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PokitDok Platform API Client for Python


Install from PyPI using pip

$ pip install pokitdok


Please see the documentation for detailed information on all of the PokitDok Platform APIs. The documentation includes Python client examples for each API.

Report API client issues on GitHub

Handling your client_id and client_secret keys

We recommend using environment variables to store your client_id and client_secret keys. This can be done via a config module or using system variables. The following steps create system variables for your PokitDok keys.

To create system variables from a Linux terminal, first open your .bashrc file in your text editor of choice.

vi $HOME/.bashrc

Next, add the two lines below to update your .bashrc to export POKITDOK_* environment variables. You will need to use your client_id and client_secret for your PokitDok application. These variables store the client credentials for your PokitDok App (you should never check your client_id and secret into publicly available code)

export POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID=<client id>
export POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>

Lastly, open a terminal and source your .bashrc to make the variables accessible in your localhost:

source $HOME/.bashrc

Then, to access your variables within a Python script:

import os
import pokitdok

client_id = os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID']
client_secret = os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET']
client_settings = {
    'client_id': client_id,
    'client_secret': client_secret,
pd = pokitdok.api.connect(**client_settings)

Quick start

The client offers a few options for making API requests. High level convenience functions are available for each of the APIs for convenience. The example below demonstrates how to connect and use the eligibility convenience function to submit an eligibility request:

import pokitdok
import os
pd = pokitdok.api.connect(os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID'], os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET'])

#submit an eligibility request
    "member": {
        "birth_date": "1970-01-01",
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "id": "W000000000"
    "trading_partner_id": "MOCKPAYER"

If your application would prefer to interact with the APIs at a lower level, you may elect to use the general purpose request method or one of the http method aliases built around it.

# a low level "request" method is available that allows you to have more control over the construction of the API request

import pokitdok
import os
pd = pokitdok.api.connect(os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID'], os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET'])

pd.request('/activities', method='get')

pd.request('/eligibility/', method='post', data={
    "member": {
        "birth_date": "1970-01-01",
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "id": "W000000000"
    "trading_partner_id": "MOCKPAYER"

# Convenience methods are available for the commonly used http methods built around the request method
pd.get('/activities')'/eligibility/', data={
    "member": {
        "birth_date": "1970-01-01",
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "id": "W000000000"
    "trading_partner_id": "MOCKPAYER"

# higher level functions are also available to access the APIs

    "member": {
        "birth_date": "1970-01-01",
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "id": "W000000000"
    "trading_partner_id": "MOCKPAYER"

Authentication and Authorization

Access to PokitDok APIs is controlled via OAuth2. Most APIs are accessible with an access token acquired via a client credentials grant type since scope and account context are not required for their use.

If you'd like your access token to automatically refresh when using the authorization flow, you can connect like this:

import pokitdok
import os
pd = pokitdok.api.connect(os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID'],

That instructs the Python client to use your refresh token to request a new access token when the access token expires after 1 hour.

For APIs that require a specific scope/account context in order to execute, you'll need to request authorization from a user prior to requesting an access token.

import pokitdok
import os

def new_token_handler(token):
    print('new token received: {0}'.format(token))
    # persist token information for later use

pd = pokitdok.api.connect(**client_settings,

authorization_url, state = pd.authorization_url()
#redirect the user to authorization_url

You may set your application's redirect uri value via the PokitDok Platform Dashboard ( The redirect uri specified for authorization must match your registered redirect uri exactly.

After a user has authorized the requested scope, the PokitDok Platform will redirect back to your application's Redirect URI along with a code and the state value that was included in the authorization url. If the state matches the original value, you may use the code to fetch an access token:

import pokitdok
import os

pd = pokitdok.api.connect(os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID'], os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET'])
pd.fetch_access_token(code='<code value received via redirect>')

Your application may now access scope protected APIs on behalf of the user that authorized the request. Be sure to retain the token information to ensure you can easily request an access token when you need it without going back through the authorization code grant redirect flow. If you don't retain the token information or the user revokes your authorization, you'll need to go back through the authorization process to get a new access token for scope protected APIs.

Check SSL protocol and cipher

import pokitdok
import os

pd = pokitdok.api.connect(os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_ID'], os.environ['POKITDOK_CLIENT_SECRET'])
pd.request('/ssl/', method='get')

Jupyter Notebooks

We have a notebook available for you to use that demos how to use our APIs. To use that notebook, you will need to execute these commands from a terminal to then have access to the PlatformQuickStartDemo.ipynb notebook within a browser window.

$ pip install jupyter
$ cd notebooks/
$ jupyter notebook

Supported Python Versions

This library is tested within the [official Docker images]( for the following Python versions:

  • 2.7
  • 3.2
  • 3.3
  • 3.4
  • 3.5
  • pypy:2-5.6.0

If you already have docker, you can run the tests yourself via docker by running the testing script included in this repository:

$ sh

To use the testing process, you will need to drop your client_id and client_secret in a file called env.list with the structure:


You may have luck with other interpreters - let us know how it goes.


Copyright (c) 2014 PokitDok, Inc. See LICENSE for details.


PokitDok Platform API Client for Python







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  • Python 68.5%
  • Jupyter Notebook 30.8%
  • Shell 0.7%