t], i = {}; for (var l in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(l)) { if (l == e) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && (i[o] = n[o]); n.hasOwnProperty(l) || (i[l] = a[l]); } var s = r[t]; return ( (r[t] = i), M.languages.DFS(M.languages, function (e, n) { n === s && e != t && (this[e] = i); }), i ); }, DFS: function e(n, t, r, a) { a = a || {}; var i = M.util.objId; for (var l in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(l)) { t.call(n, l, n[l], r || l); var o = n[l], s = M.util.type(o); 'Object' !== s || a[i(o)] ? 'Array' !== s || a[i(o)] || ((a[i(o)] = !0), e(o, t, l, a)) : ((a[i(o)] = !0), e(o, t, null, a)); } } }, plugins: {}, highlightAll: function (e, n) { M.highlightAllUnder(document, e, n); }, highlightAllUnder: function (e, n, t) { var r = { callback: t, container: e, selector: 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code' }; M.hooks.run('before-highlightall', r), (r.elements = Array.prototype.slice.apply(r.container.querySelectorAll(r.selector))), M.hooks.run('before-all-elements-highlight', r); for (var a, i = 0; (a = r.elements[i++]); ) M.highlightElement(a, !0 === n, r.callback); }, highlightElement: function (e, n, t) { var r = M.util.getLanguage(e), a = M.languages[r]; e.className = e.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r; var i = e.parentElement; i && 'pre' === i.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (i.className = i.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r); var l = { element: e, language: r, grammar: a, code: e.textContent }; function o(e) { (l.highlightedCode = e), M.hooks.run('before-insert', l), (l.element.innerHTML = l.highlightedCode), M.hooks.run('after-highlight', l), M.hooks.run('complete', l), t && t.call(l.element); } if ( (M.hooks.run('before-sanity-check', l), (i = l.element.parentElement) && 'pre' === i.nodeName.toLowerCase() && !i.hasAttribute('tabindex') && i.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'), !l.code) ) return M.hooks.run('complete', l), void (t && t.call(l.element)); if ((M.hooks.run('before-highlight', l), l.grammar)) if (n && u.Worker) { var s = new Worker(M.filename); (s.onmessage = function (e) { o(e.data); }), s.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ language: l.language, code: l.code, immediateClose: !0 })); } else o(M.highlight(l.code, l.grammar, l.language)); else o(M.util.encode(l.code)); }, highlight: function (e, n, t) { var r = { code: e, grammar: n, language: t }; return ( M.hooks.run('before-tokenize', r), (r.tokens = M.tokenize(r.code, r.grammar)), M.hooks.run('after-tokenize', r), W.stringify(M.util.encode(r.tokens), r.language) ); }, tokenize: function (e, n) { var t = n.rest; if (t) { for (var r in t) n[r] = t[r]; delete n.rest; } var a = new i(); return ( I(a, a.head, e), (function e(n, t, r, a, i, l) { for (var o in r) if (r.hasOwnProperty(o) && r[o]) { var s = r[o]; s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s]; for (var u = 0; u < s.length; ++u) { if (l && l.cause == o + ',' + u) return; var c = s[u], g = c.inside, f = !!c.lookbehind, h = !!c.greedy, d = c.alias; if (h && !c.pattern.global) { var p = c.pattern.toString().match(/[imsuy]*$/)[0]; c.pattern = RegExp(c.pattern.source, p + 'g'); } for (var v = c.pattern || c, m = a.next, y = i; m !== t.tail && !(l && y >= l.reach); y += m.value.length, m = m.next) { var b = m.value; if (t.length > n.length) return; if (!(b instanceof W)) { var k, x = 1; if (h) { if (!(k = z(v, y, n, f))) break; var w = k.index, A = k.index + k[0].length, P = y; for (P += m.value.length; P <= w; ) (m = m.next), (P += m.value.length); if (((P -= m.value.length), (y = P), m.value instanceof W)) continue; for (var E = m; E !== t.tail && (P < A || 'string' == typeof E.value); E = E.next) x++, (P += E.value.length); x--, (b = n.slice(y, P)), (k.index -= y); } else if (!(k = z(v, 0, b, f))) continue; var w = k.index, S = k[0], O = b.slice(0, w), L = b.slice(w + S.length), N = y + b.length; l && N > l.reach && (l.reach = N); var j = m.prev; O && ((j = I(t, j, O)), (y += O.length)), q(t, j, x); var C = new W(o, g ? M.tokenize(S, g) : S, d, S); if (((m = I(t, j, C)), L && I(t, m, L), 1 < x)) { var _ = { cause: o + ',' + u, reach: N }; e(n, t, r, m.prev, y, _), l && _.reach > l.reach && (l.reach = _.reach); } } } } } })(e, a, n, a.head, 0), (function (e) { var n = [], t = e.head.next; for (; t !== e.tail; ) n.push(t.value), (t = t.next); return n; })(a) ); }, hooks: { all: {}, add: function (e, n) { var t = M.hooks.all; (t[e] = t[e] || []), t[e].push(n); }, run: function (e, n) { var t = M.hooks.all[e]; if (t && t.length) for (var r, a = 0; (r = t[a++]); ) r(n); } }, Token: W }; function W(e, n, t, r) { (this.type = e), (this.content = n), (this.alias = t), (this.length = 0 | (r || '').length); } function z(e, n, t, r) { e.lastIndex = n; var a = e.exec(t); if (a && r && a[1]) { var i = a[1].length; (a.index += i), (a[0] = a[0].slice(i)); } return a; } function i() { var e = { value: null, prev: null, next: null }, n = { value: null, prev: e, next: null }; (e.next = n), (this.head = e), (this.tail = n), (this.length = 0); } function I(e, n, t) { var r = n.next, a = { value: t, prev: n, next: r }; return (n.next = a), (r.prev = a), e.length++, a; } function q(e, n, t) { for (var r = n.next, a = 0; a < t && r !== e.tail; a++) r = r.next; ((n.next = r).prev = n), (e.length -= a); } if ( ((u.Prism = M), (W.stringify = function n(e, t) { if ('string' == typeof e) return e; if (Array.isArray(e)) { var r = ''; return ( e.forEach(function (e) { r += n(e, t); }), r ); } var a = { type: e.type, content: n(e.content, t), tag: 'span', classes: ['token', e.type], attributes: {}, language: t }, i = e.alias; i && (Array.isArray(i) ? Array.prototype.push.apply(a.classes, i) : a.classes.push(i)), M.hooks.run('wrap', a); var l = ''; for (var o in a.attributes) l += ' ' + o + '="' + (a.attributes[o] || '').replace(/"/g, '"') + '"'; return '<' + a.tag + ' class="' + a.classes.join(' ') + '"' + l + '>' + a.content + '</' + a.tag + '>'; }), !u.document) ) return ( u.addEventListener && (M.disableWorkerMessageHandler || u.addEventListener( 'message', function (e) { var n = JSON.parse(e.data), t = n.language, r = n.code, a = n.immediateClose; u.postMessage(M.highlight(r, M.languages[t], t)), a && u.close(); }, !1 )), M ); var t = M.util.currentScript(); function r() { M.manual || M.highlightAll(); } if ((t && ((M.filename = t.src), t.hasAttribute('data-manual') && (M.manual = !0)), !M.manual)) { var a = document.readyState; 'loading' === a || ('interactive' === a && t && t.defer) ? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', r) : window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame(r) : window.setTimeout(r, 16); } return M; })(_self); 'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = Prism), 'undefined' != typeof global && (global.Prism = Prism); (Prism.languages.markup = { comment: /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/, prolog: /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/, doctype: { pattern: /<!DOCTYPE(?:[^>"'[\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+(?:\[(?:[^<"'\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|<(?!!--)|<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->)*\]\s*)?>/i, greedy: !0, inside: { 'internal-subset': { pattern: /(^[^\[]*\[)[\s\S]+(?=\]>$)/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0, inside: null }, string: { pattern: /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/, greedy: !0 }, punctuation: /^<!|>$|[[\]]/, 'doctype-tag': /^DOCTYPE/, name: /[^\s<>'"]+/ } }, cdata: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i, tag: { pattern: /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s*[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/, greedy: !0, inside: { tag: { pattern: /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/, inside: { punctuation: /^<\/?/, namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } }, 'special-attr': [], 'attr-value': { pattern: /=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+)/, inside: { punctuation: [{ pattern: /^=/, alias: 'attr-equals' }, /"|'/] } }, punctuation: /\/?>/, 'attr-name': { pattern: /[^\s>\/]+/, inside: { namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } } } }, entity: [{ pattern: /&[\da-z]{1,8};/i, alias: 'named-entity' }, /&#x?[\da-f]{1,8};/i] }), (Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['attr-value'].inside.entity = Prism.languages.markup.entity), (Prism.languages.markup.doctype.inside['internal-subset'].inside = Prism.languages.markup), Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function (a) { 'entity' === a.type && (a.attributes.title = a.content.replace(/&/, '&')); }), Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addInlined', { value: function (a, e) { var s = {}; (s['language-' + e] = { pattern: /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages[e] }), (s.cdata = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i); var t = { 'included-cdata': { pattern: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i, inside: s } }; t['language-' + e] = { pattern: /[\s\S]+/, inside: Prism.languages[e] }; var n = {}; (n[a] = { pattern: RegExp( '(<**[^>]*>)(?:<!\\[CDATA\\[(?:[^\\]]|\\](?!]>))*\\]\\]>|(?!<!\\[CDATA\\[)[^])\*?(?