Fluor patch-2
Patch installation, fix errors in AP demo doctype, improvements
Just run
cd /var/www/Incipio
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v2.1.2
docker-compose exec web composer clear-cache-prod
docker-compose restart web # to reset permissions on cache
# Be sure to regularly update your server: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Modifications since Jeyser 2.1.1 (Anti-chronological order)
- Fix errors on AP demo doctype
- Improve code consistency & quality (remove unused code and files, use php-cs-fixer for a consistent code style among the whole application ...)
- Add constraints on Poste creation (no more 500 errors because of a null description field)
- UI consistency for AP and CC form
- Creation and modification dates are not overrided if already set. (no influence on your business, will be useful for devs)
- Repair command to create demo data
- Add a script to fully reload database (useful for devs)
- Fix errors on parameters view
- Put text in translation files for PersonneBundle
- Rework errors pages and use the technical contact for support mail
- Improve responsive design on prospect view
- Slash in Etude names are now forbidden
- Add new URSSAf cotisation rate (impact only new installations of Jeyser)
Note Thank you Olivier-R and M-Gate for your contributions 👍