=</**>)'.replace(/\_\_/g, function () { return a; }), 'i' ), lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0, inside: t }), Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', n); } }), Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addAttribute', { value: function (a, e) { Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['special-attr'].push({ pattern: RegExp('(^|["\'\\s])(?:' + a + ')\\s*=\\s*(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\\s\'">=]+(?=[\\s>]))', 'i'), lookbehind: !0, inside: { 'attr-name': /^[^\s=]+/, 'attr-value': { pattern: /=[\s\S]+/, inside: { value: { pattern: /(^=\s*(["']|(?!["'])))\S[\s\S]*(?=\2$)/, lookbehind: !0, alias: [e, 'language-' + e], inside: Prism.languages[e] }, punctuation: [{ pattern: /^=/, alias: 'attr-equals' }, /"|'/] } } } }); } }), (Prism.languages.html = Prism.languages.markup), (Prism.languages.mathml = Prism.languages.markup), (Prism.languages.svg = Prism.languages.markup), (Prism.languages.xml = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {})), (Prism.languages.ssml = Prism.languages.xml), (Prism.languages.atom = Prism.languages.xml), (Prism.languages.rss = Prism.languages.xml); !(function (s) { var e = /(?:"(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^"\\\r\n])*"|'(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^'\\\r\n])*')/; (s.languages.css = { comment: /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//, atrule: { pattern: /@[\w-](?:[^;{\s]|\s+(?![\s{]))*(?:;|(?=\s*\{))/, inside: { rule: /^@[\w-]+/, 'selector-function-argument': { pattern: /(\bselector\s*\(\s*(?![\s)]))(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))+(?=\s*\))/, lookbehind: !0, alias: 'selector' }, keyword: { pattern: /(^|[^\w-])(?:and|not|only|or)(?![\w-])/, lookbehind: !0 } } }, url: { pattern: RegExp('\\burl\\((?:' + e.source + '|(?:[^\\\\\r\n()"\']|\\\\[^])*)\\)', 'i'), greedy: !0, inside: { function: /^url/i, punctuation: /^\(|\)$/, string: { pattern: RegExp('^' + e.source + '$'), alias: 'url' } } }, selector: { pattern: RegExp('(^|[{}\\s])[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\'\\s]|\\s+(?![\\s{])|' + e.source + ')*(?=\\s*\\{)'), lookbehind: !0 }, string: { pattern: e, greedy: !0 }, property: { pattern: /(^|[^-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*:)/i, lookbehind: !0 }, important: /!important\b/i, function: { pattern: /(^|[^-a-z0-9])[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i, lookbehind: !0 }, punctuation: /[(){};:,]/ }), (s.languages.css.atrule.inside.rest = s.languages.css); var t = s.languages.markup; t && (t.tag.addInlined('style', 'css'), t.tag.addAttribute('style', 'css')); })(Prism); Prism.languages.clike = { comment: [ { pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 }, { pattern: /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 } ], string: { pattern: /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/, greedy: !0 }, 'class-name': { pattern: /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|trait|instanceof|new)\s+|\bcatch\s+\()[\w.\\]+/i, lookbehind: !0, inside: { punctuation: /[.\\]/ } }, keyword: /\b(?:if|else|while|do|for|return|in|instanceof|function|new|try|throw|catch|finally|null|break|continue)\b/, boolean: /\b(?:true|false)\b/, function: /\b\w+(?=\()/, number: /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i, operator: /[<>]=?|[!=]=?=?|--?|\+\+?|&&?|\|\|?|[?*/~^%]/, punctuation: /[{}[\];(),.:]/ }; (Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', { 'class-name': [ Prism.languages.clike['class-name'], { pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff])(?!\s)[_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])_(?=\.(?:prototype|constructor))/, lookbehind: !0 } ], keyword: [ { pattern: /((?:^|\})\s_)catch\b/, lookbehind: !0 }, { pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|assert(?=\s*\{)|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[#\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/, lookbehind: !0 } ], function: /#?(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*(?:\.\s*(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?\()/, number: /\b(?:(?:0[xX](<?:[\dA-Fa-f](?:_[\dA-Fa-f])?>)+|0[bB](<?:[01](?:_[01])?>)+|0[oO](<?:[0-7](?:_[0-7])?>)+)n?|(?:\d(?:*\d)?)+n|NaN|Infinity)\b|(?:\b(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+\.?(?:\d(?:\_\d)?)_|\B\.(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)(?:[Ee][+-]?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)?/, operator: /--|\+\+|\*\*=?|=>|&&=?|\|\|=?|[!=]==|<<=?|>>>?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?|\.{3}|\?\?=?|\?\.?|[~:]/ })), (Prism.languages.javascript['class-name'][0].pattern = /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|instanceof|new)\s+)[\w.\\]+/), Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', { regex: { pattern: /((?:^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff."'\])\s]|\b(?:return|yield))\s*)\/(?:\[(?:[^\]\\\r\n]|\\.)*\]|\\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+\/[dgimyus]{0,7}(?=(?:\s|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))_\*\/)_(?:$|[\r\n,.;:})\]]|\/\/))/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0, inside: { 'regex-source': { pattern: /^(\/)[\s\S]+(?=\/[a-z]*$)/, lookbehind: !0, alias: 'language-regex', inside: Prism.languages.regex }, 'regex-delimiter': /^\/|\/$/, 'regex-flags': /^[a-z]+$/ } }, 'function-variable': { pattern: /#?(?!\s)[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)_(?=\s_[=:]\s*(?:async\s*)?(?:\bfunction\b|(?:\((?:[^()]|\([^()]_\))_\)|(?!\s)[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)_)\s_=>))/, alias: 'function' }, parameter: [ { pattern: /(function(?:\s+(?!\s)[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)_)?\s_\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]*\))+(?=\s*\))/, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages.javascript }, { pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff])(?!\s)[\_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)*(?=\s*=>)/i, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages.javascript }, { pattern: /(\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]_\))+(?=\s_\)\s*=>)/, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages.javascript }, { pattern: /((?:\b|\s|^)(?!(?:as|async|await|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally|for|from|function|get|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|set|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)(?![$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]))(?:(?!\s)[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)*\s*)\(\s*|\]\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]_\))+(?=\s_\)\s*\{)/, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages.javascript } ], constant: /\b[A-Z](?:[A-Z_]|\dx?)*\b/ }), Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', { hashbang: { pattern: /^#!._/, greedy: !0, alias: 'comment' }, 'template-string': { pattern: /
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pattern: /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\{2}))${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]})*})+}/,
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inside: { 'interpolation-punctuation': { pattern: /^${|}$/, alias: 'punctuation' }, rest: Prism.languages.javascript }
string: /[\s\S]+/
Prism.languages.markup &&
(Prism.languages.markup.tag.addInlined('script', 'javascript'),
(Prism.languages.js = Prism.languages.javascript);
# main.js
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* Main JS file for theme behaviours
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// Handle docs navigation menu toggling on small screens
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root: pageContent
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text: function (trigger) {
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function createLinksForHeaderElements(elements) {
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level: 0,
children: result
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console.warn('can not create links to non header element');
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console.warn('can not create link to element without id and without text content');
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textContent: element.textContent,
element: element,
link: link,
children: []
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anchor.href = '#' + id;
anchor.innerHTML = '<span class="screen-reader-text">Copy</span>';
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// Syntax Highlighter
// Prism.highlightAll();
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function t() {
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null !== (t = e.parentNode) && void 0 !== t && t.insertBefore(f, e),
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/*! smooth-scroll v16.1.0 | (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll */
window.Element &&
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(Element.prototype.closest = function (e) {
var t,
n = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(e),
o = this;
do {
for (t = n.length; 0 <= --t && n.item(t) !== o; );
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function e(e, t) {
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(e.prototype = window.Event.prototype), (window.CustomEvent = e);
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(window.requestAnimationFrame = function (e, t) {
var n = new Date().getTime(),
o = Math.max(0, 16 - (n - r)),
a = window.setTimeout(function () {
e(n + o);
}, o);
return (r = n + o), a;
window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
(window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (e) {
(function (e, t) {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], function () {
return t(e);
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (module.exports = t(e))
: (e.SmoothScroll = t(e));
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clip: !0,
offset: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
customEasing: null,
updateURL: !0,
popstate: !0,
emitEvents: !0
F = function () {
var n = {};
return (
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (e) {
for (var t in e) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return;
n[t] = e[t];
r = function (e) {
'#' === e.charAt(0) && (e = e.substr(1));
for (var t, n = String(e), o = n.length, a = -1, r = '', i = n.charCodeAt(0); ++a < o; ) {
if (0 === (t = n.charCodeAt(a))) throw new InvalidCharacterError('Invalid character: the input contains U+0000.');
(1 <= t && t <= 31) || 127 == t || (0 === a && 48 <= t && t <= 57) || (1 === a && 48 <= t && t <= 57 && 45 === i)
? (r += '\\' + t.toString(16) + ' ')
: (r +=
128 <= t || 45 === t || 95 === t || (48 <= t && t <= 57) || (65 <= t && t <= 90) || (97 <= t && t <= 122)
? n.charAt(a)
: '\\' + n.charAt(a));
return '#' + r;
L = function () {
return Math.max(
x = function (e) {
return e ? ((t = e), parseInt(q.getComputedStyle(t).height, 10) + e.offsetTop) : 0;
var t;
H = function (e, t, n, o) {
if (t.emitEvents && 'function' == typeof q.CustomEvent) {
var a = new CustomEvent(e, {
bubbles: !0,
detail: { anchor: n, toggle: o }
return function (o, e) {
var A,
M = {};
(M.cancelScroll = function (e) {
cancelAnimationFrame(C), (C = null), e || H('scrollCancel', A);
(M.animateScroll = function (i, c, e) {
var s = F(A || I, e || {}),
u = '[object Number]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(i),
t = u || !i.tagName ? null : i;
if (u || t) {
var l = q.pageYOffset;
s.header && !O && (O = document.querySelector(s.header));
var n,
p = x(O),
g = u
? i
: (function (e, t, n, o) {
var a = 0;
if (e.offsetParent) for (; (a += e.offsetTop), (e = e.offsetParent); );
return (a = Math.max(a - t - n, 0)), o && (a = Math.min(a, L() - q.innerHeight)), a;
})(t, p, parseInt('function' == typeof s.offset ? s.offset(i, c) : s.offset, 10), s.clip),
y = g - l,
v = L(),
w = 0,
S =
((n = y),
(a = (o = s).speedAsDuration ? o.speed : Math.abs((n / 1e3) * o.speed)),
o.durationMax && a > o.durationMax ? o.durationMax : o.durationMin && a < o.durationMin ? o.durationMin : parseInt(a, 10)),
E = function (e, t) {
var n,
r = q.pageYOffset;
if (e == t || r == t || (l < t && q.innerHeight + r) >= v)
return (
(o = t),
(a = u),
0 === (n = i) && document.body.focus(),
a ||
document.activeElement !== n && (n.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'), n.focus(), (n.style.outline = 'none')),
q.scrollTo(0, o)),
H('scrollStop', s, i, c),
!(C = m = null)
b = function (e) {
var t, n, o;
m || (m = e),
(w += e - m),
(d =
l +
y *
((n = r = 1 < (r = 0 === S ? 0 : w / S) ? 1 : r),
'easeInQuad' === (t = s).easing && (o = n * n),
'easeOutQuad' === t.easing && (o = n * (2 - n)),
'easeInOutQuad' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 2 * n * n : (4 - 2 * n) * n - 1),
'easeInCubic' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n),
'easeOutCubic' === t.easing && (o = --n * n * n + 1),
'easeInOutCubic' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 4 * n * n * n : (n - 1) * (2 * n - 2) * (2 * n - 2) + 1),
'easeInQuart' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n * n),
'easeOutQuart' === t.easing && (o = 1 - --n * n * n * n),
'easeInOutQuart' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 8 * n * n * n * n : 1 - 8 * --n * n * n * n),
'easeInQuint' === t.easing && (o = n * n * n * n * n),
'easeOutQuint' === t.easing && (o = 1 + --n * n * n * n * n),
'easeInOutQuint' === t.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 16 * n * n * n * n * n : 1 + 16 * --n * n * n * n * n),
t.customEasing && (o = t.customEasing(n)),
o || n)),
q.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(d)),
E(d, g) || ((C = q.requestAnimationFrame(b)), (m = e));
0 === q.pageYOffset && q.scrollTo(0, 0),
(f = i),
(h = s),
u ||
(history.pushState &&
h.updateURL &&
{ smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(h), anchor: f.id },
f === document.documentElement ? '#top' : '#' + f.id
'matchMedia' in q && q.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches
? q.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(g))
: (H('scrollStart', s, i, c), M.cancelScroll(!0), q.requestAnimationFrame(b));
var t = function (e) {
if (
!e.defaultPrevented &&
!(0 !== e.button || e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) &&
'closest' in e.target &&
(a = e.target.closest(o)) &&
'a' === a.tagName.toLowerCase() &&
!e.target.closest(A.ignore) &&
a.hostname === q.location.hostname &&
a.pathname === q.location.pathname &&
) {
var t,
n = r(a.hash);
if ('#' === n) {
if (!A.topOnEmptyHash) return;
t = document.documentElement;
} else t = document.querySelector(n);
(t = t || '#top' !== n ? t : document.documentElement) &&
(function (e) {
if (history.replaceState && e.updateURL && !history.state) {
var t = q.location.hash;
(t = t || ''),
smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(e),
anchor: t || q.pageYOffset
t || q.location.href
M.animateScroll(t, a));
n = function (e) {
if (null !== history.state && history.state.smoothScroll && history.state.smoothScroll === JSON.stringify(A)) {
var t = history.state.anchor;
('string' == typeof t && t && !(t = document.querySelector(r(history.state.anchor)))) || M.animateScroll(t, null, { updateURL: !1 });
M.destroy = function () {
A && (document.removeEventListener('click', t, !1), q.removeEventListener('popstate', n, !1), M.cancelScroll(), (C = O = a = A = null));
return (
(function () {
if (!('querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in q && 'requestAnimationFrame' in q && 'closest' in q.Element.prototype))
throw 'Smooth Scroll: This browser does not support the required JavaScript methods and browser APIs.';
(A = F(I, e || {})),
(O = A.header ? document.querySelector(A.header) : null),
document.addEventListener('click', t, !1),
A.updateURL && A.popstate && q.addEventListener('popstate', n, !1);
/*! gumshoejs v5.1.1 | (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/gumshoe */
Element.prototype.closest ||
(Element.prototype.matches || (Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector),
(Element.prototype.closest = function (t) {
var e = this;
if (!document.documentElement.contains(this)) return null;
do {
if (e.matches(t)) return e;
e = e.parentElement;
} while (null !== e);
return null;
(function () {
if ('function' == typeof window.CustomEvent) return !1;
function t(t, e) {
e = e || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 };
var n = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
return n.initCustomEvent(t, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.detail), n;
(t.prototype = window.Event.prototype), (window.CustomEvent = t);
(function (t, e) {
'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], function () {
return e(t);
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (module.exports = e(t))
: (t.Gumshoe = e(t));
})('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this, function (t) {
'use strict';
var e = {
navClass: 'active',
contentClass: 'active',
nested: !1,
nestedClass: 'active',
offset: 0,
reflow: !1,
events: !0
n = function (t, e, n) {
if (n.settings.events) {
var o = new CustomEvent(t, {
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
detail: n
o = function (t) {
var e = 0;
if (t.offsetParent) for (; t; ) (e += t.offsetTop), (t = t.offsetParent);
return e >= 0 ? e : 0;
s = function (t) {
t &&
t.sort(function (t, e) {
return o(t.content) < o(e.content) ? -1 : 1;
c = function (e, n, o) {
var s = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
c = (function (t) {
return 'function' == typeof t.offset ? parseFloat(t.offset()) : parseFloat(t.offset);
return o ? parseInt(s.bottom, 10) < (t.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) : parseInt(s.top, 10) <= c;
r = function () {
return (
t.innerHeight + t.pageYOffset >=
i = function (t, e) {
var n = t[t.length - 1];
if (
(function (t, e) {
return !(!r() || !c(t.content, e, !0));
})(n, e)
return n;
for (var o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) if (c(t[o].content, e)) return t[o];
l = function (t, e) {
if (e.nested) {
var n = t.parentNode.closest('li');
n && (n.classList.remove(e.nestedClass), l(n, e));
a = function (t, e) {
if (t) {
var o = t.nav.closest('li');
o &&
l(o, e),
n('gumshoeDeactivate', o, {
link: t.nav,
content: t.content,
settings: e
u = function (t, e) {
if (e.nested) {
var n = t.parentNode.closest('li');
n && (n.classList.add(e.nestedClass), u(n, e));
return function (o, c) {
var r,
v = {};
(v.setup = function () {
(r = document.querySelectorAll(o)),
(l = []),
Array.prototype.forEach.call(r, function (t) {
var e = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(t.hash.substr(1)));
e && l.push({ nav: t, content: e });
(v.detect = function () {
var t = i(l, m);
? (f && t.content === f.content) ||
(a(f, m),
(function (t, e) {
if (t) {
var o = t.nav.closest('li');
o &&
u(o, e),
n('gumshoeActivate', o, {
link: t.nav,
content: t.content,
settings: e
})(t, m),
(f = t))
: f && (a(f, m), (f = null));
var p = function (e) {
d && t.cancelAnimationFrame(d), (d = t.requestAnimationFrame(v.detect));
h = function (e) {
d && t.cancelAnimationFrame(d),
(d = t.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
s(l), v.detect();
v.destroy = function () {
f && a(f, m),
t.removeEventListener('scroll', p, !1),
m.reflow && t.removeEventListener('resize', h, !1),
(l = null),
(r = null),
(f = null),
(d = null),
(m = null);
return (
(m = (function () {
var t = {};
return (
Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function (e) {
for (var n in e) {
if (!e.hasOwnProperty(n)) return;
t[n] = e[n];
})(e, c || {})),
t.addEventListener('scroll', p, !1),
m.reflow && t.addEventListener('resize', h, !1),
* clipboard.js v2.0.4
* https://zenorocha.github.io/clipboard.js
* Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha
!(function (t, e) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module
? (module.exports = e())
: 'function' == typeof define && define.amd
? define([], e)
: 'object' == typeof exports
? (exports.ClipboardJS = e())
: (t.ClipboardJS = e());
})(this, function () {
return (function (n) {
var o = {};
function r(t) {
if (o[t]) return o[t].exports;
var e = (o[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} });
return n[t].call(e.exports, e, e.exports, r), (e.l = !0), e.exports;
return (
(r.m = n),
(r.c = o),
(r.d = function (t, e, n) {
r.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: n });
(r.r = function (t) {
'undefined' != typeof Symbol &&
Symbol.toStringTag &&
Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: 'Module'
Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
(r.t = function (e, t) {
if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e;
if (4 & t && 'object' == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var n = Object.create(null);
if (
Object.defineProperty(n, 'default', {
enumerable: !0,
value: e
2 & t && 'string' != typeof e)
for (var o in e)
function (t) {
return e[t];
}.bind(null, o)
return n;
(r.n = function (t) {
var e =
t && t.__esModule
? function () {
return t.default;
: function () {
return t;
return r.d(e, 'a', e), e;
(r.o = function (t, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);
(r.p = ''),
r((r.s = 0))
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var r =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof t;
i = (function () {
function o(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n];
(o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1), (o.configurable = !0), 'value' in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
return function (t, e, n) {
return e && o(t.prototype, e), n && o(t, n), t;
a = o(n(1)),
c = o(n(3)),
u = o(n(4));
function o(t) {
return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t };
var l = (function (t) {
function o(t, e) {
!(function (t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
})(this, o);
var n = (function (t, e) {
if (!t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !e || ('object' != typeof e && 'function' != typeof e) ? t : e;
})(this, (o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o)).call(this));
return n.resolveOptions(e), n.listenClick(t), n;
return (
(function (t, e) {
if ('function' != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof e);
(t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: t,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
e && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e) : (t.__proto__ = e));
})(o, c.default),
key: 'resolveOptions',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
(this.action = 'function' == typeof t.action ? t.action : this.defaultAction),
(this.target = 'function' == typeof t.target ? t.target : this.defaultTarget),
(this.text = 'function' == typeof t.text ? t.text : this.defaultText),
(this.container = 'object' === r(t.container) ? t.container : document.body);
key: 'listenClick',
value: function (t) {
var e = this;
this.listener = (0, u.default)(t, 'click', function (t) {
return e.onClick(t);
key: 'onClick',
value: function (t) {
var e = t.delegateTarget || t.currentTarget;
this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction = null),
(this.clipboardAction = new a.default({
action: this.action(e),
target: this.target(e),
text: this.text(e),
container: this.container,
trigger: e,
emitter: this
key: 'defaultAction',
value: function (t) {
return s('action', t);
key: 'defaultTarget',
value: function (t) {
var e = s('target', t);
if (e) return document.querySelector(e);
key: 'defaultText',
value: function (t) {
return s('text', t);
key: 'destroy',
value: function () {
this.listener.destroy(), this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction.destroy(), (this.clipboardAction = null));
key: 'isSupported',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ['copy', 'cut'],
e = 'string' == typeof t ? [t] : t,
n = !!document.queryCommandSupported;
return (
e.forEach(function (t) {
n = n && !!document.queryCommandSupported(t);
function s(t, e) {
var n = 'data-clipboard-' + t;
if (e.hasAttribute(n)) return e.getAttribute(n);
t.exports = l;
function (t, e, n) {
'use strict';
var o,
r =
'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof t;
i = (function () {
function o(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n];
(o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1), (o.configurable = !0), 'value' in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
return function (t, e, n) {
return e && o(t.prototype, e), n && o(t, n), t;
a = n(2),
c = (o = a) && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
var u = (function () {
function e(t) {
!(function (t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
})(this, e),
return (
i(e, [
key: 'resolveOptions',
value: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
(this.action = t.action),
(this.container = t.container),
(this.emitter = t.emitter),
(this.target = t.target),
(this.text = t.text),
(this.trigger = t.trigger),
(this.selectedText = '');
key: 'initSelection',
value: function () {
this.text ? this.selectFake() : this.target && this.selectTarget();
key: 'selectFake',
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = 'rtl' == document.documentElement.getAttribute('dir');
(this.fakeHandlerCallback = function () {
return t.removeFake();
(this.fakeHandler = this.container.addEventListener('click', this.fakeHandlerCallback) || !0),
(this.fakeElem = document.createElement('textarea')),
(this.fakeElem.style.fontSize = '12pt'),
(this.fakeElem.style.border = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.padding = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.margin = '0'),
(this.fakeElem.style.position = 'absolute'),
(this.fakeElem.style[e ? 'right' : 'left'] = '-9999px');
var n = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
(this.fakeElem.style.top = n + 'px'),
this.fakeElem.setAttribute('readonly', ''),
(this.fakeElem.value = this.text),
(this.selectedText = (0, c.default)(this.fakeElem)),
key: 'removeFake',
value: function () {
this.fakeHandler &&
(this.container.removeEventListener('click', this.fakeHandlerCallback),
(this.fakeHandler = null),
(this.fakeHandlerCallback = null)),
this.fakeElem && (this.container.removeChild(this.fakeElem), (this.fakeElem = null));
key: 'selectTarget',
value: function () {
(this.selectedText = (0, c.default)(this.target)), this.copyText();
key: 'copyText',
value: function () {
var e = void 0;
try {
e = document.execCommand(this.action);
} catch (t) {
e = !1;
key: 'handleResult',
value: function (t) {
this.emitter.emit(t ? 'success' : 'error', {
action: this.action,
text: this.selectedText,
trigger: this.trigger,
clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this)
key: 'clearSelection',
value: function () {
this.trigger && this.trigger.focus(), window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
key: 'destroy',
value: function () {
key: 'action',
set: function () {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 'copy';
if (((this._action = t), 'copy' !== this._action && 'cut' !== this._action))
throw new Error('Invalid "action" value, use either "copy" or "cut"');
get: function () {
return this._action;
key: 'target',
set: function (t) {
if (void 0 !== t) {
if (!t || 'object' !== (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : r(t)) || 1 !== t.nodeType)
throw new Error('Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element');
if ('copy' === this.action && t.hasAttribute('disabled'))
throw new Error('Invalid "target" attribute. Please use "readonly" instead of "disabled" attribute');
if ('cut' === this.action && (t.hasAttribute('readonly') || t.hasAttribute('disabled')))
throw new Error(
'Invalid "target" attribute. You can\'t cut text from elements with "readonly" or "disabled" attributes'
this._target = t;
get: function () {
return this._target;
t.exports = u;
function (t, e) {
t.exports = function (t) {
var e;
if ('SELECT' === t.nodeName) t.focus(), (e = t.value);
else if ('INPUT' === t.nodeName || 'TEXTAREA' === t.nodeName) {
var n = t.hasAttribute('readonly');
n || t.setAttribute('readonly', ''), t.select(), t.setSelectionRange(0, t.value.length), n || t.removeAttribute('readonly'), (e = t.value);
} else {
t.hasAttribute('contenteditable') && t.focus();
var o = window.getSelection(),
r = document.createRange();
r.selectNodeContents(t), o.removeAllRanges(), o.addRange(r), (e = o.toString());
return e;
function (t, e) {
function n() {}
(n.prototype = {
on: function (t, e, n) {
var o = this.e || (this.e = {});
return (o[t] || (o[t] = [])).push({ fn: e, ctx: n }), this;
once: function (t, e, n) {
var o = this;
function r() {
o.off(t, r), e.apply(n, arguments);
return (r._ = e), this.on(t, r, n);
emit: function (t) {
for (var e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), n = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[t] || []).slice(), o = 0, r = n.length; o < r; o++)
n[o].fn.apply(n[o].ctx, e);
return this;
off: function (t, e) {
var n = this.e || (this.e = {}),
o = n[t],
r = [];
if (o && e) for (var i = 0, a = o.length; i < a; i++) o[i].fn !== e && o[i].fn._ !== e && r.push(o[i]);
return r.length ? (n[t] = r) : delete n[t], this;
(t.exports = n);
function (t, e, n) {
var d = n(5),
h = n(6);
t.exports = function (t, e, n) {
if (!t && !e && !n) throw new Error('Missing required arguments');
if (!d.string(e)) throw new TypeError('Second argument must be a String');
if (!d.fn(n)) throw new TypeError('Third argument must be a Function');
if (d.node(t))
return (
(s = e),
(f = n),
(l = t).addEventListener(s, f),
destroy: function () {
l.removeEventListener(s, f);
if (d.nodeList(t))
return (
(a = t),
(c = e),
(u = n),
Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function (t) {
t.addEventListener(c, u);
destroy: function () {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function (t) {
t.removeEventListener(c, u);
if (d.string(t)) return (o = t), (r = e), (i = n), h(document.body, o, r, i);
throw new TypeError('First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList');
var o, r, i, a, c, u, l, s, f;
function (t, n) {
(n.node = function (t) {
return void 0 !== t && t instanceof HTMLElement && 1 === t.nodeType;
(n.nodeList = function (t) {
var e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
return void 0 !== t && ('[object NodeList]' === e || '[object HTMLCollection]' === e) && 'length' in t && (0 === t.length || n.node(t[0]));
(n.string = function (t) {
return 'string' == typeof t || t instanceof String;
(n.fn = function (t) {
return '[object Function]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(t);
function (t, e, n) {
var a = n(7);
function i(t, e, n, o, r) {
var i = function (e, n, t, o) {
return function (t) {
(t.delegateTarget = a(t.target, n)), t.delegateTarget && o.call(e, t);
}.apply(this, arguments);
return (
t.addEventListener(n, i, r),
destroy: function () {
t.removeEventListener(n, i, r);
t.exports = function (t, e, n, o, r) {
return 'function' == typeof t.addEventListener
? i.apply(null, arguments)
: 'function' == typeof n
? i.bind(null, document).apply(null, arguments)
: ('string' == typeof t && (t = document.querySelectorAll(t)),
Array.prototype.map.call(t, function (t) {
return i(t, e, n, o, r);
function (t, e) {
if ('undefined' != typeof Element && !Element.prototype.matches) {
var n = Element.prototype;
n.matches = n.matchesSelector || n.mozMatchesSelector || n.msMatchesSelector || n.oMatchesSelector || n.webkitMatchesSelector;
t.exports = function (t, e) {
for (; t && 9 !== t.nodeType; ) {
if ('function' == typeof t.matches && t.matches(e)) return t;
t = t.parentNode;
var \_self = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : {},
Prism = (function (g) {
var c = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i,
a = 0,
C = {
manual: g.Prism && g.Prism.manual,
disableWorkerMessageHandler: g.Prism && g.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler,
util: {
encode: function (e) {
return e instanceof M
? new M(e.type, C.util.encode(e.content), e.alias)
: Array.isArray(e)
? e.map(C.util.encode)
: e
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
type: function (e) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1);
objId: function (e) {
return e.**id || Object.defineProperty(e, '**id', { value: ++a }), e.\_\_id;
clone: function n(e, t) {
var r,
i = C.util.type(e);
switch (((t = t || {}), i)) {
case 'Object':
if (((a = C.util.objId(e)), t[a])) return t[a];
for (var l in ((r = {}), (t[a] = r), e)) e.hasOwnProperty(l) && (r[l] = n(e[l], t));
return r;
case 'Array':
return (
(a = C.util.objId(e)),
? t[a]
: ((r = []),
(t[a] = r),
e.forEach(function (e, a) {
r[a] = n(e, t);
return e;
languages: {
extend: function (e, a) {
var n = C.util.clone(C.languages[e]);
for (var t in a) n[t] = a[t];
return n;
insertBefore: function (n, e, a, t) {
var r = (t = t || C.languages)[n],
i = {};
for (var l in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
if (l == e) for (var o in a) a.hasOwnProperty(o) && (i[o] = a[o]);
a.hasOwnProperty(l) || (i[l] = r[l]);
var s = t[n];
return (
(t[n] = i),
C.languages.DFS(C.languages, function (e, a) {
a === s && e != n && (this[e] = i);
DFS: function e(a, n, t, r) {
r = r || {};
var i = C.util.objId;
for (var l in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
n.call(a, l, a[l], t || l);
var o = a[l],
s = C.util.type(o);
'Object' !== s || r[i(o)] ? 'Array' !== s || r[i(o)] || ((r[i(o)] = !0), e(o, n, l, r)) : ((r[i(o)] = !0), e(o, n, null, r));
plugins: {},
highlightAll: function (e, a) {
C.highlightAllUnder(document, e, a);
highlightAllUnder: function (e, a, n) {
var t = {
callback: n,
selector: 'code[class_="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
C.hooks.run('before-highlightall', t);
for (var r, i = t.elements || e.querySelectorAll(t.selector), l = 0; (r = i[l++]); ) C.highlightElement(r, !0 === a, t.callback);
highlightElement: function (e, a, n) {
for (var t, r = 'none', i = e; i && !c.test(i.className); ) i = i.parentNode;
i && ((r = (i.className.match(c) || [, 'none'])[1].toLowerCase()), (t = C.languages[r])),
(e.className = e.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r),
e.parentNode &&
((i = e.parentNode), /pre/i.test(i.nodeName) && (i.className = i.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r));
var l = { element: e, language: r, grammar: t, code: e.textContent },
o = function (e) {
(l.highlightedCode = e),
C.hooks.run('before-insert', l),
(l.element.innerHTML = l.highlightedCode),
C.hooks.run('after-highlight', l),
C.hooks.run('complete', l),
n && n.call(l.element);
if ((C.hooks.run('before-sanity-check', l), l.code))
if ((C.hooks.run('before-highlight', l), l.grammar))
if (a && g.Worker) {
var s = new Worker(C.filename);
(s.onmessage = function (e) {
language: l.language,
code: l.code,
immediateClose: !0
} else o(C.highlight(l.code, l.grammar, l.language));
else o(C.util.encode(l.code));
else C.hooks.run('complete', l);
highlight: function (e, a, n) {
var t = { code: e, grammar: a, language: n };
return (
C.hooks.run('before-tokenize', t),
(t.tokens = C.tokenize(t.code, t.grammar)),
C.hooks.run('after-tokenize', t),
M.stringify(C.util.encode(t.tokens), t.language)
matchGrammar: function (e, a, n, t, r, i, l) {
for (var o in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(o) && n[o]) {
if (o == l) return;
var s = n[o];
s = 'Array' === C.util.type(s) ? s : [s];
for (var g = 0; g < s.length; ++g) {
var c = s[g],
u = c.inside,
h = !!c.lookbehind,
f = !!c.greedy,
d = 0,
m = c.alias;
if (f && !c.pattern.global) {
var p = c.pattern.toString().match(/[imuy]_$/)[0];
c.pattern = RegExp(c.pattern.source, p + 'g');
c = c.pattern || c;
for (var y = t, v = r; y < a.length; v += a[y].length, ++y) {
var k = a[y];
if (a.length > e.length) return;
if (!(k instanceof M)) {
if (f && y != a.length - 1) {
if (((c.lastIndex = v), !(x = c.exec(e)))) break;
for (
var b = x.index + (h ? x[1].length : 0), w = x.index + x[0].length, A = y, P = v, O = a.length;
A < O && (P < w || (!a[A].type && !a[A - 1].greedy));
(P += a[A].length) <= b && (++y, (v = P));
if (a[y] instanceof M) continue;
(N = A - y), (k = e.slice(v, P)), (x.index -= v);
} else {
c.lastIndex = 0;
var x = c.exec(k),
N = 1;
if (x) {
h && (d = x[1] ? x[1].length : 0);
w = (b = x.index + d) + (x = x[0].slice(d)).length;
var j = k.slice(0, b),
S = k.slice(w),
E = [y, N];
j && (++y, (v += j.length), E.push(j));
var * = new M(o, u ? C.tokenize(x, u) : x, m, x, f);
if (
S && E.push(S),
Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, E),
1 != N && C.matchGrammar(e, a, n, y, v, !0, o),
} else if (i) break;
tokenize: function (e, a) {
var n = [e],
t = a.rest;
if (t) {
for (var r in t) a[r] = t[r];
delete a.rest;
return C.matchGrammar(e, n, a, 0, 0, !1), n;
hooks: {
all: {},
add: function (e, a) {
var n = C.hooks.all;
(n[e] = n[e] || []), n[e].push(a);
run: function (e, a) {
var n = C.hooks.all[e];
if (n && n.length) for (var t, r = 0; (t = n[r++]); ) t(a);
Token: M
function M(e, a, n, t, r) {
(this.type = e), (this.content = a), (this.alias = n), (this.length = 0 | (t || '').length), (this.greedy = !!r);
if (
((g.Prism = C),
(M.stringify = function (e, a) {
if ('string' == typeof e) return e;
if (Array.isArray(e))
return e
.map(function (e) {
return M.stringify(e, a);
var n = {
type: e.type,
content: M.stringify(e.content, a),
tag: 'span',
classes: ['token', e.type],
attributes: {},
language: a
if (e.alias) {
var t = Array.isArray(e.alias) ? e.alias : [e.alias];
Array.prototype.push.apply(n.classes, t);
C.hooks.run('wrap', n);
var r = Object.keys(n.attributes)
.map(function (e) {
return e + '="' + (n.attributes[e] || '').replace(/"/g, '"') + '"';
.join(' ');
return '<' + n.tag + ' class="' + n.classes.join(' ') + '"' + (r ? ' ' + r : '') + '>' + n.content + '</' + n.tag + '>';
return (
g.addEventListener &&
(C.disableWorkerMessageHandler ||
function (e) {
var a = JSON.parse(e.data),
n = a.language,
t = a.code,
r = a.immediateClose;
g.postMessage(C.highlight(t, C.languages[n], n)), r && g.close();
var e = document.currentScript || [].slice.call(document.getElementsByTagName('script')).pop();
return (
e &&
((C.filename = e.src),
C.manual ||
e.hasAttribute('data-manual') ||
('loading' !== document.readyState
? window.requestAnimationFrame
? window.requestAnimationFrame(C.highlightAll)
: window.setTimeout(C.highlightAll, 16)
: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', C.highlightAll))),
'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = Prism), 'undefined' != typeof global && (global.Prism = Prism);
(Prism.languages.markup = {
comment: /<!--[\s\S]_?-->/,
prolog: /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/,
doctype: /<!DOCTYPE[\s\S]+?>/i,
cdata: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]_?]]>/i,
tag: {
pattern: /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s_[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]_"|'[^']_'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/i,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
tag: {
pattern: /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/i,
inside: { punctuation: /^<\/?/, namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ }
'attr-value': {
pattern: /=\s*(?:"[^"]_"|'[^']_'|[^\s'">=]+)/i,
inside: {
punctuation: [/^=/, { pattern: /^(\s*)["']|["']$/, lookbehind: !0 }]
punctuation: /\/?>/,
'attr-name': {
pattern: /[^\s>\/]+/,
inside: { namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ }
entity: /&#?[\da-z]{1,8};/i
(Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['attr-value'].inside.entity = Prism.languages.markup.entity),
Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function (a) {
'entity' === a.type && (a.attributes.title = a.content.replace(/&/, '&'));
Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addInlined', {
value: function (a, e) {
var s = {};
(s['language-' + e] = {
pattern: /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages[e]
(s.cdata = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i);
var n = {
'included-cdata': { pattern: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i, inside: s }
n['language-' + e] = { pattern: /[\s\S]+/, inside: Prism.languages[e] };
var i = {};
(i[a] = {
pattern: RegExp('(<**[\\s\\S]_?>)(?:<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]_?\\]\\]>\\s*|[\\s\\S])*?(?=<\\/**>)'.replace(/**/g, a), 'i'),
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0,
inside: n
Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', i);
(Prism.languages.xml = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {})),
(Prism.languages.html = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.mathml = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.svg = Prism.languages.markup);
!(function (s) {
var t = /("|')(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])_\1/;
(s.languages.css = {
comment: /\/\*[\s\S]_?\*\//,
atrule: {
pattern: /@[\w-]+[\s\S]_?(?:;|(?=\s_\{))/,
inside: { rule: /@[\w-]+/ }
url: {
pattern: RegExp('url\\((?:' + t.source + '|[^\n\r()]_)\\)', 'i'),
inside: { function: /^url/i, punctuation: /^\(|\)$/ }
selector: RegExp('[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\']|' + t.source + ')_?(?=\\s*\\{)'),
string: { pattern: t, greedy: !0 },
property: /[-\_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][-\w\xa0-\uffff]*(?=\s*:)/i,
important: /!important\b/i,
function: /[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i,
punctuation: /[(){};:,]/
(s.languages.css.atrule.inside.rest = s.languages.css);
var e = s.languages.markup;
e &&
(e.tag.addInlined('style', 'css'),
'style-attr': {
pattern: /\s*style=("|')(?:\\[\s\S]|(?!\1)[^\\])*\1/i,
inside: {
'attr-name': { pattern: /^\s*style/i, inside: e.tag.inside },
punctuation: /^\s*=\s*['"]|['"]\s*$/,
'attr-value': { pattern: /.+/i, inside: s.languages.css }
alias: 'language-css'
Prism.languages.clike = {
comment: [
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/, lookbehind: !0 },
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 }
string: {
pattern: /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/,
greedy: !0
'class-name': {
pattern: /((?:\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|trait|instanceof|new)\s+)|(?:catch\s+\())[\w.\\]+/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: { punctuation: /[.\\]/ }
keyword: /\b(?:if|else|while|do|for|return|in|instanceof|function|new|try|throw|catch|finally|null|break|continue)\b/,
boolean: /\b(?:true|false)\b/,
function: /\w+(?=\()/,
number: /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+\.?\d*|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i,
operator: /--?|\+\+?|!=?=?|<=?|>=?|==?=?|&&?|\|\|?|\?|\*|\/|~|\^|%/,
punctuation: /[{}[\];(),.:]/
(Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
'class-name': [
pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])[\_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff]_(?=\.(?:prototype|constructor))/,
lookbehind: !0
keyword: [
{ pattern: /((?:^|})\s_)(?:catch|finally)\b/, lookbehind: !0 },
lookbehind: !0
number: /\b(?:(?:0[xX](<?:[\dA-Fa-f](?:_[\dA-Fa-f])?>)+|0[bB](<?:[01](?:_[01])?>)+|0[oO](<?:[0-7](?:_[0-7])?>)+)n?|(?:\d(?:*\d)?)+n|NaN|Infinity)\b|(?:\b(?:\d(?:*\d)?)+\.?(?:\d(?:\_\d)?)*|\B\.(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)(?:[Ee][+-]?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)?/,
function: /[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff]_(?=\s_(?:\.\s*(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?\()/,
operator: /-[-=]?|\+[+=]?|!=?=?|<<?=?|>>?>?=?|=(?:==?|>)?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|\*\*?=?|\/=?|~|\^=?|%=?|\?|\.{3}/
(Prism.languages.javascript['class-name'][0].pattern = /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|instanceof|new)\s+)[\w.\\]+/),
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
regex: {
pattern: /((?:^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff."'\])\s])\s*)\/(\[(?:[^\]\\\r\n]|\\.)*]|\\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+\/[gimyus]{0,6}(?=\s*($|[\r\n,.;})\]]))/,
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0
'function-variable': {
alias: 'function'
parameter: [
pattern: /(function(?:\s+[\_$A-Za-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff]*)?\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|\([^()]_\))+?(?=\s_\))/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /[\_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF][$\w\xa0-\uffff]_(?=\s_=>)/i,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /(\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))+?(?=\s*\)\s*=>)/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
constant: /\b[A-Z](?:[A-Z_]|\dx?)_\b/
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
'template-string': {
pattern: /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]_})_})+}|[^\\`])_`/,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
interpolation: {
pattern: /\${(?:[^{}]|{(?:[^{}]|{[^}]_})_})+}/,
inside: {
'interpolation-punctuation': {
pattern: /^\${|}$/,
alias: 'punctuation'
rest: Prism.languages.javascript
string: /[\s\S]+/
Prism.languages.markup && Prism.languages.markup.tag.addInlined('script', 'javascript'),
(Prism.languages.js = Prism.languages.javascript);
!(function () {
if ('undefined' != typeof self && self.Prism && self.document) {
var r = [],
i = {},
n = function () {};
Prism.plugins.toolbar = {};
var t = (Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton = function (t, n) {
var e;
(e =
'function' == typeof n
? n
: function (t) {
var e;
return (
'function' == typeof n.onClick
? (((e = document.createElement('button')).type = 'button'),
e.addEventListener('click', function () {
n.onClick.call(this, t);
: 'string' == typeof n.url
? ((e = document.createElement('a')).href = n.url)
: (e = document.createElement('span')),
(e.textContent = n.text),
t in i ? console.warn('There is a button with the key "' + t + '" registered already.') : r.push((i[t] = e));
e = (Prism.plugins.toolbar.hook = function (a) {
var t = a.element.parentNode;
if (t && /pre/i.test(t.nodeName) && !t.parentNode.classList.contains('code-toolbar')) {
var e = document.createElement('div');
e.classList.add('code-toolbar'), t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t), e.appendChild(t);
var o = document.createElement('div');
document.body.hasAttribute('data-toolbar-order') &&
(r = document.body
.map(function (t) {
return i[t] || n;
r.forEach(function (t) {
var e = t(a);
if (e) {
var n = document.createElement('div');
n.classList.add('toolbar-item'), n.appendChild(e), o.appendChild(n);
t('label', function (t) {
var e = t.element.parentNode;
if (e && /pre/i.test(e.nodeName) && e.hasAttribute('data-label')) {
var n,
o = e.getAttribute('data-label');
try {
a = document.querySelector('template#' + o);
} catch (t) {}
return (
? (n = a.content)
: (e.hasAttribute('data-url')
? ((n = document.createElement('a')).href = e.getAttribute('data-url'))
: (n = document.createElement('span')),
(n.textContent = o)),
Prism.hooks.add('complete', e);
!(function () {
if ('undefined' != typeof self && self.Prism && self.document)
if (Prism.plugins.toolbar) {
var r = window.ClipboardJS || void 0;
r || 'function' != typeof require || (r = require('clipboard'));
var i = [];
if (!r) {
var o = document.createElement('script'),
e = document.querySelector('head');
(o.onload = function () {
if ((r = window.ClipboardJS)) for (; i.length; ) i.pop()();
(o.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js'),
Prism.plugins.toolbar.registerButton('copy-to-clipboard', function (e) {
var t = document.createElement('a');
return (t.textContent = 'Copy'), r ? o() : i.push(o), t;
function o() {
var o = new r(t, {
text: function () {
return e.code;
o.on('success', function () {
(t.textContent = 'Copied'), n();
o.on('error', function () {
(t.textContent = 'Press Ctrl+C to copy'), n();
function n() {
setTimeout(function () {
t.textContent = 'Copy';
}, 5e3);
} else console.warn('Copy to Clipboard plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin.');
/_ PrismJS 1.24.1
https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript _/
var \_self = 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : 'undefined' != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self : {},
Prism = (function (u) {
var c = /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i,
n = 0,
e = {},
M = {
manual: u.Prism && u.Prism.manual,
disableWorkerMessageHandler: u.Prism && u.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler,
util: {
encode: function e(n) {
return n instanceof W
? new W(n.type, e(n.content), n.alias)
: Array.isArray(n)
? n.map(e)
: n
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
type: function (e) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1);
objId: function (e) {
return e.**id || Object.defineProperty(e, '**id', { value: ++n }), e.**id;
clone: function t(e, r) {
var a, n;
switch (((r = r || {}), M.util.type(e))) {
case 'Object':
if (((n = M.util.objId(e)), r[n])) return r[n];
for (var i in ((a = {}), (r[n] = a), e)) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (a[i] = t(e[i], r));
return a;
case 'Array':
return (
(n = M.util.objId(e)),
? r[n]
: ((a = []),
(r[n] = a),
e.forEach(function (e, n) {
a[n] = t(e, r);
return e;
getLanguage: function (e) {
for (; e && !c.test(e.className); ) e = e.parentElement;
return e ? (e.className.match(c) || [, 'none'])[1].toLowerCase() : 'none';
currentScript: function () {
if ('undefined' == typeof document) return null;
if ('currentScript' in document) return document.currentScript;
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
var n = (/at [^(\r\n]_\((._):.+:.+\)$/i.exec(e.stack) || [])[1];
if (n) {
var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var r in t) if (t[r].src == n) return t[r];
return null;
isActive: function (e, n, t) {
for (var r = 'no-' + n; e; ) {
var a = e.classList;
if (a.contains(n)) return !0;
if (a.contains(r)) return !1;
e = e.parentElement;
return !!t;
languages: {
plain: e,
plaintext: e,
text: e,
txt: e,
extend: function (e, n) {
var t = M.util.clone(M.languages[e]);
for (var r in n) t[r] = n[r];
return t;
insertBefore: function (t, e, n, r) {
var a = (r = r || M.languages)[t],
i = {};
for (var l in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
if (l == e) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && (i[o] = n[o]);
n.hasOwnProperty(l) || (i[l] = a[l]);
var s = r[t];
return (
(r[t] = i),
M.languages.DFS(M.languages, function (e, n) {
n === s && e != t && (this[e] = i);
DFS: function e(n, t, r, a) {
a = a || {};
var i = M.util.objId;
for (var l in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(l)) {
t.call(n, l, n[l], r || l);
var o = n[l],
s = M.util.type(o);
'Object' !== s || a[i(o)] ? 'Array' !== s || a[i(o)] || ((a[i(o)] = !0), e(o, t, l, a)) : ((a[i(o)] = !0), e(o, t, null, a));
plugins: {},
highlightAll: function (e, n) {
M.highlightAllUnder(document, e, n);
highlightAllUnder: function (e, n, t) {
var r = {
callback: t,
container: e,
selector: 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
M.hooks.run('before-highlightall', r),
(r.elements = Array.prototype.slice.apply(r.container.querySelectorAll(r.selector))),
M.hooks.run('before-all-elements-highlight', r);
for (var a, i = 0; (a = r.elements[i++]); ) M.highlightElement(a, !0 === n, r.callback);
highlightElement: function (e, n, t) {
var r = M.util.getLanguage(e),
a = M.languages[r];
e.className = e.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r;
var i = e.parentElement;
i && 'pre' === i.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (i.className = i.className.replace(c, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') + ' language-' + r);
var l = { element: e, language: r, grammar: a, code: e.textContent };
function o(e) {
(l.highlightedCode = e),
M.hooks.run('before-insert', l),
(l.element.innerHTML = l.highlightedCode),
M.hooks.run('after-highlight', l),
M.hooks.run('complete', l),
t && t.call(l.element);
if (
(M.hooks.run('before-sanity-check', l),
(i = l.element.parentElement) && 'pre' === i.nodeName.toLowerCase() && !i.hasAttribute('tabindex') && i.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'),
return M.hooks.run('complete', l), void (t && t.call(l.element));
if ((M.hooks.run('before-highlight', l), l.grammar))
if (n && u.Worker) {
var s = new Worker(M.filename);
(s.onmessage = function (e) {
s.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ language: l.language, code: l.code, immediateClose: !0 }));
} else o(M.highlight(l.code, l.grammar, l.language));
else o(M.util.encode(l.code));
highlight: function (e, n, t) {
var r = { code: e, grammar: n, language: t };
return (
M.hooks.run('before-tokenize', r),
(r.tokens = M.tokenize(r.code, r.grammar)),
M.hooks.run('after-tokenize', r),
W.stringify(M.util.encode(r.tokens), r.language)
tokenize: function (e, n) {
var t = n.rest;
if (t) {
for (var r in t) n[r] = t[r];
delete n.rest;
var a = new i();
return (
I(a, a.head, e),
(function e(n, t, r, a, i, l) {
for (var o in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(o) && r[o]) {
var s = r[o];
s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s];
for (var u = 0; u < s.length; ++u) {
if (l && l.cause == o + ',' + u) return;
var c = s[u],
g = c.inside,
f = !!c.lookbehind,
h = !!c.greedy,
d = c.alias;
if (h && !c.pattern.global) {
var p = c.pattern.toString().match(/[imsuy]*$/)[0];
c.pattern = RegExp(c.pattern.source, p + 'g');
for (var v = c.pattern || c, m = a.next, y = i; m !== t.tail && !(l && y >= l.reach); y += m.value.length, m = m.next) {
var b = m.value;
if (t.length > n.length) return;
if (!(b instanceof W)) {
var k,
x = 1;
if (h) {
if (!(k = z(v, y, n, f))) break;
var w = k.index,
A = k.index + k[0].length,
P = y;
for (P += m.value.length; P <= w; ) (m = m.next), (P += m.value.length);
if (((P -= m.value.length), (y = P), m.value instanceof W)) continue;
for (var E = m; E !== t.tail && (P < A || 'string' == typeof E.value); E = E.next)
x++, (P += E.value.length);
x--, (b = n.slice(y, P)), (k.index -= y);
} else if (!(k = z(v, 0, b, f))) continue;
var w = k.index,
S = k[0],
O = b.slice(0, w),
L = b.slice(w + S.length),
N = y + b.length;
l && N > l.reach && (l.reach = N);
var j = m.prev;
O && ((j = I(t, j, O)), (y += O.length)), q(t, j, x);
var C = new W(o, g ? M.tokenize(S, g) : S, d, S);
if (((m = I(t, j, C)), L && I(t, m, L), 1 < x)) {
var _ = { cause: o + ',' + u, reach: N };
e(n, t, r, m.prev, y, _), l && _.reach > l.reach && (l.reach = _.reach);
})(e, a, n, a.head, 0),
(function (e) {
var n = [],
t = e.head.next;
for (; t !== e.tail; ) n.push(t.value), (t = t.next);
return n;
hooks: {
all: {},
add: function (e, n) {
var t = M.hooks.all;
(t[e] = t[e] || []), t[e].push(n);
run: function (e, n) {
var t = M.hooks.all[e];
if (t && t.length) for (var r, a = 0; (r = t[a++]); ) r(n);
Token: W
function W(e, n, t, r) {
(this.type = e), (this.content = n), (this.alias = t), (this.length = 0 | (r || '').length);
function z(e, n, t, r) {
e.lastIndex = n;
var a = e.exec(t);
if (a && r && a[1]) {
var i = a[1].length;
(a.index += i), (a[0] = a[0].slice(i));
return a;
function i() {
var e = { value: null, prev: null, next: null },
n = { value: null, prev: e, next: null };
(e.next = n), (this.head = e), (this.tail = n), (this.length = 0);
function I(e, n, t) {
var r = n.next,
a = { value: t, prev: n, next: r };
return (n.next = a), (r.prev = a), e.length++, a;
function q(e, n, t) {
for (var r = n.next, a = 0; a < t && r !== e.tail; a++) r = r.next;
((n.next = r).prev = n), (e.length -= a);
if (
((u.Prism = M),
(W.stringify = function n(e, t) {
if ('string' == typeof e) return e;
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
var r = '';
return (
e.forEach(function (e) {
r += n(e, t);
var a = { type: e.type, content: n(e.content, t), tag: 'span', classes: ['token', e.type], attributes: {}, language: t },
i = e.alias;
i && (Array.isArray(i) ? Array.prototype.push.apply(a.classes, i) : a.classes.push(i)), M.hooks.run('wrap', a);
var l = '';
for (var o in a.attributes) l += ' ' + o + '="' + (a.attributes[o] || '').replace(/"/g, '"') + '"';
return '<' + a.tag + ' class="' + a.classes.join(' ') + '"' + l + '>' + a.content + '</' + a.tag + '>';
return (
u.addEventListener &&
(M.disableWorkerMessageHandler ||
function (e) {
var n = JSON.parse(e.data),
t = n.language,
r = n.code,
a = n.immediateClose;
u.postMessage(M.highlight(r, M.languages[t], t)), a && u.close();
var t = M.util.currentScript();
function r() {
M.manual || M.highlightAll();
if ((t && ((M.filename = t.src), t.hasAttribute('data-manual') && (M.manual = !0)), !M.manual)) {
var a = document.readyState;
'loading' === a || ('interactive' === a && t && t.defer)
? document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', r)
: window.requestAnimationFrame
? window.requestAnimationFrame(r)
: window.setTimeout(r, 16);
return M;
'undefined' != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = Prism), 'undefined' != typeof global && (global.Prism = Prism);
(Prism.languages.markup = {
comment: /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/,
prolog: /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/,
doctype: {
pattern: /<!DOCTYPE(?:[^>"'[\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+(?:\[(?:[^<"'\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|<(?!!--)|<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->)*\]\s*)?>/i,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
'internal-subset': { pattern: /(^[^\[]*\[)[\s\S]+(?=\]>$)/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0, inside: null },
string: { pattern: /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/, greedy: !0 },
punctuation: /^<!|>$|[[\]]/,
'doctype-tag': /^DOCTYPE/,
name: /[^\s<>'"]+/
cdata: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i,
tag: {
pattern: /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s*[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
tag: { pattern: /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/, inside: { punctuation: /^<\/?/, namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } },
'special-attr': [],
'attr-value': { pattern: /=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+)/, inside: { punctuation: [{ pattern: /^=/, alias: 'attr-equals' }, /"|'/] } },
punctuation: /\/?>/,
'attr-name': { pattern: /[^\s>\/]+/, inside: { namespace: /^[^\s>\/:]+:/ } }
entity: [{ pattern: /&[\da-z]{1,8};/i, alias: 'named-entity' }, /&#x?[\da-f]{1,8};/i]
(Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['attr-value'].inside.entity = Prism.languages.markup.entity),
(Prism.languages.markup.doctype.inside['internal-subset'].inside = Prism.languages.markup),
Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function (a) {
'entity' === a.type && (a.attributes.title = a.content.replace(/&/, '&'));
Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addInlined', {
value: function (a, e) {
var s = {};
(s['language-' + e] = { pattern: /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages[e] }),
(s.cdata = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i);
var t = { 'included-cdata': { pattern: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i, inside: s } };
t['language-' + e] = { pattern: /[\s\S]+/, inside: Prism.languages[e] };
var n = {};
(n[a] = {
pattern: RegExp(
'(<**[^>]*>)(?:<!\\[CDATA\\[(?:[^\\]]|\\](?!\]>))*\\]\\]>|(?!<!\\[CDATA\\[)[^])\*?(?=</**>)'.replace(/\_\_/g, function () {
return a;
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0,
inside: t
Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', n);
Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addAttribute', {
value: function (a, e) {
pattern: RegExp('(^|["\'\\s])(?:' + a + ')\\s*=\\s*(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\\s\'">=]+(?=[\\s>]))', 'i'),
lookbehind: !0,
inside: {
'attr-name': /^[^\s=]+/,
'attr-value': {
pattern: /=[\s\S]+/,
inside: {
value: {
pattern: /(^=\s*(["']|(?!["'])))\S[\s\S]*(?=\2$)/,
lookbehind: !0,
alias: [e, 'language-' + e],
inside: Prism.languages[e]
punctuation: [{ pattern: /^=/, alias: 'attr-equals' }, /"|'/]
(Prism.languages.html = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.mathml = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.svg = Prism.languages.markup),
(Prism.languages.xml = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {})),
(Prism.languages.ssml = Prism.languages.xml),
(Prism.languages.atom = Prism.languages.xml),
(Prism.languages.rss = Prism.languages.xml);
!(function (s) {
var e = /(?:"(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^"\\\r\n])*"|'(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^'\\\r\n])*')/;
(s.languages.css = {
comment: /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//,
atrule: {
pattern: /@[\w-](?:[^;{\s]|\s+(?![\s{]))*(?:;|(?=\s*\{))/,
inside: {
rule: /^@[\w-]+/,
'selector-function-argument': {
pattern: /(\bselector\s*\(\s*(?![\s)]))(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))+(?=\s*\))/,
lookbehind: !0,
alias: 'selector'
keyword: { pattern: /(^|[^\w-])(?:and|not|only|or)(?![\w-])/, lookbehind: !0 }
url: {
pattern: RegExp('\\burl\\((?:' + e.source + '|(?:[^\\\\\r\n()"\']|\\\\[^])*)\\)', 'i'),
greedy: !0,
inside: { function: /^url/i, punctuation: /^\(|\)$/, string: { pattern: RegExp('^' + e.source + '$'), alias: 'url' } }
selector: { pattern: RegExp('(^|[{}\\s])[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\'\\s]|\\s+(?![\\s{])|' + e.source + ')*(?=\\s*\\{)'), lookbehind: !0 },
string: { pattern: e, greedy: !0 },
property: { pattern: /(^|[^-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*:)/i, lookbehind: !0 },
important: /!important\b/i,
function: { pattern: /(^|[^-a-z0-9])[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i, lookbehind: !0 },
punctuation: /[(){};:,]/
(s.languages.css.atrule.inside.rest = s.languages.css);
var t = s.languages.markup;
t && (t.tag.addInlined('style', 'css'), t.tag.addAttribute('style', 'css'));
Prism.languages.clike = {
comment: [
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 },
{ pattern: /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/, lookbehind: !0, greedy: !0 }
string: { pattern: /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/, greedy: !0 },
'class-name': {
pattern: /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|trait|instanceof|new)\s+|\bcatch\s+\()[\w.\\]+/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: { punctuation: /[.\\]/ }
keyword: /\b(?:if|else|while|do|for|return|in|instanceof|function|new|try|throw|catch|finally|null|break|continue)\b/,
boolean: /\b(?:true|false)\b/,
function: /\b\w+(?=\()/,
number: /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i,
operator: /[<>]=?|[!=]=?=?|--?|\+\+?|&&?|\|\|?|[?*/~^%]/,
punctuation: /[{}[\];(),.:]/
(Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
'class-name': [
{ pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff])(?!\s)[_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])_(?=\.(?:prototype|constructor))/, lookbehind: !0 }
keyword: [
{ pattern: /((?:^|\})\s_)catch\b/, lookbehind: !0 },
lookbehind: !0
function: /#?(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*(?:\.\s*(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?\()/,
number: /\b(?:(?:0[xX](<?:[\dA-Fa-f](?:_[\dA-Fa-f])?>)+|0[bB](<?:[01](?:_[01])?>)+|0[oO](<?:[0-7](?:_[0-7])?>)+)n?|(?:\d(?:*\d)?)+n|NaN|Infinity)\b|(?:\b(?:\d(?:*\d)?)+\.?(?:\d(?:\_\d)?)*|\B\.(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)(?:[Ee][+-]?(?:\d(?:_\d)?)+)?/,
operator: /--|\+\+|\*\*=?|=>|&&=?|\|\|=?|[!=]==|<<=?|>>>?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?|\.{3}|\?\?=?|\?\.?|[~:]/
(Prism.languages.javascript['class-name'][0].pattern = /(\b(?:class|interface|extends|implements|instanceof|new)\s+)[\w.\\]+/),
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
regex: {
lookbehind: !0,
greedy: !0,
inside: {
'regex-source': { pattern: /^(\/)[\s\S]+(?=\/[a-z]*$)/, lookbehind: !0, alias: 'language-regex', inside: Prism.languages.regex },
'regex-delimiter': /^\/|\/$/,
'regex-flags': /^[a-z]+$/
'function-variable': {
alias: 'function'
parameter: [
pattern: /(function(?:\s+(?!\s)[\_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)_)?\s_\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]*\))+(?=\s*\))/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xa0-\uffff])(?!\s)[\_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](<?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]>)*(?=\s*=>)/i,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
{ pattern: /(\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]_\))+(?=\s_\)\s*=>)/, lookbehind: !0, inside: Prism.languages.javascript },
lookbehind: !0,
inside: Prism.languages.javascript
constant: /\b[A-Z](?:[A-Z_]|\dx?)*\b/
Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
hashbang: { pattern: /^#!._/, greedy: !0, alias: 'comment' },
'template-string': {
pattern: /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\$\{(?:[^{}]|\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^}]_\})_\})+\}|(?!\$\{)[^\\`])_`/, greedy: !0, inside: { 'template-punctuation': { pattern: /^`|`$/, alias: 'string' },
interpolation: {
pattern: /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\{2})*)\$\{(?:[^{}]|\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^}]*\})*\})+\}/,
lookbehind: !0,
inside: { 'interpolation-punctuation': { pattern: /^\$\{|\}$/, alias: 'punctuation' }, rest: Prism.languages.javascript }
string: /[\s\S]+/
Prism.languages.markup &&
(Prism.languages.markup.tag.addInlined('script', 'javascript'),
(Prism.languages.js = Prism.languages.javascript);